LEP Coordinator Quick Reference Guide

I. General info about ESL in North Carolina

Join the LEP Coordinator’s ListServ for updates from NCDPI concerning ESL and Title III. Email to request to be added.

The ESL WIKI, http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/Home+%28ELD%29 , should be bookmarked for easy reference. Two key sections of the WIKI are highlighted below.

The LEP Coordinator’s page, http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/LEP+Coordinators , houses information such as:

·  LEP Coordinators Listing (check your listing and send updates to )

·  NC Procedures for Identification of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students

·  Sample Home Language Survey (HLS)

·  Title III Application

·  Consolidated Federal Data Collection (CFDC) (see III below for more info)

·  Title III Improvement Plans

·  Title III Monitoring

·  Presentations and Handouts from previous LEP Coordinator Meetings

The Testing and Accountability page, http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/Testing+and+Accountability , includes items concerning testing of ELLs such as:

·  WIDA placement test guidance

·  NC Alternate ACCESS for ELLs information

II. WIDA http://www.wida.us/

North Carolina joined the World Class Instructional Design (WIDA) Consortium in 2008. As part of the consortium, North Carolina adopted the WIDA ELD standards, the W-APT placement test and the ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs annual English language assessments.

Click on the Assessment tab for a variety of training supports and materials for the W-APT, ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs.

W-APT (Contact your DPI ESL Data Analyst or Consultants for the user name and password for protected sections of the site. (See contact information below))

·  Test materials can be downloaded directly from the site.

·  On-line training can be combined with face to face follow up to prepare first-time test administrators.

·  On-line training can be used annually as a refresher for seasoned test administrators.


·  Sample parent letters and score reports

·  Training tool kit

·  Tier placement protocol

Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

·  Participation Guidelines

·  Test Administration Tutorial

·  Interpretive Guide

III. Consolidated Federal Data Collection (CFDC)

In order to have access to the CFDC you first need an NCID. Accounts for state and local employees are created by the Delegated Administrators (DAs) associated to the employee's organization/division/section. Please contact the DA at your school or district to set up your NCID.

Request Access to CFDC Sites using the User Guide Connecting Accounts User Guide

Applications (hyperlinks to the CFDC sites below)

o  W-APT (Enter W-APT scores here)

o  LEP (Review LEP data and conduct October 1 Headcount here)

o  Immigrant (Review Immigrant data and conduct February 1 Immigrant Count here)

October 1 Headcount: Typically runs the month of October

In accordance with SL 2003-284, Section 7.15(b), the Department of Public Instruction is required to prepare a headcount of all limited English proficient (LEP) students and report it to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee by December 1 of each year. State and federal funding is determined by this headcount. It is important that this data is examined to ensure that accurate numbers are reported and your LEA/charter receives all eligible funds for students served.

Student count should be confirmed and approved on the LEP CFDC by the close of the headcount window. A webinar will be held annually and posted on wiki.

February 1 Immigrant Headcount: Typically runs the month of February

More information will be made available as this process transitions to PowerSchool.

IV. State Led Initiatives – Research based approaches to teaching ELLs

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)


8 Components and 30 features

Expediting Comprehension for English Language Learners (ExC-ELL)


Strategies for Vocabulary, Reading and Writing

More details to come



LinguaFolio® is a portfolio assessment instrument designed to support individuals in setting and achieving their goals for learning languages. It includes these three components:

·  Biography, where information about a student’s language background, intercultural activities, and the self-assessment checklists are documented,

·  Dossier, where samples of a student’s work document progress over time, and

·  Passport, where formal qualifications, certificates or diplomas, and achievements are recorded, along with a summary of self-assessments that describe competency with different languages.

This three-fold approach enables language learners of all ages and levels to document their language learning as they move along the continuum towards greater proficiency.

V. NC ELL Support Team

The NC ELL Support Team offers assistance LEAs and schools

with state led initiatives through:

•  Face to face and virtual training/follow-up

•  Implementation guidance and support

•  Component Enrichment

•  Coaching



Revised August 14