PE Lessons

By: Emily Tonkin

Lesson One

Grade: 8

Lesson: 1

Curriculum expectation: Perform a variety of locomotor movements, travelling in different directions and using different body parts

Movement Forms: Fitness: Step/Aerobics

Movement Skills: Different Step exercises, coordination and balance

Movement Concepts: Weight

Life Skills: Self Awareness

Equipment: Music and CD player, steppers (one per student) and risers (approximately two for each student), Exit cards and pencils/pens

Specific Learning Objective: After this lesson students will be able to perform a variety of step/aerobic exercises while staying coordinated and maintaining their balance. They will apply the life skill of self awareness by monitoring their heart rate for the optimal rate during exercise. Students will understand how the movement concept of weight applies to a fitness activity such as step/aerobics.

Lesson Plan- Lesson taken from Kimberly Gammage who teaches PEKN 3P13 at Brock University / Teaching Tips
·  Today we will be doing a fitness aerobic activity. We are going to be doing a step class! Some of the benefits of a step class are that it is a high intensity exercise, it is low impact, can increase cardiovascular endurance as well as muscular endurance and flexibility. Our movement concept for today is weight. As you are doing these movements think of how many muscles you have to activate in order to complete the required movements.
·  Our life skill today is self awareness. In order to help us stay aware of how our body reacts to a very high endurance activity, we are going to track our heart rate throughout the session. Does anyone know the proper way to take you heart rate?
- two fingers
- either on your wrist or neck
- count the number of beats you feel for ten seconds and then multiply that by six
·  Before we get started I want to ensure all of you know the proper technique of step. This technique will help us get a better workout and ensure our safety. This technique includes:
- ensure your entire foot is on the step
- maintain a neutral spine (back straight, head and chest up)
- step lightly on step I shouldn’t hear your foot land on the step
- as you step off the stepper ensure you are no more than 1 foot length away from it
·  We are going to start our warm up tasks. This will give you an idea of some of the steps we will be completing throughout the session and get your bodies vigorously warmed up. Follow my directions:
- step touch (2 counts)
- marching (2 counts)
- marching up and down stepper (2 counts)
- grapevine (2 counts)
- toe taps (2 counts)
- heel taps (2 counts) / Complete each set for two to four eight counts depending on the tempo of the movements
Movement Development:
Lesson taken from Kimberley Gammage from Brock University, she teaches PEKN 3P13
Aerobic Routine
·  Basic step (4 counts) with firm side to side arm movement
·  V-step (4 counts) with firm arms completing a V formation in coordination with the V step
·  Over the top (4 counts) with a fine over the head movement of the arms
·  Knee up to corner (ham, leg side, kick, tap, glut) (4 counts) with a firm pull down motion of the arms
·  Hop turn (4 counts) with a fine movement of arms following body movement
·  Lunge (4 counts) with a firm bicep curl movement with the arms
·  Across the top (4 counts)
·  A-step (4 counts) with a firm arm movement coordinating with the A step
·  Step up with forward firm punch (4 counts)
·  Turn step (4 counts) with a fine movement of arms following body movement
·  Side steps with firm sideways kick
·  Straddle up (4 counts)
·  Straddle down (4 counts)
·  Mambo (4 counts) with a fine arm movement such as weaving arms at our sides
·  Repeater 3 (knee, side, ham) (8 counts)
·  L-step (8 counts)
·  Step up with firm forward kick (4 counts)
·  Stomp (2 counts)
·  March, jog (2 counts)
·  V-step (4 counts)
·  Knee, ham curl, leg side, kick, heel (2 counts)
·  Grapevine (4 counts) with fine arm movement, moving from in front to behind the body
·  Step touch (2 counts) while completing a fine arm movement which follows a figure eight pattern
·  Step touch with a firm uppercut punch (2 counts)
·  Mambo (4 counts) with a fine arm movement such as weaving arms at our sides
·  Tap side (2 counts)
·  Shuffle (4 counts)
·  Lunge back (2 counts) with a firm bicep curl movement with the arms
·  Squat (4 counts)
·  Jack, ski (2 counts)
·  Repeater (8 counts)
·  We are going to take our heart rate again to see how it changed from the beginning of the session. Has everyone found their pulse either on your wrist or neck? Ok start counting the beats now. (10 seconds)
·  Ask the students questions such as:
- What happened to your heart rate from the beginning of the warm-up to the end of this step routine?
- Why does your heart rate increase throughout the activity?
- Did anyone’s heart rate not increase?
- What are other situations in which your heart rate increases? / Four counts means four counts of eight.
Incorporate some kickboxing moves into the step class to make it interesting and applicable for the boys
Stress the use of weight in the arm movements
Conclusion Activity:
·  Cool Down stretching
- Group stretches starting at the top of your head. Remember to do a few extra stretches for the legs because that was the major muscle group we worked today. Stretches should be held for 15-30 seconds, can get students to help with the counting, try some counting in French as well.
·  Now that we are cooled down we are going to take heart rate one last time
- What happened to your heart rate?
- Why is it important to have a higher heart rate when doing exercise?
·  Exit cards
- I am going to hand out these Exit Cards, once you have completed it you may leave. Ensure you fill it out completely however because this is how I will be checking for your understanding of today’s lesson
- Questions include:
1. What type of fitness did we work today?
2. Did your heart rate increase or decrease?
3. Where do you check your pulse on your body?
4. Give an example of move that we did today that was fine and firm
5. How did you make sure that you were using self awareness throughout the lesson today?

Lesson Two

Grade: 8

Lesson: 2

Curriculum expectation: Perform a variety of locomotor movements, travelling in different directions and using different body parts

Movement Forms: Dance

Movement Skills: Transference of weight such as hop, skip, jog, run and march

Movement Concepts: Weight

Life Skills: Collaboration

Equipment: Music and CD player, coloured popsicle sticks

Specific Learning Objective: Throughout this lesson students will learn how to apply the themes of weight and levels by engaging the components of fine and firm weight and high, medium and deep/low levels into different dance movements. Students will also learn to work with others (collaborate) in order to create a final piece that involves what they have learned during the lesson.

Lesson Plan- taken from Ophea lesson plan for Grade Eight students for a Dance Lesson / Teacher Tips
·  Today we are going to work on our collaboration skills as we work in groups and in pairs to create our own movement activities and learn some creative movement compositions. Our theme is weight. What are the components of weight? (fine/light and firm/heavy) Our life skill for today is collaboration.
·  Can anybody explain to me what collaboration is?
- working together toward a common goal that is usually more successful than if you had done it independently
·  Along with collaboration, we will also work to improve our communication with our groups and partner.
·  Our first activity is going to get us vigorously active and ready for the day. You may know this game as “Simon says” but today we are going to call it “HAL says”.
·  I am going to choose 4 students to be HAL (Healthy Active Living) for each of the 4 games which will be played simultaneously in each corner of the activity area.
·  I am going to divide the rest of the students into 4 groups, each facing their HAL.
- Students will be divided by popsicle stick colours
·  The HAL students will give a series of commands, using low-intensity aerobic activities that gradually increase in speed and intensity (e.g., walking in place, brisk walking, marching, dancing) and stretches that move the joints through their full range of motion (e.g., arm circles, knee lifts, shoulder rolls). For instance; “HAL says march on the spot” or “March on the spot.” Students respond only to commands starting with, “HAL says…”
- Students instructions must utilize a various degrees of weight
·  When students are eliminated from one game, they move clockwise to the next corner and join in that game. / Play lively music and change HAL frequently.
Movement Development:
Activity 1: Troika- Jigsaw method
·  For our next activity I am going to place all the students into expert and home groups. Students are designated into the home groups by the colour of their shirts such as red, blue, green, yellow, black and grey. The expert groups are created by each member of the group choosing a number from 1-6. The numbers correspond to the list of movements below. The expert groups will each learn a sequence of the routine and perfect the way in which each movement will showcase the concepts of weight and levels. Each member of the expert group then returns to their home groups and teaches the movement to their teammates. The home group will work together to perfect the movement and then half the class will show the routine to the other half and vice versa.
·  A drum or music can be used to keep the beat.
·  Each of the expect groups will learn one of the following:
1.  Take 16 fine jogging steps forward (16 beats).
2.  Take 16 firm jogging steps backward
3.  Take 8 fine jogging steps in a circle to the left (8 beats).
4.  Take 8 firm jogging steps in a circle to the right (8 beats).
5.  Take 12 jogging steps in place, stamp, stamp, stamp, and hold (16 beats). Alternating fine and firm steps.
6.  Take 12 slow jogging steps in place and clap, clap, clap and hold (16 beats). Making alternate movements fine/light and firm/heavy
7.  Repeat the whole sequence once.
8.  Repeat the sequence with a faster pace.
Activity 2: Bunny Hop- Pair Check method
·  Within the large groups in which you were previously placed find a partner who has the same colour hair as you. That pair will then find another pair.
·  Each pair practices the task given below (peer teaching). The two pairs then asses each other to determine if they are obtaining the same objectives, provide feedback and practice but most importantly if they are incorporating the correct movement concepts.
Any popular, upbeat music with 4/4 time can be used. Students do the following:
1.  Hop on the left foot and kick the right foot twice to the right at a really high level.
2.  Hop on the right foot and kick left foot twice to the left at a low level.
3.  Hop forward, hop back, and then hop 3 times forward.
4.  Repeat the pattern in a single line around the activity area.
- Do the sequence again making all movements looking firm/heavy
- Do the sequence again making all movements looking fine/light
Conclusion Activity:
·  For our final activity I am going to create four groups of students. Each group will have to create a machine-like structure utilizing various weights. Each student must play a part of the machine and engage in a fine or firm movement at a high or low level while the machine as a whole has various levels incorporated into it.
- Give the example of how one student can turn and touch their hands against another student’s back which makes them drop to the ground and roll. That rolling student touches the feet of the other student who falls forward to touch another student etc.
·  You are going to be placed into groups by once again choosing a Popsicle stick.
- Wait for students to choose their Popsicle stick
·  This time instead of being divided by the colour of your Popsicle stick I want you to look on the end of the stick. There will be a symbol, find the people with the same symbol and this will be your group.
·  The machine concept is meant to mimic the idea of a “well oiled machine” so each student must play their part one at a time for the machine to work successfully.
·  You will have ten minutes to create your “machine” and then one half of the class will show the other half and then switch.
·  Once one half of the class presents ask the other students to provide feedback to the groups that presented by stating something they saw that they liked. / Travel around the gym as students are practicing and ensure they are combining all the required components

Lesson Three

Grade: 8

Lesson: 3

Curriculum expectation: Send objects of different shapes and sizes at different levels and in different ways, using different body parts

Movement Forms: Games: Target