Name / Dates / Chair(s)First Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / November 15-17, 1963 / J. B. Cruz, Jr.
Second Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / September 28-30, 1964 / W. R. Perkins
Third Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 20-22, 1965 / M. E. VanValkenburg
Fourth Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 5-7, 1966 / William R. Perkins
J. B. Cruz, Jr.
Fifth Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 4-6, 1967 / J. B. Cruz, Jr.
T. N. Trick
Sixth Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 2-4, 1968 / T. N. Trick
R. T. Chien
Seventh Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 8-10, 1969 / A. H. Haddad
G. Metze
T. N. Trick
Eighth Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 7-9, 1970 / A. H. Haddad
B. C. Kuo
G. Metze
Ninth Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 6-8, 1971 / J. B. Cruz, Jr.
A. H. Haddad
Tenth Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 4-6, 1972 / J. B. Cruz, Jr.
C. L. Chen
Eleventh Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 3-5, 1973 / W. R. Perkins
P. V. Kokotovic
Twelfth Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 2-4, 1974 / P. V. Kokotovic
E. S. Davidson
Thirteenth Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / October 1-3, 1975 / E. S. Davidson
T. N. Trick
Fourteenth Annual Allerton Conference
on Circuit and System Theory / September 29-October 1, 1976 / T. N. Trick
M. E. VanValkenburg
Fifteenth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 28-30, 1977 / F. P. Preparata
M. B. Pursley
Sixteenth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 4-6, 1978 / M. B. Pursley
J. B. Cruz, Jr.
Seventeenth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 10-12, 1979 / J. B. Cruz, Jr.
F. P. Preparata
Eighteenth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 8-10, 1980 / D. V. Sarwate
W. R. Perkins
Nineteenth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 30-October 2, 1981 / W. K. Jenkins
D. V. Sarwate
Twentieth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 6-8, 1982 / H. V. Poor
W. K. Jenkins
Name / Dates / Chair(s)
Twenty-First Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 5-7, 1983 / Tamer Başar
Donna J. Brown
H. Vincent Poor
Twenty-Second Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 3-5, 1984 / David C. Munson, Jr.
Tamer Başar
Twenty-Third Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 2-4, 1985 / Bruce Hajek
David C. Munson, Jr.
Twenty-Fourth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 1-3, 1986 / Michael C. Loui
Juraj V. Medanic
Twenty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 30-October 2, 1987 / P. R. Kumar
Michael C. Loui
Twenty-Sixth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 28-30, 1988 / Mark W. Spong
Bruce Hajek
Twenty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 27-29, 1989 / Juraj V. Medanic
P. R. Kumar
Twenty-Eighth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 3-5, 1990 / Donna J. Brown
Kameshwar R. Poolla
Twenty-Ninth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 2-4, 1991 / George Cybenko
C. Polychronopoulos
Thirtieth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 30-October 2, 1992 / Paul Van Dooren
Mark W. Spong
Thirty-First Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 29-October 1, 1993 / Dilip V. Sarwate
Paul Van Dooren
Thirty-Second Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 28-30, 1994 / W. Kenneth Jenkins
Dilip V. Sarwate
Thirty-Third Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 4-6, 1995 / Sean Meyn
Ken Zeger
Thirty-Fourth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 2-4, 1996 / Sean P. Meyn
W. Kenneth Jenkins
Thirty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 29-October 1, 1997 / Tamer Başar
Alexander Vardy
Thirty-Sixth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 23-25, 1998 / Tamer Başar
Bruce Hajek
Thirty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 22-24, 1999 / Bruce Hajek
R.S. Sreenivas
Thirty-Eighth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 4-6, 2000 / R.S. Sreenivas
Douglas L. Jones
Thirty-Ninth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 3-5, 2001 / Douglas L. Jones
Petros G. Voulgaris
Fortieth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 2-4, 2002 / Petros G. Voulgaris
R. Srikant
Forty-First Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 1-3, 2003 / R. Srikant
Venu V. Veeravalli
Forty-Second Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 29 – October 1, 2004 / Venu V. Veeravalli
G. Dullerud
Forty-Third Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 28 – 30, 2005 / G. Dullerud
A. Singer
Forty-Fourth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 27-29, 2006 / A. Singer
C. Hadjicostis
Forty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 26-28, 2007 / C. Hadjicostis
P. Moulin
Forty-Sixth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 24-26, 2008 / P. Moulin
C. Beck
Forty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 30-October 2, 2009 / C. Beck
P. Viswanath
Forty-Eighth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 29-October 1, 2010 / P. Viswanath
S. Meyn
Forty-Ninth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 28-30, 2011 / S. Meyn
B. Hajek
Fiftieth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 1-5, 2012 / B. Hajek
T. Başar
Fifty-First Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / October 2-4, 2013 / T. Başar
O. Milenkovic
Fifty-Second Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 30-October 3, 2014 / O. Milenkovic
A. Nedich
Fifty-Third Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing / September 29-October 2, 2015 / A. Nedich
M. Do