Compare the causes and early phases of the industrial revolution in Western Europe and Japan


Causes of Industrialization in Japan

  • government pushed industrialization because they wanted to compete with the more industrialized nations
  • the need to build a more modernized army and navy also caused industrialization
  • Japanese wanted to avoid the Western domination that China had succumbed to
  • Pressure from Western countries to trade with them and fear of being split up into spheres of influence

Causes of Industrialization in Western Europe

  • Western Europe wished to emerge from their single concentration on agriculture
  • They wanted to increase their concern with commerce, trade, exploration, development of new technologies (economic initiatives)
  • Modern industrial revolution began with the search for profit from the manufacture of cotton textiles
  • As the level of imports for cotton increased, enterprising businessmen were looking for ways to produce the cloth in Europe
  • After the early 1600s, the most active country in the India trade was Britain, so they began experimenting new ways to manufacture imported cotton (since the climate was too cold to grow in Europe)

Early Phases of Industrialization in Japan

  • Government banks funded growing trade and provided capital for industry
  • Cities became more crowded with people- new agricultural methods were developed to provide enough food for the growing population in cities
  • Industrialization in Japan took less time than in Western Europe because the government in Japan backed industrialization
  • Private ownership played a role in the growing economy- especially in textile sector
  • Large industrial combines known as zaibatsu were being formed
  • At disadvantage because of lack of resources- forced to import Western equipment and raw materials such as coal
  • Much of the production was based on labor of women who worked from home or in sweat shops and were poorly paid
  • Efforts at protest to poor working conditions were repressed

Early phases of Industrialization in Western Europe

  • Large numbers of people moved off the farms to find work in the cities
  • Overcrowded cities led to unsanitary conditions and small living spaces
  • There were no laws to protect workers so they were often paid very low wages and worked long hours in unsafe conditions
  • Industrial Revolution began in Britain around 1700
  • British cotton textile industry grew – world’s most productive
  • Britain’s railway network became the nation’s principal means of inland transportation and communication
  • Many expelled farmers turned to rural/domestic industry to provide for their family
  • In the 1800s, power looms became one of the most important inventions of the industrial revolution
  • Also, the steam engine was a CRUCIAL development (steam-powered cotton textile mills)
  • Cotton textiles became the most important product of British industries by 1820, making up almost half of the exports