Mid Atlantic and Pennsylvania Pet Lovers, Junglelovers Cat Club and Capital Cat Club
“TICA’s World of Cats”
An Allbreed and Household Pet Cat Show plus Special Events
November 3-5, 2017
David L. Lawrence Convention Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
In conjunction with the Pittsburgh Pet Expo
(The Largest Pet Expo on the East Coast!)
Vickie Fisher / AB / Lindajean Grillo / AB / Lindajean Grillo / AB
Brenda Russo / AB / Ellen Crockett / AB / Vicki Jo Harrison / AB
Nikki Crandall-Seibert / AB / Vickie Shields / AB / Harley DeVilbiss / AB
Richard Hoskinson / AB / Adriana Kajon / AB / Kim Tomlin / AB
Susanna Shon / SP / Kay DeVilbiss / AB / Ellen Crockett / SP
Harley DeVilbiss / SP / Christina Baumer / SP
Susanna Shon / SP
Entry Clerk/Co-Show Manager / Show Manager / Show Manager/Stage Manager
Cheryl Leigh Chamberlin
215-738-3767 9AM-9PM / Gladys DiNunzio
410-620-0250 / Anthony Hutcherson
SATURDAY! CHAMPIONSHIP CONGRESSES with proceeds to benefit the Pittsburgh Zoo
Titans of the Tundra Congress (AB Congress) - Maine Coon, Norwegian, Pixiebob, Siberian
Jungle Fever (AB Congress) - Bengal (LH/SH), Australian Mist, Mau, Ocicat, Savannah, Toyger
Originals Congress (AB congress) - Aby, Siamese, Persian, Brittish- breeds present at the Crystal Palace Show
Mars Veterinary Innovations, Feline Genetics 101
Save the Cats - Seminar on Endangered Big Cats from Pittsburgh Zoo
Feline Fashion Show
Cat Cosplay Contest - "Best", "Sexiest", "Most Super" - *Cash prizes*
FREE FIRST ENTRY in every breed (with 2nd paid entry) during the month of September
Dr. Elsey's Parade of Champions - Highest Scoring Championship Cat of every breed presented to audience on Sunday afternoon
Dr. Elsey's People's Choice - Cash prizes for Top Three People's Choice Cat/kitten in show
ENTER ONLINE! http://ticama.org/pgh/
Show Hall: David L. Lawrence Convention Center, 1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. There is a parking garage with two entrances. More information about rates, etc will be available soon.
Show Hotel: Doubletree by Hilton Pittsburgh Greentree, 500 Mansfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA15205. Phone 412-922-8400. Room rate is $115 plus taxes. NO PET FEE. Free 24/7 airport shuttle.
Airport And Transportation To Hotel: Use Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT). There is a free 24-hour shuttle to the Doubletree (show hotel).
Check-In & Show Hours: Check-in will be from 2:30-4:30PM on Friday and 8-10AM on Saturday. JUDGING WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 4:30PM ON FRIDAY AND 10AM ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Published show hours are from 4:30 to 9PM on Friday, 10AM to PM on Saturday and 10AM to 5PM on Sunday. No cats may remain in the show hall overnight. No cats may leave the show before the end of published hours without express permission of show management. The Pet Expo is offering CASH to be raffled off at the end of each day!
Cages And Supplies: Benching cages of standard sizes (approximately 22” X 22” x 22”) will be provided for each entry. Two (2) kittens or one (1) cat are permitted in a single cage. All cages must be covered on the top and three sides. Please bring your own litter pans, food and dishes. Litter will be supplied but may be in short supply. People food will be available in the show hall and hotel. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL BE USING YOUR OWN SECURITY CAGE (PLEASE MARK ON SUMMARY SHEET).
Household Pets: Household pet kittens (ages 4 - 7 months) and adults (8 months and older) may be entered. ALL ADULT HHP ENTRIES MUST BE ALTERED (SPAYED OR NEUTERED). If you are unsure of the proper color class for your pet, include a full description or a photo (photo will be returned with confirmation or at the show).
Kittens: Kittens entered for competition must be at least four months old on the first day of the show (born on or before 7/3/2017). There will be NO KITTEN SALES at the pet expo. Breeders may bring available kittens but any sales transactions must be done off-site.
Show Rules: By entering, all exhibitors agree to abide by the decisions of the judges and the show committee and the TICA show rules. Official show rules may be obtained from TICA, P.O. Box 2964, Harlingen, Texas 78551, (956) 428-8046 or visit the website: www.tica.org.
This Is A Non-Vetted Show: All cats/kittens entering the show hall should be inoculated against Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis, Rabies and Calici virus and tested negative for Feline Leukemia. Please clip claws (front and back) prior to benching. Any cat/kitten showing signs of contagious illness, ear mites, fleas or fungus will be removed from the show hall, as well as any other cats/kittens exhibiting from the same household. Any cat which is obviously pregnant or lactating will be disqualified.
Summary Sheet: Please complete the summary sheet and return with entries and fees. Fee Totals must accompany mailed entry forms. NO REFUNDS for failure to bench. A fee of $25.00 plus any bank fees will be charged on all checks returned for any reason. No checks will be accepted at check-in.
Clerks and Stewards: Please mark your summary sheet if you are interested in clerking. We need clerks and stewards. Clerks will be paid $35 per day and stewards will be paid $25 per day. Lunch will also be provided. PLEASE DO NOT DEDUCT CLERKING FEES FROM YOUR ENTRY FEE.
Liability: Mid Atlantic & Pennsylvania Pet Lovers, Junglelovers Cat Club, Capital Cat Club, The International Cat Association (TICA), and the David L Lawrence Convention Center will not be held liable for injury, loss or damage to cats, exhibitors, property of exhibitors, vendors or other such persons or property in attendance.