Dover Select Board August 7, 2012

Regular Meeting Minutes Dover Town Office

these minutes are not official as they have not been approved by the dover select board

Select Board Meeting called to order by Chair Linda Holland at 6:30 P.M.

Select Board Members Present: Linda Holland, Victoria Capitani, William“Buzzy” Buswell, & Randall Terk

Also Present:Recording Secretary Jeannette Eckert

Absent: Assistant Nona Monis

Public: Eddie Barber, Adam Levine, Ken & Joan Black, Jim & Judy McDevitt, Bob Holland, Linda Anelli, Mike Eldred, Christian Helmstetter, Richard Werner

Chair Linda Holland requested a moment of silence in honor of Town Moderator, Richard Kaufman who passed away on August 6th. The Board extends its sincere sympathy to the Kaufman family and will offer condolences according to the family’s wishes.

  1. Public Comments:

Linda Anelli: Echoed Chair Holland’s thoughts on the passing of Dick Kaufman. “Dick was the personification of volunteerism anddedication to the Town of Dover.” The town will not be the same without him.

Christian Helmstetter: Still waiting on Kelly Pawlak’s report on internet hits from the advertising campaign; the Town has spent $100,000 on advertising and has no report on the subject

Ken Black made contact with Kelly Pawlak several weeks ago and she requested a statement from the Board indicating interest in viewing the report, if so desired.

Linda Holland: No concrete answers can come from it. After that advertising, we had the best quarter we had ever had. We are satisfied with the marketing effort.

Victoria Capitani: The Board has voted not to engage in this matter any further.

  1. Fire Department: Rich Werner

A.Tanker Fire Truck Refurbishing Specifications: Requests permission to send out bids to be back before the first meeting in September; usually a two to three month process to refurbish; not concerned with getting it back before the holidays as East Dover & other neighboring towns have tankers that can be used if needed

On a motion by Buzzy Buswell, seconded by Victoria Capitani, the Board agreed to the refurbishing specifications

Buzzy Buswell: Requested an update on the ladder truck

Rich Werner: Not completely satisfied with the ladder truck repairs as some problems still existed when it came back but it is functioning properly now

B.Secretary Resignation: Roberta Carey has resigned; would like to look in-house to cover the position’s needs: alarm coverage, officer’s meeting minutes for bi-monthly meetings;Werner will update the Board with applicants in the near future.

Linda Holland: Six false fire alarms in July; fines collected for these?

Rich Werner: No one has exceeded their limits but some fines have been collected & it has made a difference

Two more firemen completed firefighter training classes; every year we seem to get 2-4 people taking the Firefighter One course; huge commitment to complete

Two large fires recently, one at Snow Lake for possible fire in elevator shaft& a lightning strike in West Dover —very impressed with the smoothness of the calls & commended the crews’ skill in handling the calls; Rich thanked the Board for its support as well

Firehouse painting is completed; perhaps should consider doing it more often to maintain its upkeep

  1. Highway Department: Bob Holland

FYI: Costs for Pumps at Highway Garage ($7,596.00): Received one bid from Beardsley, Inc. whom he has worked with before; also had estimate fromSandriin the amount of $16,000; bid is for both a gas pump and diesel pump; tanks are underground.

On a motion by Buzzy Buswell, seconded by Randall Terk, the Board unanimously approvedThe Beardsley, Inc. bid not to exceed $7,596.00

  1. Economic Development: Ken Black (see attached approved budget & business plan)

A.Dover Marketing Update: Payments for quarter two for those businesses who participated in the Dover Advertising Support Program (DASP)--six businesses have not put in requests for their money, nine have submitted requests and received their money; most folks underestimated their actual rebates. 25% given out, carried over almost $1,000 into the next quarter; had to chase some people to turn in their invoices; there is no deadline for collecting this money

Victoria Capitani: Appreciates Ken’s following up with these businesses but feels going forward it is not his job to do so

Small correction to note: Mothers for daughters—did receive their December report

WI FI hotpots: Free equipment was provided as part of the town’s grant from E-VT; both Ken & E-VT are finding it difficult to get in touch with the company who provided them—may be out of business; hardware repeaters and cloud controller, seeking to interface with other equipment& will be able to work around the issues.The zone works perfectly; it is the splash page that is causing the issues

Randall Terk: Is E-VT going to replace them? Ken does not believe that will happen but he will continue to work with E-VT

Buzzy Buswell: Cost to Town of Dover? Minimal cost of $200-300 for domain names

Cell phone service thru AT&T, glitch along Route 100 was corrected

Fairpoint update on service—229 households hooked up,520 households cannot hook up to it; based on these statistics, the investment expended in East Dover is worthwhile; concerns over Brattleboro Reformer article about service to Stratton, Halifax. It is being provided at no cost because it waspart of the original funding program mechanism; this will be a 3 year process; Fairpoint did offer an introductory rate for the first year of service to Dover residents

Randall Terk: Introductory rate may be what they always offer to new signups.

The meeting Wed night at Town Hall regarding landscape plan will have more information and address feedback from residents

Buzzy Buswell: Clarification: budget & business plan that was approved is attached to these minutes

B.FYI: Updates

  1. New Business

A.Errors & Omissions for TU003 (19 Turner Road) from $744,740.00 to

$714,860.00) owned by Longmeadow Farm, LLC

This was increased this year when the apartment over the garage was included. The value with this additional information came to $755,740.00. The property was remeasured and recalculated to a new value of $714,860.00

The Listers have reappraised this property accordingly and request the Board to accept the correction

On a motion by Randall Terk, seconded by Buzzy Buswell, the Board unanimously approved the errors & omissions


Town Hall Wood Floor Refinishing

Received bids from the following: Sabin Flooring @ $2,951.00, Walsh Enterprises @ $3,100.00, Gary Dix Floor Service @ $3,150.00; Joe Dhembe Flooring @ $3,246.75 Northern Lights Restoration @ $9,189.38

Sabin, Walsh, & Dix are all in line with the Town’s budget for floor refinishing

Randall Terk: Other than the figures, what information do we have on these bidders?

Linda Holland & Linda Anelli: Would recommend either Sabin, Dix or Dhembe as they have both received excellent service from these providers

On a motion by Victoria Capitani, seconded by Randall Terk, the Board unanimously approved Sabin Flooring of West Wardsboro to do the hard wood floor refinishing at a cost of $2,951.00

Cleaning Bids for Town Buildings

Received bids from the following: Home Sweet Home Cleaning @ $14,050.00

Deborah Kalita @ $5,280.00,Ma’s Sparkling Clean @ $9,700.00 & Walsh Enterprises @ $37,425.00

Randall Terk: Was request for employer insurance& tax information gathered?

Victoria Capitani: Any background information on these people? Believes a decision needs to be made tonight as cleaning has not been done for quite some time.

Buzzy Buswell: Home Sweet Home is in line with the Town’s budget for cleaning

The cleaning specifications include the four Town buildings: Police Dept. on a bi-weekly and yearly basis; Town Office on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis; West Dover Firehouse on a monthly basis; and Town Hall on a quarterly and yearly basis

On a motion by Buzzy Buswell, seconded by Victoria Capitani, the Board unanimously accepted Home Sweet Home Cleaning of Whitingham’s bid in the amount of $14,050.00on the condition that security clearance and appropriate insurance & tax informationis submitted

  1. Unfinished Business

A.Payment Authorization for Minuteman Press in the amount of $75.88 for

Civil War Military Prints from the Restoration of Records

Request from Town Clerk Andy McLean to authorize payment with the Board’s signatures—the Board agreed to sign off on the previously authorized payment

11 x 17 copies are currently available at the Town Office and the Dover Historical Society will also have them available for purchase at various events including Dover Day and the October Open House; selling price has not yet been determined

Linda Anelli: On the same note, an article in the Brattleboro Reformer stated that the Historical Society has received a grant in excess of $5,000 to do the needed restoration to its building

  1. Consent Agenda
  1. Approve Warrants for July 7, 2012 for $87,116.50, July 14, 2012 for $578,100.28, July 21, 2012 for 293,527.17, July 31, 2012 for $55,648.94 and August 4, 2012 for $69,988.00

On a motion by Buzzy Buswell, seconded by Randall Terk, the Board unanimously approved the warrants for July 7, July 14, July 21, July 31 and August 4, 2012

  1. Approve Minutes from July 17, 2012

On a motion by Randall Terk, seconded by Victoria Capitani, the Board unanimously approved the minutes as corrected

  1. Liaison Updates
  1. FYI

A.VLCT Town Fair—Thursday, October 4thin Essex Junction, VT

B.Act 250 Permits—Coldbrook Fire District


On a motion by Randall Terk, seconded by Victoria Capitani, the Board unanimously agreed to adjourn at 7:25pm

Respectfully Submitted by

Jeannette Eckert

Select Board Recording Secretary

Public notices of these minutes have been posted at the following locations:

Dover Town Clerk’s Bulletin Board, Dover Town Meeting Bulletin Board, Dover School

Dover Free Library, East Dover Post Office, Town of Dover Website:


A.PURPOSE. The Selectboard of the Town of Dover is required by law to conduct its meetings in accordance with the Vermont Open Meeting Law. 1 V.S.A. §§ 310-314. Meetings of the Selectboard of the Town of Dover must be open to the public at all times, except as provided in 1 V.S.A. § 313. At such meetings, the public must be afforded reasonable opportunity to give its opinion on matters considered by the Selectboard so long as order is maintained. Such public comment is subject to the reasonable rules established by the chair of the Selectboard. 1 V.S.A. § 312(h).

B.APPLICATION. This policy setting forth rules of procedure for Selectboard meetings shall apply to all regular, special, and emergency meetings of the Town of Dover Selectboard.


1.The chair of the Selectboard, or in the chair’s absence, the vice-chair, shall chair all Selectboard meetings. If both the chair and the vice-chair are absent, a member selected by the board shall chair the meeting.

2.The chair shall rule on all questions of order or procedure and shall enforce these rules as required by 1 V.S.A. § 312(h).

3.A majority of the members of the Selectboard shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum of the members of the Selectboard is not present at a meeting, the only action that may be considered by the Selectboard is a motion to recess or adjourn the meeting.

4.At the beginning of each Selectboard meeting, there shall be 10 minutes afforded for open public comment. By majority vote, the Selectboard may increase the time for open public comment and may adjust the agenda items and times accordingly.

5.Public comment on issues discussed by the Selectboard, if not offered during the open public comment period, may be offered during the meeting with the permission of the chair. Such comment, if permitted, shall be limited to 10 minutes, unless by majority vote, the Selectboard increases the time for public comment.

6.Each Selectboard meeting shall have an agenda, with time allotted for each item of business to be considered by the Selectboard. Those who wish to be added to the meeting agenda shall contact the Selectboard assistant to request inclusion on the agenda. All such inclusions must be submitted no later than 3 p.m. the 3rd business day prior to a meeting.

7.All business shall be conducted in the same order as it appears on the agenda, except that by majority vote of the Selectboard, the order of items to be considered and/or the time allotted may be modified.

8.Motions made by board members require a second. The chair of the Selectboard may make motions and may vote on all questions before the board.

9. There is no limit to the number of times a Selectboard member can speak to a question. A member may speak or make a motion without being recognized by the chair. Motions to close or limit debate will not be entertained.

10.Any Selectboard member may request a roll call vote.

11.Meetings may be recessed to a time and place certain.

12.These rules shall be made available at all meetings, and procedures for public comment shall be reviewed at the beginning of all meetings.

13.These rules may be amended by majority vote of the Selectboard, and must be readopted annually at the organizational meeting.

ADOPTED this day 3 of May 2011

By the Dover Board of Selectmen

Linda Holland, Chair

Randall Terk, Vice Chair

Colby Dix

Dwayne Coneeny

Victoria Capitani

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