Llangiwg Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Llangiwg

New Road Head Teacher

YnysmeudwyMr J. Dodd

SwanseaTelephone/Ffôn: (01792) 863274

SA8 4PJE-mail:

Weekly Class Roundup 30.6.17
Note from the Headteacher
Can I firstly thank everyone for the warm welcome that I have received. The ‘Weekly Class Roundup’ is a way of ensuring that you have an understanding of what has gone in each class during the week. Also, it gives you attendance data and the Stars of the Week. I hope you find it useful. Yesterdays ‘Book Look’ was a success and I hope you enjoyed discussing the pupils work with the pupil and/or teacher.
Please remember that the school productions are next week. Please ensure that you purchase your tickets before the day of the show as there is a limited amount of tickets available for each show.
Well done to the children who participated in the carnival on the weekend. I have been told that you were fantastic.
We have been learning all about Food Glorious Food! We have read the book ‘Oliver’ and have had great fun making vegetable soup, fruit salads and milkshakes. We are now quite good at chopping and cutting carefully. Everyone had a fabulous time in the mud on Thursday and the children enjoyed showing their books. Our youngest nursery pupils are continuing to learn their phonic sounds and blend them to read simple words. Next week we will be finding out about Jack and his Beanstalk. / Dates for the Diary
July 5th – Summer Production Main Hall 2pm.
July 6th – Summer Production Main Hall 5:30pm.
July 12th - Reception-Year 6 Sports Day (weather permitting)
July 13th - Techniquest Science Workshop - KS2
July 13th - End of year Disco 5:30pm - 7pm.
July 14th - Yr 6 Crucial Crew Details to follow
July 20th and 21st INSET Days
September 4th INSET Day
September 5th Children Return to School
Rec / Yr1
In class we have been enjoying measuring with water, finding out which container holds the most (and washing Mrs Thomas’ feet at the same time!!!)
In music we had great fun moving like tortoises and elephants. We listened carefully to the instruments used to represent the very different animals. I wonder what animals we will listen to next week.
On our moving up day we met our new teachers for next year. We have been busy making our faces to decorate the wall outside our classrooms so that everyone can see our smiley faces. / Yr1/2
In class this week, Yr1/2 have been busy learning about data handling. They have been finding out which farm animals are most popular in each year group. In Welsh they have been acting out and performing the Tedi Twt story linked to farm animals and asking and answering questions about how they feel. They have enjoyed spending time in their new classes. The teachers have been learning all about them by completing pupil profiles.
Yr. 3
What a week!
This week we have been very busy in Year 3.
We have finished planning our story based around the traditional tale of Bedd Gelert.
In maths we have been working very hard solving division with remainders.
For Design and Technology we have begun our investigation into pneumatic systems.
Not forgetting the transition days, where you child has had the chance to work with their class teacher for next year when they become Year 4/5.
Please remember to send in your T-shirts ready for the show next week.
Thank you to all those who came and celebrated your child’s work this week. / Yr. 4 / 5
This week, the Year 4/5 pupils have been learning about simple and complex sentences as part of their persuasive text writing. The pupils have completed their ‘Murder Mystery’ challenge, where they had to use their maths skills to identify the killer! In our topic sessions (Mods & Rockers) the pupils have been starting to plan their own Woodstock music festival and researching the artist Roy Lichenstein.
There have been two transition days which have involved the pupils meeting their teacher for next year and completing their one page profiles in preparation for September. The pupils have also continued to work really hard for their end of year production ‘Superstan’.
Yr. 5/6
This week, the Year 5/6 pupils have evaluated their rich task which they completed last week on organising Sports Day. There have been two transition days which have involved our Year 6 pupils visiting Cwmtawe Community School and finding out their classes for the next academic year. Mr Ardolino has received very good feedback from the staff at Cwmtawe, about the behaviour and enthusiasm of the Year 6 pupils. The Year 5 pupils moved up to Year 6 and completed their one page profiles in preparation for September. The pupils have also continued to work really hard for their end of year production. / Seren y Wythnos / Stars of the week
Rec/Yr.1 – Steffan & Narman
Yr. 1 / 2 – Jessica C & Emily
Yr.3 – Rio & Caden
Yr. 4 / 5 - Jack & Finn
Yr. 5 / 6 – (Residential)
Well Done!
Weekly Attendance / Attendance to date
Nur / 95.0 / 90.7
R/1 / 92.0 / 95.5
1/2 / 95.7 / 96.0
3 / 92.8 / 94.5
4/5 / 91.2 / 95.5
5/6 / 92.2 / 93.3
The winner of the weekly attendance award is : Yr. 1 / 2 /