POC2018 sponsorship APPLICATION form

Please TYPE in the information and click on the selected sponsorship category.

Contact Person / -Title-MrMrsMsDr
Full Address
Phone Number / Fax Number
Date: / Company Stamp:
Code / Sponsorship Categories / Value (MYR/USD) / Selected Category (X)
1 / Lead Partner / 200,000 / 54,100
2 / Titanium / 125,000 / 33,800
3 / Platinum / 75,000 / 20,300
4 / Gold / 50,000 / 13,600
5 / Welcome Reception / 150,000 / 40,600
6 / Conference Bag / 120,000 / 32,500 / Sponsored
7 / Annual Golf Challenge / 100,000 / 27,100
8 / Thumbdrive / 50,000 / 13,600 / Sponsored
9 / Conference Guide / 50,000 / 13,600
10 / POC Notebook/Organiser + Programme Card / 50,000 / 13,600
11 / POC Tumbler/Flask / 50,000 / 13,600 / Sponsored
12 / POC Foldable Umbrella / 50,000 / 13,600
13 / Lucky Draw Prizes / 30,000 / 8,200
14 / Coffee Break AM on 6 March 2018 / 30,000 / 8,200
15 / Coffee Break PM on 6 March 2018 / 30,000 / 8,200
16 / Coffee Break AM on 7 March 2018 / 30,000 / 8,200
17 / Coffee Break PM on 7 March 2018 / 30,000 / 8,200
18 / Other Items: Please Propose / TBC

Mode of Payment Company Cheque / Bank Draft Telegraphic Transfer

Confirmation of application is subject to The Organiser’s approval. Sponsors will be notified once the application is approved.

The Organiser reserves the right to effect changes should circumstances so require.

The above amounts are subject to 6% Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Please return this form as soon as possibleto Mr Moriazi Mohamad. The final submission date is 4February 2018.
Tel: + (603)2034 7319 Fax: +(603) 2026 3584 E-mail: