National Taiwan Normal University 2017 New Southbound Project—

High-level Talents Management Program Admission Brochure

  1. Course Objectives:

In response to Association of South Asian countries’economic recession caused by the world situation in recent years, the issues of economic and political transformation havebeen addressed in these countries. Furthermore, Association of South Asian countries also began to pay attention to educational issues. Therefore, the high-level management program will be set up for the talents in Singapore and Thailand.Through this program, we look forward to integrating domestic resources with the exchanging experiencesamong high-level talents. It is believed that this communication will benefit our country’s future development.

  1. Eligibility:Applicants should be the local government officials, school administrators (including high school teachers), or senior managers of the enterprise in Thailand or Singapore.
  2. Course:
  1. Period:2017.11.13~2017.12.10(Mon. to Fri.)
  2. Hours:

Design Reflectionand Innovation- 36 hrs.

International and Comparative Education Introduction- 36 hrs.

Culture Experience- 28hrs.

  1. Location:Linkou Campus (2, Ren-ai Rd., Sec. 1, Linkou Township (Shiang), New Taipei City24448, Taiwan)
  2. Quota:30 students will enroll per class.
  3. Registration:
  1. By 2017.10.13
  2. Online registration only (
  1. Admission Announcement:The application will be reviewed promptly. Once being approved, the payment notice will be sent to the contact and please note that the registration will be finished only when the fee is received.
  2. Charges and Payment:
  1. Registration fee: NT$1,500 per student (US $ 50 dollars)
  2. Provide meals (during the course period only), and accommodation and course fees are free. The air tickets and living expenses are not included.
  3. Online credit card payment (
  1. Contact:
  1. Ms. Hsieh, TEL: +886-2-7734-5068, e-mail:
  2. Ms.Chen, TEL: +886-2-7734-5817, e-mail:
  3. FAX: (02)2393-5711
  1. Introduction:

Title / Goal / Hours / Period
International and Comparative Education Introduction / This course introduces the fundamentals and research methods of comparative education, along with an overview of the development and characteristics of it. It is expected to cultivatea universal view of international education development, also, to help students be familiar with the education system, background, characteristics and issues of international and domestic education. Above all, the capacity for analyzing the issues and critical thinking will be emphasized in order to improve the education system. / 36 / 09:00-12:00
2 weeks
Design Thinking and Innovation / With the five stages of Design Thinking, combining empathy, experimenting with prototypes quickly, and the aggressive entrepreneurship, it would become more likely to satisfy the demands of users, and to promote the success of business with a relatively effective and low-cost method. / 36 / 09:00-12:00
2 weeks
Culture Experience / Besides Mandarin classes, we have designed special courses introducing Hakka culture, aboriginal culture, and Chinese food, etc. Furthermore, the field trip will also allow students to experience the richness of Chinese culture and beauty of Taiwan. / 28
  1. Other issues:
  1. NTNU Extension, School of Continuing Education will issue certificates to students who have finished the program and passed the exam.
  2. The certificate will not be issued if the student is absent for more than 30 hours. (The total number of courses is 100 hours)