M. Ross


Period 1 & 2

The Book of Me Scrapbook!!!

Ten Week Project

For the next 10 weeks of this class, you will be working on a scrapbook that tells about you. The creative piece of the project will be completed at home. In class we will complete the journal entries needed in order to complete the creative piece. A successful scrapbook will follow the guidelines below:

- The scrapbook will be in a 1 to 2 inch binder OR a scrapbook album (10 pts)

- There cover of the binder will be decorated in some way & have a full heading (10 pts)

- There will be a minimum of 10 pages in your scrapbook. (10 pts ea)

(This means you will complete about 1 scrapbook page per week.)

- Each scrapbook page will be completed on scrapbook paper, computer paper, or

construction paper. (If you us construction paper, it MUST be cut to the proper size so

that it will fit into the page protector.)

- The paper may be a solid color or patterned. For the best effect, you should use a

combination of both.

(HINT: When you use a dark color of paper or a patterned paper, you MUST attach a

sheet of white or light paper on which you can write your journal. DO NOT: use

lined notebook paper.)

- NO PENCIL allowed on the final draft!!! The point breakdown for each page is listed below.

  • Each page will be inserted into a page protector………………………1 point
  • Each page will have a title……………………………………………..2 points
  • Each page will somehow incorporate a journal entry from class………5 points
  • Each page will have a photograph or picture/image on it……………...2 points

Below are the journal prompts from which you will create your scrapbook pages. We will write about ALL of these prompts in class. You will use only 10 of your classroom journals entries in your scrapbook. There are 5 journal entries that MUST be included in your scrapbook. Those are in bold print. You may choose the other five from this list (or from other journal prompts that we write about in class).

  • “What kind of a child was I?” – Have a parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle write a letter to you telling you what kind of a child you were.
  • “A Day to Remember” – What day would you like to relive over and over again?
  • “Happy Holidays” – Many people have a favorite holiday, story or experience that they love to share. What is yours?
  • “Friendship” – What have you learned from your friends?
  • “My Friends” – What do your friends like about you? Ask one or two friends to write you a letter telling you their favorite things about you, first and current impressions of you, what they have learned rom you, what they admire about you.
  • “When I grow up” – What do you want to be when you grow up? Think about different possibilities and why you would like to consider them. What is involved in each job?
  • “I Admire…” – Consider a person you admire. What is it that you admire? What qualities do you wish to incorporate into your own life?
  • “My Values” – Possible core values: creativity, development of talents, empowerment, encouragement, excellence, fairness, faith, friends or friendship, growth, honesty and integrity, love, patience, perseverance, service, trustworthiness.
  • “The hardest thing I’ve ever done” – What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
  • “Changes” – Complete this statement: “I need to change…”
  • “Fears” – What have you missed out on simply because you were too afraid of what others would think if you stepped away from them?
  • “Juggling” – We have many different roles and many different responsibilities. What are the different things in your life that you are juggling?
  • “25 Things” – Make a list of 25 things to do in your lifetime. These can be practical and attainable, or fanciful and unrealistic. Consider including dreams that you have already accomplished – that’s one you can cross off your list right now!
  • “Background” – What is your cultural/ethnic background? How is it important to you?
  • “I am Good at…” – Complete this sentence: I am good at…
  • “Laughter” – What makes you laugh?
  • “Top Ten Ways to Make My Day” – What are the top ten ways someone can make your day?
  • “Top Ten Things I Like About Me” – What are the ten things you like best about yourself?
  • “Books and Movies” – What books and movies have influenced you? How?
  • “Goals” – Name at least ONE goal that you would like to accomplish THIS SCHOOL YEAR. You may list more than one if you desire. Then write about what it will take for you to accomplish this goal.
  • “My Favorite Things”- Make a list of 12 of your favorite things. Why are they your favorites?

The project will be due on Monday, October 8, 2012. It will be worth 120 points. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO DO THIS PROJECT, YOU WILL RECEIVE A MAXIMUM OF A “D” IN THIS COURSE. If you choose to hand it in on or before Friday, October 5, 2012, you will receive 25 points of Extra Credit. Good luck, be creative, and have fun!


I have read “The Book of Me” Scrapbook assignment for Ms. Ross’ Explorations class. I understand that most of this will need to be completed at home and that if the project is not handed in by Monday, October 8, 2012 it will result in a grade of a “D” or an “F” in the course.





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