Infrared (IR) Sensor Kit 106
Welcome to the exciting world of Circuit Creations electronics kits. To assemble this kit you will need the following basic items- 25W to 40W soldering iron, rosin core flux solder, diagonal cutters to trim excess lead length after soldering, and needle nose pliers for lead bending.
The central component of this kit is the PIC16F1826microcontroller. The extensive capabilities of this microcontroller have been pre-programmed to providea versatile infrared light sensor. This kit is a great building block for projects to create aninfraredsensitive switch, test that your infrared remote control is functioning, IR tag or other gaming application, infrared light beam monitor, a remote controlled switch, intruder alarm… Your imagination is the limit for what can be done with this kit.
Infrared Sensor K106Features
- Works with most infrared remote controls.
- LED indicator for dark or infrared light detection
- Switch selectable momentary or toggle output mode
- Small, 2.2” x 1.7”, double sided Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with mounting holes
- Dedicated output is activated when infrared light or dark is sensed and remains latched until reset
- All microcontroller signals are accessible with through-hole pads at the edge of the PCB
- Add your own circuits with surface mount and through-hole component prototyping section included on the PCB
- Wide input voltage range (2.7V to 12V) with very low stand-by power, suitable for battery operation
- Open collector output for connection to higher power circuits and relays
- Special infrared remote control button double push mode with timer improves selectivity.
- Switch selectable dark or infrared light detection
Circuit Assembly
The assembly instructions for the components that are included withKit 106are as follows:
Designator / Value / Assembly InstructionsU1 / PIC16F1826 / Notch in package must match notch printed on the PCB, or dot on top of package must be on the same side as the square pad on the PCB.
U2 / MCP1702 / Flat side of package and flat side marking on PCB must match.
U3 / ----- / Not Used.
U4 / ----- / Not Used.
U5 / IR Receiver / Curve side of package and curve marking on PCB must match.
U6 / ----- / Not Used.
S1 / Dip Switch-4 / Pin one of the package goes in the square pad with dot printed next to it. There will be 2 rows of 4 unused PCB pads for this package.
C1,C2 / 1uF Capacitor / Polarity does not matter.
R1 / 68 ohm resistor / Blue-Gray-Black.
R2 / 1.2K resistor / Brown-Red-Red.
R3 / ----- / Not Used.
R4 / ----- / Not Used.
R5 / ----- / Not Used.
R6 / ----- / Not Used.
LED1 / Red LED / Shorter lead of LED goes in the hole with square pad on the PCB.
Q1 / 2N3904 Transistor / Flat side of package and flat side marking on PCB must match.
D1 / 1N4448 Diode / Band on package must match up with line on the PCB.
D2,D3 / ----- / Not Used.
Not all componentlocations on the PCBhave components installed for this kit and are “Not Used”.
See for general assembly helpful hints.
/ Do not use the K106infrared sensor with any life support system or any other application where unintended operation might cause harm to people or damage property. Always exercise caution when connecting the K106 circuit to any other circuit.Connect a DC voltage, such as a power supply, battery, or Circuit Creations Power Supply Kit 101, between 3 Volts to 12 Volts to the VIN and GND inputs of J1.
The operating mode for the InfraredLight Sensor is determined by the switch S-1 settings listed in TABLE 1.
Mode / S1-1 / S1-2 / S1-3 / S1-4Output Asserted while IR remote button pushed / ON / ON / ON / X
Output Asserted while IR remote button not pushed / OFF / ON / ON / X
Output Toggle when IR remote button pushed / ON / OFF / ON / X
Output Toggle when IR remote button not pushed / OFF / OFF / ON / X
Push IR remote button twice within 1 second to toggle / X / X / OFF / X
TABLE 1 – Switch S1 Settings. X = Don’t Care
Any infrared light source modulated at 38KHz such as common television, DVD player, stereo, or other appliance infrared remote controls will activate the K106 circuit. In other words, any button on an infrared remote control that generates infrared light will activate the K106 circuit.
When Switch S1-3 is in the OFF position K106 is in a special mode to improve infrared remote control selectivity by requiring an infrared remote control button to be pushed twice within 1 second to toggle the circuit outputs. If an infrared remote control button is pushed more than 1 second after an initial button is pushed the circuit outputs do not change. In this mode the K106 Infrared Sensor can operate independently of another remote control appliance as long as the appliance does not require the infrared remote control buttons to be pushed twice within 1 second. Since the K106 circuit activates with any infrared remote control button, unused appliance function controls give the best results for controlling the K106 circuit. As an example, a television can be turned on with a single infrared remote control ON button push and it will not activate the K106 circuit. Then pushing an unused function button on the television infrared remote twice within 1 second will activate the K106 circuit.
There are 3 active outputs for this circuit.
OUTPUT / PAD / OUTPUT DESCRIPTIONLED / RA2 / The LED output illuminates the red ACTIVE LED depending on the operating mode determined by switch S1.
LCH / RA3 / The LCH output is initially low when the circuit is powered up and will be set to a high of 2.5V when infrared light is sensed and S1-1 is on, or dark is sensed and S1-1 is off. The LCH output will remain high until it is reset by either removing power from J1, or changing any of the S1 switch settings as long as the sensor is dark when S1-1 is on, or lit by infrared when S1-1 is off.
OC_OUT / OC_OUT / The OC_OUT output is an open collector output that is normally open (i.e. high impedance) and is active low depending on the operating mode determined by switch S1. The OC_OUT output can be used to connect to higher power circuits such as a relay.
TABLE 2 – Circuit Output Descriptions
The PCB for this kit has been designed to allow for flexibility and experimentation. All of the pins of the microcontroller are accessible by through-hole pads on the edge of the PCB allowing integration into your project. A prototyping area with 40 available through-hole pads on 0.1 inch centers and an array of 119 surface mount pads spaced for common device packages including access to VDD and GND is provided for your own circuit design additions. ENJOY!!
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