St. Teresa of Avila
First Eucharist Celebration
Retreat: Saturday, April 23, 2015. Our day will begin with 9:00 AM Mass Until 1:00 PM.
(This retreat is for the parent/guardian and the child preparing for First Eucharist.)
First Communion Rehearsal: Friday, May 6, 2016, 6:30pm-8:00pm (immediately following the 6:00 PM Mass). Please sign your child in at the tables that will be located in the Parish Life Center. Children must be picked up at 8:30 pm in the church.
First Eucharist Mass (English): Saturday, May 7, 2015 11:00 AM
Children will need to sign in at the Parish Life Center by 9:00 AM
First Communion Mass (Spanish): If you are opting for your child to receive the Sacrament at the Spanish Mass please let us know. This Mass will be on Sunday May 8th at 2:00 PM
Seating: Seats will be reserved for First Communicants only on each side of the aisle in the front rows of the church. Families will fill in behind these rows.
May Crowning: We would like all of our 1st Communion children to attend the 12:15 Mass on May 8 as we honor Our Blessed Mother. All children are invited to wear their 1st Communion outfits and be part of the procession to begin our Mass. Children will honor our lady with a flowers as they approach the altar.
Dress Code
Children should leave Bibles and Rosaries and Gloves
with their parents during the service.
Communion Fast:
“A person who is to receive the Most Holy Eucharist is to abstain for at least one hour before Holy Communion from any food and drink, except for only water and medication.”
(Code of Canon Law, canon 919)
Please refrain from taking pictures during the celebration of the Mass
Group and individual Pictures will be taken by Rick Milton Photography
Individual pictures will be in the Parish Life Center time TBD
Group Picture (in the church) will be at 10:30 AM