Little Rascals


Welcome Book

Recent Ofsted rating Good


Welcome to our nursery


0114 2340617 (BABY UNIT)

Please ask to speak to-Rebecca Holmes (Manager)

Chloe Spriggs (deputy manager) Linda Harrison (Office assistant)

These are our opening hours and session times

8.00am-10.30am / 10.30am-1.00pm (MONDAY TO FRIDAY)

1.00pm- 3.30pm / 3.30pm- 6.00pm

Full day care is available and a 15% discount is offered on a full time place

(Please see our price list for sessions and full time fees).

Mission statement

Little Rascals mission is to provide high quality care for your child. Our aim is to provide a happy, friendly and homely environment where children can develop into confident individuals in a growing society.

We will teach a non-racist attitudeand expect everyone to be treated as equals.The nursery is committed to an understanding of equality, and as such, does not discriminate against children and their families on any grounds whatsoever. This includes ethnic origin, culture religion, gender, disability, marital status and sexuality. The nursery strives to promote positive images and messages reinforcing the belief that it is possible to live happily with other people in society regardless of any differences in ability, culture, race or religion.

Working together to Safeguard Children

Please tell us if there is any thing in your child’s life that we might need to know about so we can support your child.Things that happen outside nursery can affect your child while they’re with us. Please talk to us about any thing - we may be able to help.

Our nursery will provide

A safe, quality child care and learning environment that meets OFSTED regulations and operates under Safeguarding Children legislation and guidance

While your child is being cared for we will talk to you about anything important that we observe, we also keep regular and accurate records.

If your child moves to another nursery or school we will share any important information with them that will help to support your child’s move. At the end of your child’s time at nursery you will be given your child’s development record to take with you.If your child hasn’t attended for a number of week’s nursery may contact you if we have had no notification. (2 weeks notice is required if you decide to terminate your contract)

We will provide support and assistance when needed.

We will try to deal with any problem you tell us about. All complaints and concerns are dealt with promptly.


Little Rascals nursery proprietor is Mrs Lisa Bolger whom is very activewithin the nursery and works together with the manager whom is responsible for the general running of the nursery. To assist the manager, we have a deputy manager. Keystaff overseegroups of children within the nursery (Each child has their own key person). All the staff mentioned above holds a recognised qualification up to a level 3 standard or above. We also have nursery assistants, and some are currently working towards NVQ level 3 qualifications, nursery assistant’s work alongside key people.

Before your child begins their time at Little Rascals

Before your child starts nursery, we invite you to come and visit the nursery and meet the staff that will be caring for your child. This is an opportunity for you and your child to meet your child’s key worker and join in with play activities. During the visit, we will go through all relevant information you will need to know. This meeting also gives you a chance to ask any queries you may have. If you want your child to start at Little Rascals nursery you will then be asked to complete relevant forms with a member of staff ensuring contact details are obtained, contracts are signed and other relevant forms are completed. We ask you to inform us as soon as possible should there be any changes to addresses, contact numbers and any other details relevant to your child. Please inform us of any other persons collecting your child giving us a brief description of the person or photo along with a password. Children will not be able to be collected unless persons are verified.

We also offer new children settling in sessions before your child’s official start date. We recommend a minimum of a 1 hour play visit, especially for children that are here for full days.

Parents as partners

At Little Rascals, we want parents and carers to be involved with their child’s time at nursery. Parents are encouraged to liaise with nursery staff promoting children’s learning and development. More formal discussions can be arranged with the child’s keyperson to discuss children’s time at nursery and their development. Every child has an individual development record which may include a collection of observations, photographs, and children’s work; all parents are welcome to see their child’s development record at any time. We also encourage all parents to do their own observations at home with their child so these can be put in your child’s record too. (‘At Home’ observation sheets are available from staff).


Please note we are inspected by OFSTED. As inspections are unannounced a notice may be displayed on the door during inspection times. Please use our Nursery as you normally would do on these days however Inspectors often require feedback from parents about the service we offer and may ask you to comment if you have the time to talk. Please ask a member of the management team if you would like a copy of the latest OFSTED report. Reports are also available on the OFSTED website. In the nursery, we have a comments book so please feel free to write in any comments you may have about the nursery and our team.

Policies and procedures

Nursery policies are kept in our officeand the nursery cloak room.Policies include Health and safety/ Child protection/Meeting everyone’s needs/Complaints procedure/Parental involvement/Equal opportunities etc.Should you wish to read any of our policies or reports please ask a member of staff.

Should you wish to make a complaint please speak to staff or management staff for us to deal with any concerns promptly.

Alternatively, you can contact OFSTED

Telephone; 0300 123 4666



Toast, crumpets, pitta bread, fruit, scrambled egg and raisins etc - are provided and served at 8.30am, you may bring your child an alternative if you wish.


Milk is provided -Alternative drinks can be provided if required.


Lunch is served from 11.30-11.45

We ask you to provide a packed lunch for your child(hot foods can be brought in too)

As we try to promote healthy eating we ask if you would try and cut down on sugary and salty snacks.


Snack is served at 2.00pm

Crackers, cheese, fruit, vegetables and foods from around the world etc.


Tea is served at 4.30-4.45pm

We ask you to provide tea for your child.

Drinking water is available always, should your child wish to have a drink.

Milk or water is served at each meal or snack time.You may wish to provide your child with their own drink or cup

(Please put your child’s name on all containers).

What your child will need to bring to nursery

Please bring your child

A full change of clothes, especially if your child is toilet training.

Nappies, wipes and cream if required.

A packed lunch and tea if required.

2 photos - for coat peg and lunch bag.

‘All about me’ and care plan for baby’s sheet given during visit


Food for thought!

And what did you do at nursery today?

‘What did you do at nursery today?’

Well I sat at the dough table and rolled the dough in my hands. Mia said hers was a snake, mine was a worm. The lady talked about long ones and short ones, and fat ones and thin ones, and Mummy, Sarah rolled her dough so long it went right over the end of the table. And no-one said “what are going to make - a cake would be nice”

‘Yes, but then what did you do?

“I played on the climbing frame and, do you know Mummy, I can climb to the top step.”

“Yes, but did you do any thing today?”

‘Sarah and me went to the paint table. It was lovely; all gooey and slippery on our hands, and we made lots of patterns with our fingers and elbows. Sarah had yellow paint and I had red and Mummy, do you know what we rubbed our hands together and it was magic- the paint went orange! And no-one said what a mess you made!’

‘Yes, but what else have you done?’

‘At milk time it was my turn to pour the milk and give the apples out’.

‘And then did you do anything?’

‘I made lovely trailly patterns in the sand and Sarah and I had a race to see who could put the sand in the sand wheel the fastest’

‘But then did you do anything?’

At story time I was tired so I sat on the lady’s knee and the story was about a caterpillar – and do you know what Mummy, caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies!’

‘So, did you do anything today?’

‘We sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Nicholas and counted the candles on his cake’

‘But did you do anything at nursery today?’

‘Yes, when the lady said it was time to tidy up, I quickly painted a picture ‘cos I knew you’d say “What did you do at nursery today?”

(An extract from Nursery World magazine by Sue Heard – Manager)

Free Entitlement Funding

Eligible 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to a maximum of15 hours per week.

Free entitlement funding for up to 38 weeks per year.

A child born on or between / Will become eligible for a free place from / Eligible term for attendance
1st April and 31st August / 1st September following their 3rd birthday / Autumn term
(1st September – 31st December)
1st September – 31st December / 1st January following their third birthday / Spring Term
(1st January – 31st March)
1st January – 31st March / 1st April following their 3rd birthday / Summer Term
(1st April – 31st August)

You will be given a calendar stating the weeks that are funded and non-funded. If your child attends during non-funded hours you will be charged the relevant fee.

What you need to do

  • Choose the relevant days and sessions you require for your child’s funding
  • Bring in prove of your child’s date of birth e.g. birth certificate
  • Fill in the Parent agreement form

2017 fees

Please be aware from January 2017 a charge will apply for early drop offs or late collections. £5/per 15 minutes

Baby unit

1 session =£12.25 11 sessions=134.75

2 sessions =£24.50 12 sessions=147.00

3 sessions= £36.75 13 sessions=£159.25

4 sessions=£49.00 14sessions=£171.50

5sessions =£61.25 15sessions =£183.75

6 sessions=£73.50 16 sessions=£196.00

7 sessions=£85.75 17 sessions=£208.25

8 sessions =£98.00 18 sessions =£220.50

9 sessions=£110.25 19 sessions=£232.75

10 sessions=£122.50

Full time = 20 sessions = £245.00-15% discount = £208.25

Nursery/Toddlers unit

1 session =£12.00 11 sessions=132.00

2 sessions =£24.00 12 sessions=144.00

3 sessions= £36.00 13 sessions=£156.00

4 sessions=£48.00 14sessions=£168.00

5sessions =£60.00 15sessions =£180.00

6 sessions=£72.00 16 sessions=£192.00

7 sessions=£84.00 17 sessions=£204.00

8 sessions =£96.00 18 sessions =£216.00

9 sessions=£108.00 19 sessions=£228.00

10 sessions=£120.00

Full time = 20 sessions = £240.00-15% discount =£204.00

10% discount for NHS employees

Prices will increase January 2018

Sessions times





Fees include breakfast, afternoon snacks, drinks (milk and water)

Nursery staffing

Management Team

Lisa Bolger – Proprietor

Rebecca Holmes- Level 3/ManagerHealth and safety officer, Deputy CPO

Chloe Spriggs-Level 3/Deputy Manager, safeguarding officer, Deputy SENCO

Linda Harrison- Business administrator and HR

Baby unit

Katie Reilly-key person/Level 3

Chloe Davies-Nursery assistant working towards level 3

Toddler unit

Kelly Cox –Key person/Level 3

Cheryl Easter – Key person/Level 3

Samantha Bradley- key person/Level 4

Sam Land-Key person/Level 3


Joanne Richardson-supervisor/Level 3, SENCO, ENCO

Amy Shepherd-Key person/Level 3

Matt Dickinson – Key person/Level 3

Jessica Shaw-Key person/Level 3

Jackie Gibbins – Nursery assistant

Key-person policy

  • A key-person provides the initial point of contact between the child, the parent/carer and the nursery. Each key-person strives to build strong and trusting relationships with each child in their group and with the parents/carers of each child. Parents are encouraged to build positive relationships with their child’s key-person. Key-persons will liaise with parents on a daily basis to provide feedback about their child’s day.
  • The key person will do a 4 week settling in period working with parents and carers to ensure that the child has the best start at nursery
  • Key-persons are assigned a specific group of children. A key-person monitors the progress and development of each child in their allotted group. To achieve this, key-persons regularly observe each child and record the information in children’s individual records.
  • Key-persons are responsible for all children equally within their care and do not show any preferential treatment towards any given child.
  • Interaction between key-persons is encouraged, with shared care when necessary. Key-persons liaise closely when children are ready to progress to the next unit. Transition forms are completed and are passed onto the new key-person. Children move onto the next unit gradually. Key-persons spend time with the children in the unit that they are moving into, so that they can become familiar with the new unit with a familiar person, and start building up a relationship with their new key-person. Children spend an hour at a time at first and then build this up as their confidence grows. When children become confident with their new surroundings and their new key-person then the children will spend time in the unit without the key-person from the previous unit.
  • When children move to a new setting the key-person completes a transition form which is sent to the new setting along with the child’s development records.

What parents using our service should know about what we will do if we have child protection concerns about their child

(Adapted from NCMA model child protection policy

Where our child protection responsibilities come from

The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2012 is the benchmark for good practice in Early Years provision. Services that are registered with Ofsted must meet the EYFS standards.

The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements sets out what early years’ providers must do to safeguard children. It states that: “Providers must have and implement a policy and procedures to safeguard children. These should be in line with the guidance and procedures of the relevant Local Safeguarding Children Board” “Providers must train all staff to understand their safeguarding policy and procedure, and ensure that all staff have up to date knowledge of safeguarding issue”

What our setting means by child abuse

We understand that child abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, neglect or a mixture of these.

Our responsibilities under the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Boards' Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures (2011)

In any situation where we are concerned that a child might be at risk of abuse, our first responsibility and priority is towards the child

If any staff member or volunteer is concerned about a child’s safety or welfare, they must discuss it with the person responsible for running the setting without delay. If necessary, the person responsible for running the setting will implement the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Boards' Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures (2011). Providing it would not put the child at risk of further harm, we will also discuss our concerns with the child’s mother and father /carer

We keep child protection concerns that could identify a particular child confidential and only share them with the people who need to know this information.

Our responsibilities if we have concerns that a child may have been abused

If we notice:

significant changes in children’s behaviour

deterioration in their general well-being

unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse


any comments made which give us cause for concern;

any reasons to suspect neglect or abuse

we will implement the SheffieldSafeguarding Children Boards' Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures (2011) without delay, to minimise any risk to the child.

We will keep a factual record of our concerns, discuss them by telephone with the local Children and Families Services Social Care Area Office, and follow this up in writing within 48 hours.