Hendricks Chess and Sports Camps
Summer 2012
A 5 day chess camp combined with a sports camp, challenging both mind and body! Runs Mon-Fri from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Sports activities include soccer, baseball, kickball, basketball, tennis, , ultimate frisbee, billiards, ping-pong, and golf, and include instruction as well as competitive play time. Chess instruction assumes players have completed at least one year of chess club, played in prior chess tournaments, and know chess notation. Class sizes are small and intimate - limited to a max of 12 for lots of individual attention. There is new chess content each year – different openings, tactics, not a repeat from last year.
Run by coach David Hendricks – full time chess coach of 10 schools including a national and state championship team, and Scholastic Director for the Washington Chess Federation, but he is also an avid sports player and an athletic director organizing and refereeing basketball, volleyball, softball, and tennis leagues for youth and adults. .
Location: Hendricks house: 2439 220th Place NE, Sammamish WA 98074. Sports activities will be at a neighborhood park, within walking distance.
Dates: July 16-20. Open to kids in 1st to 8th grades.
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri9:00am / Tactics1 / Analyze Kids Games / Analyze Kids Games / Analyze Kids Games / Analyze Kids Games
10:00am / Baseball / Ping-pong / Soccer / Billiards / Ultimate Frisbee
11:00am / Tactics2 / King and Pawn Endgames / Bughouse tournament / Middle game strategies / Positional Strategies
12:00pm / Lunch + free time / Lunch + free time / Lunch+ free time / Lunch+ free time / Lunch+ free time
12:45pm / Classical King Pawn Openings / Classical Queen Pawn Openings / Modern Openings / Grandmaster games / Rook and Pawn Endgames
1:45pm / Flag football / Basketball / Tennis / Golf + Playground / Kick ball
3:00pm / Rated Chess Tournament / Rated Chess Tournament / Rated Chess Tournament / Rated Chess Tournament / Rated Chess Tournament
Some shuffling of the sports schedule may occur due to weather. Where 2 activities are listed, kids will rotate between them during the hour. Snacks are provided after each sports activity.
· Sports equipment if you have it on the appropriate day: mitts, tennis racquets, shin guards, junior sized golf clubs. I will provide the majority of the equipment.
· A sack lunch – OK to use my microwave.
· An extra pair of dry socks (the grass may be wet).
Cost: $299 per student for the full week (only $8.50 per hour). Includes trophies, medals, , snacks, drinks. Chess sets and clocks will be provided. Discount for 2nd or 3rd sibling: save $40.
Register online at http://nwchess.com/OnlineRegistration. You can pay on line via PayPal, credit card, or mail a check. Registration closes one week prior to the camp start date.
Please fill out this form and bring it with you to camp.
Cut here ------
Student’s name: ______
Any food restrictions, cat allergies (I have 2 cats), or medical conditions?
In the unlikely case of a sports injury, the coach will attempt to contact you at the phones you entered in the online registration. I agree to allow Coach David Hendricks to arrange emergency medical attention if needed. I release and waive any liability for Coach David Hendricks and any helpers and Heritage Hills HOA during the camp. I understand that there is no refund after camp begins. If a minimum of 8 students are not registered, camp may be cancelled and your funds will be returned. I acknowledge that mature behaviors of conduct are expected of my student and behaviors outside the norm may result in removal from the camp with no refund. I will pick up my student promptly at 4:00pm each day.
Parent signature
Medical Insurance Provider Policy Number Guarantor
Questions? or 425-868-3881 home or 425-269-7949 cell