Housing Industry Site Safety ‘Subby’ Pack (HISSP)

Submission Checklist
# / Items # 1-14 must be completed for all Contractor/Supplier submissions / Tick When
1.  / Contractor Questionnaire – Please complete fully, date & sign
2.  / WHS FORM 01: Complete fully, date & sign
3.  / WHS FORM 02: Date & sign
4.  / WHS FORM 03: Date & sign x 2 sections
5.  / WHS FORM 04: Please return completed example.
6.  / WHS FORM 05: Please complete – All workers must sign declaration
7.  / WHS FORM 06: Please return completed example, signed by attending employees
8.  / WHS FORM 07: Complete for all employees
9.  / WHS FORM 08: List all plant & equipment used
10.  / WHS FORM 09: List all electrical equipment or copy of recent tagging register
11.  / WHS FORM 10: List all hazardous substances used
12.  / Subcontractor Statement completed
Additional documents required
13.  / Copies of all Insurance Certificates of Currency
14.  / Copies of all workers Workcover General Induction ‘White’ Cards
Additional documents required if applicable
15.  / Copy of current Contractor Licence

When all above is completed make two (2) copies of the completed Site Safety Pack:

·  Forward a copy to McDonald Jones Homes (MDJH), principal contractor, for review. Please keep your original on file.

·  Keep the 2nd Site Safety Pack with you when you go to site each day.

·  Update the information in the WHS Forms if anything changes i.e. SWMS, registers etc

Please note:

This pack must be reviewed, updated and submitted annually including any updated certificates of currency on renewal. You will receive a letter of notification when these documents are due. Failure to supply in a timely manner may cause delays in processing payments and issuing purchasing / work orders to you.

February 2012

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Housing Industry Site Safety ‘Subby’ Pack (HISSP)

Within this pack you will find all the documents and requirements you will need to provide to McDonald Jones Homes prior to being able to commence work on site.

Once you have submitted all the relevant documents, you will need to make an appointment with WHS Department to be Company Inducted by the WHS Manager, Contractor Administrator or Site Supervisor.

A mutual appointment needs to be arranged to undertake a MDJH Company Induction either at MDJH offices or at an acceptable place of work. This process should take no more than 30 – 40 minutes. These appointments can also be made either early in the day 6 - 7am or late afternoon to assist minimal disruption to your workflow.

Prior to the Induction the Subby Pack will need to be returned to McDonald Jones Homes for WHS Administrator to review.

If all documents are correct and current then on completion of Induction you will be issued with a McDonald Jones Homes Induction Card.

Any missing documents will need to be provided within 1 week; failure to do so will result in not being able to commence work on site or may seriously disrupt your future payments if you are an existing contractor.


1.  MDJH Your Checklist of WHS Requirements

·  Example of internal SWMS Checklist

2.  Sub – Contractor Questionnaire

3.  Housing Industry Site Safety Pack (HISSP)

4.  Subcontractors Statement Declaration Form

If you require any further assistance – please contact WHS Administrator on 4918 2241.

Your Checklist of WHS Compliance Requirements

Forms / Safety Plan (HISSP) contains completed documentation as below? / Yes / No
1.  / Sub-contractors Questionnaire - Ensure completed correctly?
2.  / Organisation Details – Form1 completed, signed & dated?
·  Supply current copies of all Certificates of Currency
o  Public Liability
o  Workers Compensation
Sickness & Accident (if applicable)
·  Copy of Licenses (Trade Licenses if applicable issued by DFT)
3.  / Occupational Health & Safety Policy – Signed & dated?
4.  / Roles & Responsibilities – Signed & dated?
5.  / Site-Specific Risk Assessment (SSRA)
·  Provide a completed example of your SSRA to be submitted with your relevant invoices
6.  / Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
·  Completed correctly
·  Signed by all employers
·  Copies of all Construction Induction cards
See example of MDJH SWMS checklist page 3
7.  / Record of Tool Box Talk - Provide a completed example?
8.  / Employee Training Register – Training Identified?
9.  / Plant & Equipment Register – Example date/s details provided?
10.  / Electrical Equipment Register
·  Provide recent tagging inspection dates
11.  / Hazardous Substance Register (MSDS)
·  Ensure products used are listed in SWMS and
·  If possible provide MSDS of product/s used
12.  / Housing Industry Site Safety Pack - Ensure completed correctly as above checklist?
13.  / Subcontractors Statement Declaration Form - Ensure completed correctly?

Please note:

Contractors must have a copy of the above documentation available on site (i.e. in your ute or truck) for inspection by Construction Management and WorkCover Inspectors.

All the above can be found in the Housing Industry Site Safety Pack which can be found at the following link; http://www.workcover.nsw.gov.au/Documents/Publications/Industry/Construction/housing_industry_site_safety_pack_5723.pdf

This document is the preferred document for McDonald Jones Homes, however is you have a document that covers all the above, McDonald Jones Homes will review and advise.

If you require further assistance – please contact WHS Administrator on 4918 2241.

Business or trading name
(Please attach copy of business registration)
ACN/ABN / Number of employees
Scope of works
(Attach copies of Certificates of currency) / Company / Policy Number / Limit per claim / Limit year / Expiry date
Workers compensation
Public Liability
Professional indemnity
Sickness & accident
Contract license number
Name of director or manager
Business address
Telephone / Mobile
Facsimile / Email
Person for managing WHS on site / Contact details
We do/do not intend to subcontract all or part of the works.
If engaged, the sub-subcontractors intended to be used on this site are:
Business / Contact details
We shall ensure that the above subcontractors provide an SWMS for their specialised work & shall review & amend the SWMS as appropriate
Signed (Director or Manager) / Date


The authors of the Housing Industry Site Safety Pack (the Site Safety Pack) expressly disclaim any and all liability and responsibility to any person in respect of anything, or the consequence of anything, done or omitted by any person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, upon the whole or any part of this document.

Duty of Care

As a contractor you have a duty of care to review work areas and activities to ensure your safety and that of others. The Site Safety Pack is not intended to be a substitute for specific legal advice, but to provide guidance to enable you to manage your occupational health and safety (WHS) in a systematic manner. You may need to develop additional information, taking into account the circumstances specific to site conditions, trade interface, client requirements and individual company policies and procedures.

All WHS documents should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes to legislation, codes of practice, Australian Standards and organisational policies and procedures.


The Site Safety Pack has been developed by the following residential construction industry partners:

·  Housing Industry Association (HIA)

·  Housing Industry Consultative Committee (HICC) representatives:

o  ATF Hire Group

o  Australand

o  Clarendon Residential Group

o  Masterton Homes

o  Mirvac Homes

o  Master Builders Association (MBA)

o  WorkCover NSW.


We have developed the Site Safety Pack to assist small businesses (0-10 employees) working in the residential construction sector.

The Site Safety Pack provides a framework for you to meet your main WHS legal responsibilities. Byfollowing this guidance you will be better placed to ensure a safe construction site.

Authorities, clients and principal contractors may require evidence of your WHS system. Ifyou use the Site Safety Pack as directed, you will be able to produce the necessary documents.

How to Complete this Document / 1
Your Checklist of WHS Compliance Requirements / 3
Example of MDJH SWMS Checklist / 4
WHS Form 01: Organisation details / 5
Disclaimer, Duty of Care & Acknowledgment / 6
Introduction / 6
Contents Page / 7
MDJH Contractor Questionnaire / 8
WHS Form 02: Occupational Health & Safety Policy / 10
WHS Form 03: Roles and Responsibilities / 11
Consultation and Communication / 12
Risk Management / 13
Safe Work Method Statement – Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control / 14
Training / 15
Plant and Equipment / 16
Electrical / 16
Hazardous Substances / 16
Hazard Reporting / 17
Injury and Incident Investigation / 17
WHS Form 04: Site Specific Risk Assessment (SSRA) / 18
WHS Form 05: Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) / 20
WHS Form 06: Record of Tool Box Talk / 30
WHS Form 07: Employee Training Register / 32
WHS Form 08: Plant & Equipment Register / 33
WHS Form 09: Electrical Equipment Register / 34
WHS Form 10: Hazardous Substance Register and Risk Assessment / 35
WHS Form 11: Incident and Injury Report / 36
Subcontractors Statement of Declaration & Notes

Contractor Questionnaire

(Required to be completed & sent to MDJH Annually)

1.  Full Trading Name:
2.  Address:
3.  Phone Number:
4.  ABN Number……………………………………………………………………
Company Trust ACN Number.…………………………………………………………………..
Sole Trader Partnership Please note: Accident and Illness insurance is compulsory for Sole Traders and all working partners of Partnerships (Please attach certificate of currency)
5.  Nature of Services Provided:
Do you supply your own tools and materials? Yes No
6.  If yes to Q6, brief description of tools and materials:
7.  Is the supply of labour involved with the operation of machinery or the delivery of goods?
For example Bobcat, Backhoe, Tipper bins? Yes No
8.  Have you been engaged by McDonald Jones Homes for less than 90 days in the past year?
(Any part day counts as a whole)? Yes No
9.  Do you contract with principals other than McDonald Jones Homes? Yes No
10. .Do you employ people other than directors, partners? Yes No – go to question 13
11. How many people employees?
12. Are staffs employed full-time or part-time? Full-time / Part-time
Controlled Document / Version 3 / Issue Date: February 2012
Contractor Questionnaire / Page 1 of 2 / Issued by: LM/Contractor Administrator
13. Do you sub-contract any of the services you provide to McDonald Jones Homes?
Yes – go to question 14 No – go to question 15
14. Please list names and contact details of all subcontractors.
15. Have all your employees/subcontractors who work on McDonald Jones Homes Construction Sites been issued with a McDonald Jones Company Induction card? Yes No
Is your business registered for payroll tax? Yes No
If Yes, please provide the state in which you are registered and the number:
State ……………………………………..Registration Number………………………………………………………
Do you have a Contractor’s License issued by the department of Fair Trading? Yes No
If yes, please attach a copy. Please note: a must be provided before you commence work on any of our work sites.
Print Name: Signature:
Controlled Document / Version 3 / Issue Date: February 2012
Contractor Questionnaire / Page 1 of 2 / Issued by: LM/Contractor Administrator


We believe that the well-being of people employed at work, or people affected by our work, is a priority and must be considered during all work performed on our behalf.

People are our most important asset and occupational health and safety (WHS) is everyone’s responsibility. The safety of the public is given equal priority to that of our employees.

The objectives of this policy are to, as far as reasonably practicable: -

·  achieve a safe and incident free workplace

·  consider WHS in project planning and work activities

·  involve employees and subcontractors in the decision-making process through regular communication and consultation

·  encourage employees and subcontractors to identify and control risks in the workplace

·  monitor and review the elimination or control of potential risks

·  enhance employees’ WHS knowledge through a program of education and training.

The success of our WHS management depends on:

·  the commitment of all persons to achieving the policy objectives

·  planning work activities with due consideration given to WHS

·  undertaking the risk management process in an effective manner

·  promoting communication between employees and subcontractors.

We are committed to fulfilling the objectives of this policy and expect the same of all employees and subcontractors working on our behalf.

______Date: ____/____/____

Name and position (print) Signature


The owner/director/manager (delete as appropriate), ______ has overall responsibility for the safe conduct of all work activities carried out on behalf of the business.

The roles and responsibilities of employees are listed below.

The owner/director/manager is responsible for WHS on the project. Duties include:
·  implementing the WHS procedures
·  observing all legal WHS requirements
·  ensuring that all works are conducted in a manner without risk to employees’ WHS
·  planning to do all work safely
·  participating in the planning and design stages of trade activities
·  identifying WHS training required for an activity
·  ensuring workers undertake identified WHS training
·  communicating and consulting with employees
·  investigating hazard reports and ensuring that corrective actions are undertaken
·  assisting in rehabilitation and return to work initiatives.
Signed by: / Date:
The supervisor or leading hand is responsible for operational safety on the project. Duties include:
·  making decisions about WHS that may affect work activities and/or others
·  ensuring legal WHS requirements are met in the workplace
·  actioning safety reports and carrying out workplace inspections
·  facilitating the preparation of SWMS (including those for trades)
·  ensuring safe work practices at all times
·  conducting project inductions, toolbox talks and daily team briefings
·  participating in accident or incident investigations
·  leading by example and promoting WHS at every opportunity
·  supervising and ensuring compliance with safe work procedures.
Signed by: / Date:
Every individual employee is responsible for:
·  conducting their allocated tasks in a safe manner and in accordance with their training and experience
·  giving due consideration to the safety of all others
·  co-operating in matters of WHS
·  leaving their work site in a safe condition
·  complying with the SWMS and is encouraged to participate in the development of all SWMS
·  complying with the site safety rules (including those set down by the principal contractor) in the site induction.
Promote active participation of all employees in WHS decisions.
Consult with employees and give them the opportunity, encouragement and training to be involved in WHS matters affecting the organisation and their own work.
Matters for consultation may include:
·  hazard and risk identification
·  control measures for managing hazards and risks
·  the development of safe work method statements or risk assessments
·  site induction
·  changes to site conditions
·  emergency procedures, covering:
o  emergency contact details (including emergency services)
o  the location of a first aid kit
o  emergency assembly points.
Record consultation and communication using:
·  the record of toolbox talk (see WHS form 06)
·  a site diary
·  any documents clearly recording WHS meeting minutes.
Consultation records should include at least the following information:
·  date
·  location or workplace
·  names and signatures of people present and consulted
·  items or issues raised
·  corrective actions to be undertaken and the people responsible for implementing those actions.
Hazards versus risks
Hazards are different to risks.
A hazard has the potential to cause harm. This can include substances, plant, work processes and/or other aspects of the work environment.
A risk is the likelihood that death, injury or illness might result because of a hazard.
Risk management cycle
WHS laws require anyone in control of a workplace or a workplace activity to identify any potential hazards, assess the risks associated with those hazards and (if necessary) implement control measures to eliminate or minimise the risks.
All persons must have an understanding of the five-step risk assessment process. Incorporate the five steps into all work activities. If any persons are concerned with the control measures used in a workplace activity, they should bring this to the attention of their direct manager.

Step 1: Identify hazard
Hazards should be assessed by any person undertaking a work activity. When assessing what is a hazard, consider: the work environment such as height or confined spaces, substances such as chemicals, plant and equipment, energy such as electricity, gas or induced heat, manual handling, noise, etc. Assess all identified hazards on their ownmerit.
Step 2: Assess risk
Once a hazard has been identified, determine how serious the risk is. Do this by assessing the likelihood of an event happening and the consequence should the event occur.

Table 1: Assessing the risk