Masters:Microfinance in Europe

Master in Microfinance

Type / Master I
Institution / Univerità degli Studi di Bergamo
Country / Italy – Bergame
Language / English
Time lenght / 1 year
Summary: / This Master aims to train practitioners who could work in MFIs and ONGs as experts of financial services for people excluded from the traditional financial system.
The programmed consists of:
70 hours of distance courses
420 hours of direct courses
350 hours of internship
100 hours to write a thesis
Contact / Mario MASINI and Laura VIGANO’:
Website /

Master spécialisé Très petite entreprise, Microfinance etDéveloppement

Type / Master II
Institution / Univérsité Nancy 2
Country / France- Nancy
Language / French
Time lenght / 1 year
Summary: / This Master aims to train microfinance practitioners. Particular courses are devoted to solidarity savings.
Contact / Chicot EBOUE:
Website /

Diploma in Microfinance

Type / Professional Master
Institution / Giordano dell’Amore Foundation
Country / Italy -Milan
Language / English
Time lenght / variable
Summary: / Master for students and practitioners who would like to get more insights into microfinance
Contact / Fabio MALANCHINI:
Website /

Master en Management of Microfinance

Type / Master II
Institution / ESCEM
Country / France - Tours
Language / French
Time lenght / 1 year
Summary: / This Master aims to train microfinance practitioners. It is characterized by practical courses that engage student in real projects. A 4-6 month internship is obligatory.
Contact / Prichilla GRINGOT:
Website /

University Meets Microfinance

Type / Master
Institution / InHolland
Country / Germany-Holland-France
Language / English
Time lenght / 1 year
Summary: / UMM is a programme which aims at fostering cooperation between university students in Europe and microfinance practitioners. UMM has been launched by PlaNet Finance and the Freie Universität Berlin and is co-funded by the European Commission within the frame of its Education for Development Programme.
Contact / Andreas, WOUDENBERG:Andreas.woudenberg@inholland

European Microfinance Programme

Type / Post degree Master
Institution / Solvary Business School
Country / Belgium -Brussels
Language / English
Time lenght / 1 year
Summary: / The EMP (Master Complémentaire Conjoint en Microfinance) has been designed by microfinance experts to offer a blend of theory and practice.The purpose of the programme is to develop future professionals in microfinance who will contribute to the strengthening of microfinance institutions worldwide, in accordance with the highest international standards. The programme lasts one year (60 ECTS) and is spread over 3 periods characterized by general courses, specialization and internship.
Contact / EMP Coordination e-mail:
Website /

Master Microcredit for development

Type / Master
Institution / Madrid Autonomus University – Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid
Country / Spain - Madrid
Language / English –Spanish
Time lenght / 1 year
Summary: / The master offers up-to-date, highly specialized instruction and quality training to those that work or would like to work in microfinance - including banks, credit unions, NGOs, international development agencies or any type of microfinance institution, both in Spain as well as abroad.
The general content of the programme covers the following aspects:
Contextualizing microcredit within the realm of developmental cooperation.
Familiarizing and analyzing microcredit and microfinance on different continents: evolution, approaches, management models and limitations.
Studying the management of MFI’s in developing countries as well as more advanced countries, including the financial analysis of operations and the training of microentrepreneurs.
Reinforcing the theoretical framework with practical application.
Contact / e-mail:
Website /

Master of Accounting – Micro-Finance

Type / Post degree Master
Institution / Glasgow Caledonia University
Country / UK - Glasgow
Language / English
Time lenght / 1 year
Summary: / The Master of Accounting (Micro-Finance) degree programme has been designed for recent high caliber graduates, development professionals, policymakers, and investors who are seeking to develop their understanding of the issues and challenges that are inherent in micro-finance as a means of broadening their career opportunities.
Each programme runs over 12 months. In semester A, students take three core modules. In semester B, students take one research methods module, two core modules and a route specific module. For the summer months (June - September), students work on a 15000 word dissertation on a specific topic relevant to their specialisation, which is submitted in September.
Contact / e-mail:
Website / 8777.php?loc=uk

Microfinance Principles Summer Academy

Type / Summer Academy
Institution / Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Country / Germany - Frankfurt
Language / English
Time lenght / week end
Summary: / In this weekend seminar the key success factors of dynamic microfinance institutions arediscuss while focusing on best-practice cases. Furthermore, it teaches how to assess whether a microfinance institution is performing well.This course is designed for the newcomers in the world of microfinance and also for those who want to refresh or improve their operational knowledge.
Contact / e-mail:
Website /

MFI Management Summer Academy

Type / Summer Academy
Institution / Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Country / Germany - Frankfurt
Language / English
Time length / 1 week
Summary: / This course is designed to provide a comprehensive qualification programme for microfinance practitioners. It puts strong emphasis on combining both microfinance excellence with the experience and know-how of the traditional commercial financial sector. Intensive training prepares the microfinance practitioners for the challenges of serving microfinance clients in changing and increasingly competitive environments.
The MFI Management Summer Academy is designed for managers of non-bank MFIs, central bankers and staff members of apex institutions who wish to gain insights in successful MFI Management
Contact / e-mail:
Website /

Commercial Micro Banking Summer Academy

Type / Summer Accademy
Institution / Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Country / Germany - Frankfurt
Language / English
Time length / 1 week
Summary: / The Summer Academies Microfinance Principles and MFI Management are designed to provide a comprehensive qualification programme for microfinance practitioners. It puts a strong emphasis on combining microfinance excellence with the experience and know-how of the traditional financial sector. Intensive training prepares the microfinance practitioners for the challenges of serving microfinance clients in changing and increasingly competitive environments. The main characteristics of the programme are:
carefully integrated training modules comprising lectures, group discussions, technical tools and guidelines for their real life applicability
interactive and participatory learning with experienced faculty members serving as trainers and facilitators
various opportunities for exchange of experience and know-how between participants, trainers, facilitators and high-level representatives from the industry
clear hands-on, practical focus and the most up-to-date topics enhanced by real life examples
Contact / e-mail:
Website /

The Boulder Microfinance Training Programme

Type / Summer Accademy
Institution / Boulder-ILO
Country / Italy - Turin
Language / English
Time length / 3 weeks
Summary: / The Boulder Microfinance Training Programme is carefully designed for professionals coming from a wide range of organizations within the microfinance industry. The participants are strategic thinkers on the search for new ideas, innovative skills, and a global community of peers and opinion leaders dedicated to microfinance. The Boulder MFT program is designed to meet the specific training requirements of managers and other professionals working in microfinance institutions and today's challenges.
Contact / e-mail:
Website /

Microcredit Officer Programme

Type / Post Degree Master
Institution / Università degli studi di Bologna
Country / Italy - Bologne
Language / Italian
Time length / 1 years
Summary / The master aims to train practitioners of microfinance.
Contact / e-mail:
Website /

If you would like to present another Master, please contact Stefanie Lämmermann,