James Kendrick Curriculum Vitae 9

James Kendrick, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Department of Communication Studies Baylor University

One Bear Place #97368 Waco, Texas 76798 (254) 710-6061 (254) 710-1563 (fax)

Research and Teaching Interests

Film history, violence in the media, media censorship and regulation, film and media theory, popular culture, film genre, cinema and new technologies

Academic Employment

Baylor University, Waco, TX


Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies (2010–present)

Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies (2005–2010)

Courses Taught

FAS 1116 Film & Global Culture (Engaged Learning Group)

FDM 3351 History of Motion Pictures

FDM 3352 History of Radio and Television

FDM 4340 Media & Society

FDM 4343 Film/Video Aesthetics: Theory and Criticism

FDM 4380 Violence and the American Screen (Topics in Media History)

FDM 4386 The Horror Film (Topics in Media Genres)

FDM 5376 Contemporary Film Theory

Indiana University, Bloomington


Associate Instructor, Department of Communication and Culture

Courses Taught:

C190 Introduction to Media

C121 Public Speaking


Doctor of Philosophy, Communication and Culture (2005)

Indiana University, Bloomington

Minor: American Studies

Dissertation: Screen Violence and the New Hollywood (Advisor: Joan Hawkins)

Master of Arts, Journalism (1999)

Baylor University, Waco, TX

Thesis: Critical Choices in Print and Cyberspace: A Content Analysis of Three

Print-Based Film Critics and Three Internet-Based Film Critics (Advisor: Kyle V. Cole)

Bachelor of Arts, English (1996)

Baylor University, Waco, TX



Film Violence: History, Ideology, Genre. London: Wallflower Press, 2009.

Hollywood Bloodshed: Violence in 1980s American Cinema. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 2009.

Book Chapters

“Gore and Slasher Films: Horror in the 1980s.” Chapter in A Companion to the Horror Film, edited by Harry Benshoff. In publication at Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NH, 2013.

“A Return to the Graveyard: Notes on the Spiritual Horror Film.” Chapter in American Horror Film: The Genre at the Turn of the Millennium, edited by Steffen Hantke, University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, MS, 2010.

“Representing the Unrepresentable: 9/11 on Film and Television.” Chapter in Why We Fought: America’s Wars in Film and History, edited by Peter C. Rollins and John E. O’Connor, University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, 2008.

“A Nasty Situation: Social Panics, Transnationalism, and the Video Nasty.” Chapter in Horror Film: Creating and Marketing Fear, edited by Steffen Hantke, University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, MS, 2004.

Jacob’s Ladder” and “Häxan.” Chapter entries in 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, edited by Steven Jay Schneider, Quintet Publishing, London, 2004.

Journal Articles

“Phantom Cinema: Illuminating the Structuring Absences of Film History.” Forthcoming in Quarterly Review of Film and Video, December 2012, Vol. 30, No. 1.

“Disturbing New Pathways: Psycho and the Priming of the Audience.” Journal of Popular Film and Television, March 2010, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 2–9.

“Razors in the Dreamscape: Revisiting A Nightmare on Elm Street and the Slasher Film.” Film Criticism, Spring 2009, Vol., 33, No. 3, pp. 17–33.

“Aspect Ratios and Joe Six-Packs: Home Theater Enthusiasts’ Battle to Legitimize the DVD Experience.” The Velvet Light Trap, Fall 2005, No. 56, pp. 58–70.

“Danish Horror: A Witches’ Brew of Fact, Fiction, and Spectacle: Benjamin Christensen’s Häxan (The Witch, 1922).” Kinoeye, October 13, 2003, Vol. 3, No. 11, http://www.kinoeye.org/03/11/kendrick11.php.

“What is the Criterion? The Criterion Collection as an Archive of Film as Culture.” Journal of Film and Video, Summer/Fall 2001, Vol. 53, Nos. 2 & 3, pp. 124–139.

“Marxist Ideology in Three Films by James Cameron.” Journal of Popular Film and Television, Fall 1999, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 36–44.

Magazine Articles

“A Greatly Exaggerated Death: The Persistent Power of the Cinema.” Baylor Magazine, Summer 2006, p. 25.

Film and Book Reviews

“The Many Shades of Red: On New Hollywood Violence, edited by Steven Jay Schneider.” Film-Philosophy, 2006, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 104–108.

“Review of Hindle Wakes (1927), directed by Maurice Elvey.” The Moving Image, Spring 2006, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 139–142.

More than 2,250 feature-length film reviews published at The QNetwork (http://www.qnetwork.com), an entertainment content-provider web site (1997–present)

Invited Presentations

“Rethinking Steven Spielberg.” Presentation at the 20th Century Studies Research Seminar, Department of English, Baylor University, October 8, 2010.

“Breaking Racial Barriers and Overcoming Stereotypes.” Introduction to a special preview of The Express at the Waco Hippodrome Theater, sponsored by the Baylor Activities Council, Oct. 9, 2008

“Violence in the Media and Cultural Stereotyping.” Introduction to a special preview of The Kingdom at the Waco Hippodrome Theater and facilitation of a post-screening discussion, sponsored by the Baylor Activities Council, Sept. 21, 2007.

Conference Presentations

“Darkness in the Bliss-Out: Reconsidering Steven Spielberg in the 1980s.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, San Antonio, TX, April 22, 2011.

“Internet Criticism 15 Years Later.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Los Angeles, CA, March 21, 2010.

“‘Think, Mortal, What It Is to Die’: What the Graveyard Poets Can Tell Us About Modern Horror.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Literature/Film Association, Dickinson College, October 17, 2009.

“Exploding Heads Monthly: Fangoria, Graphic Violence, and Horror Films of the 1980s.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, New Orleans, LA, April 10, 2009.

“Controlling Content, Controlling Hollywood: Historical Continuities Between the Production Code and the MPAA Ratings System.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Philadelphia, PA, March 9, 2008.

“Empty Spaces: The Role of Missing Films in Cinema History.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the University Film & Video Association, Denton, TX, August 11, 2007.

“Phantom Cinema: Illuminating the Structuring Absences of Film History.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Chicago, IL, March 10, 2007. Also served as panel chair for “Forgotten Histories.”

“Return of the Return of the Repressed: The Role of Post-9/11 American Horror.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the American Studies Association of Texas, “Images of the South, West, and Texas,” Waco, TX, November 17, 2006.

“The Violence of 9/11 in Documentary and Feature Film Traditions.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the Film & History League conference, “The Documentary Tradition,” Dallas, TX, November 8–12, 2006.

“Splitting Hairs in the Alphabet Soup: The Road From R to PG-13.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Vancouver, Canada, March 4, 2006. Served as panel chair for “Hollywood Histories.”

“Images Without Precedent: My Lai, Sand Creek, and the Mythological Heritage of American Violence in Soldier Blue.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the Literature/Film Association and Film & History League conference, “War in Film, Television, and History,” Dallas, TX, November 13, 2004.

“OAR vs. J6P: The Construction of Taste, Knowledge, and Legitimacy on the Home Theater Forum.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Minneapolis, MN, March 8, 2003. Served as panel chair for “New Technologies: Changing Spectatorship and Exhibition Practices.”

“Signifiers of Artifice: Examining a Poetics of Realism in Cinematic Violence.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Society for Cinema Studies, Denver, CO, May 26, 2002.

“What is the Criterion? The Criterion Collection as Archive of Film as Culture.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Society for Cinema Studies, Washington, DC, May 24, 2001.

“Journalistic and Humanist Approaches: Movie Reviews in The New Yorker and Entertainment Weekly.” A peer-reviewed paper presented at a moderated panel session at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Baltimore, MD, August 8, 1998.

Awards, Grants, & Honors

Semester research Leave (Baylor University) to work on Darkness in the Bliss-Out: Terror, Trauma, and Conflict in the Films of Steven Spielberg
Summer Sabbatical (Baylor University) to complete work on Film Violence: History, Ideology, Genre / 2012
University Research Grant (Baylor University) to travel to Columbia University to research the papers and oral histories of Richard D. Heffner, former chairman of the Classification and Rating Administration / 2006–07
Outstanding Associate Instructor Award, Department of Communication and Culture, Indiana University / 2002

Dissertations, Theses, & Senior Projects

Master’s Thesis / Professional Paper Director

David Roark, Girls With Guns, 2011

Stacy Chen, Vigilante Justice and Insurgent Freedom: A Post-9/11 Film Study, 2009

Felix Gonzalez, What’s the Matter With Bigamy? The American Family in the Wartime Comedies of Preston Sturges, 2009

Cameron Weed, The Zombie Manifesto: The Marxist Revolutions in George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead, 2009

Smith Getterman, Walt Disney World: An Analysis of Its Mid-Twentieth Century American Values, 2007

Doctoral Dissertation Committees

David Reed, The Ruby Sunrise (Theater Arts), 2012

Angela Beard, Masculinity, Social Comparison, and Mood Effects of Reading Maxim (Psychology), 2012

Laura Hillmann, Gender Role Stereotyping in Children’s Movies and How It Impacts Children’s Play Behavior (Psychology), 2012

Krystal Knops Goree, An Exploratory Study of the Factors That Influence Pre-service Teachers’ Instructional Practices With Diverse Students (Education Psychology), 2011

Bianca Ochoa, Teaching Preservice Teacher Candidates to Differentiate Instruction (Educational Psychology), 2011

Ikuko Aoyama, Cyberbullying: What Are the Psychological Profiles of Bullies, Victims, and Bully-Victims? (Education Psychology), 2010

Master’s Thesis / Professional Paper Committees

Jared Wheeler, Inventing Dixie: Literary Adaptation and the Hollywood Southern (English), 2010

Dianna Anderson, Harry Potter and the Search for a Church: Spiritual Community and Sacrificial Love in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series (English), 2010

Dustin Greenwalt, Affective Identification With Animals in the Public Sphere in Earth, the Movie, 2010

Holland White, “The True Artist-Seer, the Heavenly Fool”: The Transformation of the Artist in J.D. Salinger’s Publications (English), 2009

Brian Downey, Welcome to Nowhere, 2009

Kat Adams, More Attachment to Life, & Larger: Orlando and Woolf’s Theories of Fiction (English), 2008

Honors Thesis Director

Stephen Jannise, Landmarks of Fear: Cultural Reflections in American Horror Films, 2008

Shannon Willis, Out From the Shadow: A Reevaluation of the Works of Orson Welles, 2007

Honors Thesis Committee

Emily Bailey, The Effects of Sexual Content in Media Primarily on Women and Adolescents in Contemporary Society, 2007

Independent Study Director

Katarzyna Plazinska, Master Filmmakers: Tarkovsky, Bergman, Fassbinder, Hitchcock, Deren (Graduate Study), 2011

Anthony Jacobs, The History of the Slasher Film, 2010

Katherine Robertson, Cinema Studies in Western Europe: Globalization and Its Effects, 2010

Rachel Boyd, Film Combat (Honors Independent Study), 2008

Alex Le, The Modern Hollywood Blockbuster, 2008

Smith Getterman, Graphic Novels and Film: A Semiotic Analysis of Their Political Ideologies, 2007

Shannon Willis, The Problems of Cinema Spectatorship, 2007

Megan Snipes, Hollywood Cinema of the 1930s, 2006

Shannon Willis, Explicit Material and the Fight for the Cinema in the 1950s, 2006


Professional Service
Co-organizer and presenter for “The Dark Mirror,” a three-night horror film festival presented at McLennan Community College
Member of the Board of Directors and chairman of the Programming Committee, Waco Performing Arts Co.
Book Manuscript Reviewer: Bedford/St. Martin’s, University Press of Kentucky, Sage
Article Manuscript Reviewer: Southern Communication Journal / 2010–2011
University Service
Beall-Russell Endowed Lecture Series committee member
Faculty Advisor, Baylor Film Society
Faculty Advisor, Baylor MGM Film Club
Communications/Media Committee member
Served as chair of the committee (2010–2011)
ELG Selection Committee and ELG Review Panel member
Commencement Marshal, Baylor University
Speaker, OneBU Movie Night Oct. 26, 2007
Facilitated a discussion about issues of race, class, and education following a screening of Freedom Writers, sponsored by OneBU and Campus Living & Learning. / 2011–present
Oct. 26, 2007
Department Service
Coordinator for the Texas Independent Film Network series
Coordinator for the annual Black Glasses Student Film Festival
Assistant Supervisor, Digital Convergence Initiative’s
Comanche Bit Trail Project March 2006
Undergraduate student advising / 2010–present
March 2006

Professional & Association Memberships

Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)

University Film & Video Association (UFVA)

Literature/Film Association (LFA)

Popular Culture Association (PCA)

Online Film Critics Society (OFCS)

Kappa Tau Alpha, National Honor Society of Journalism and Mass Communication

Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honors Society