Mission Support Alliance

Statement of Work

Title: MSA Workstation Furniture & Chair purchases

Date: 1/24/2013

Statement of Work for

MSA Workstation Furniture & Chair purchases

Date 1/24/2013

Prepared by: Bernadine Nelson

BTR* / Bernadine Nelson / Bernadine Nelson
Contract Specialist** / Keisha Garcia / Keisha Garcia

* Approval for Technical Content

**Concurrence for Contractibility


The Mission Support Alliance (MSA) provides services and infrastructure in support of the Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office (DOE-RL) clean-up of the Hanford Site, located in Richland, Washington.


MSA requires the services of a small business who will deliver quality, safe, cost effective workstation furniture and chairs in a timely manner.

The subcontractor will sell only MSA preapproved furniture and chairs to MSA employees. The list of preapproved furniture and chairs is attached.


Subcontractor shall:

1.  Develop and maintain an ecommerce web site with on-line ordering capabilities that meet the requirements of the Electronic Commerce Agreement (ECA). Payment method will be via credit card (P-card).

2.  Maintain a web-based catalog that displays MSA pricing, and includes a link to the summary template of the items listed in Attachment III.

3.  Package, label, and deliver items as specified in the Electronic Commerce Agreement (ECA), attachment II

4.  Prepare Company-specific communication materials to facilitate employee awareness of the contract.

5.  Not substitute products without prior approval of the Buyer.

6.  Process level III data credit card charges daily, which includes, but is not limited to, the Buyer’s P-Card Log Number, Line Item Detail and Total Order value.

7.  Provide package labels for MSA warehouse personnel to affix to the box, when delivering 5 or more of the same item.

8.  Provide pricing as described in Attachment C of the ECA.

9.  Provide a customer service representative dedicated to this contract.

10.  Provide electronic on line ordering. Subcontractor will provide a Hanford Furniture web page area within their web ordering space. MSA will link the subcontractor web page to the MSA eStore furniture web page.

11.  Sell only preapproved furniture to MSA employees.



After receipt of order, product will be delivered within 5 weeks.

SIS furniture:

After receipt of order, product will be delivered as soon as possible. MSA understands that the SIS furniture will likely take longer than 5 weeks for delivery.

HAYWORTH furniture: After receipt of order, product will be delivered within 5 weeks.

In order to properly establish and maintain control of personal property that is purchased or requisitioned all products will be delivered to 2355 Stevens whereby a store-keeper will maintain a copy of the requisition or purchase document reflecting the items and quantities ordered/received.

All desks will be delivered preassembled at the standard 29” desk top height unless specified otherwise.

All chairs will be delivered preassembled.



Subcontractor shall participate in all meetings as required by the Contracting Officer. The person or persons designated by the Contractor to attend all meetings shall have all required authority to make decisions and commit Contractor to decisions made during meetings.

MSA and the Contractor will interface only through the Contracting Officer for clarification/questions regarding the contract. For clarification of logistical issues, the Contractor will contact the Buyers Technical Representative (BTR).


5.1  Site Access and Work Hours

The Hanford Site operates on the standard 8/9’s schedule. The standard work day shall consist of nine (9) hours of work between 7:00 AM and 4:30 PM with one-half hour designated as an unpaid period for lunch. An eight (8) hour work day is substituted on alternate working Fridays, and no work occurs on the alternate non-working Friday.

6.0 Deliverables

The Contractor’s website must receive a successful evaluation per the requirements contained in Attachment IV, Website Evaluation Form.

Assuming successful results of the website evaluation, the Contractor shall be ready to implement this program no later than two (2) weeks after the evaluation.

The Buyer reserves the right to amend these dates

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Updated January 24, 2013