Regular Session
October 17, 2016
34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976
Monday, October 17, 2016, 7:30 p.m.
Regular Session Agenda
Mission Statement
The Harding Township School provides a strong educational foundation which inspires students to achieve academic excellence. Our dedicated faculty stimulates intellectual growth using a challenging curriculum within a supportive learning environment. We encourage students to become self-directed, lifelong learners who are well prepared for the academic and social challenges of the future.
District Goal 1: To measure the academic progress of our students through the administration of district-wide assessments in Reading, Math Facts and Writing.
a) To administer a district-wide reading assessment to all K-3 students in the spring. Ninety percent (90%) of all students will be reading at grade level or will move up one reading level.
b) Ninety percent (90%) of students in each grade K-5 shall pass with 90% accuracy a timed grade level “MathFacts Assessment” that will be aligned to the Common Core State Standards and will assess students on the four core mathematical functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
c) Ninety percent (90%) of students in grades K-8 shall improve one point (one quintile) on the District Writing Assessment. This assessment shall be administered in the fall and in the spring. Students scoring a 5 in the spring shall be counted as having met the goal.
District Goal 2: Implement the iReady assessment program in grades 2-5 in ELA and grades 2-8 in Math.
a) Provide necessary Professional Development for teachers.
b) Gather and analyze data to be shared with parents and to differentiate instruction.
c) Add results to the Data Dashboard.
District Goal 3: Improve communication with the school and township community
a) The school administrative team will hold informational meetings with the school’s parent communities ona rolling monthly basis.
b) The district will use technology and other forms of outreach to improve its communication with theTownship community-at-large.
I.Call to Order – The regular session of the Harding Board of Education is called to order by ______at ____ p.m. in the Library of the Harding Township Middle School, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976.
II.Presiding Officers Statement/Sunshine Statement:
In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., adequate notification of this meeting has been provided to the Daily Record and the Observer Tribune on January 28, 2016 and posted on the bulletin boards of the New Vernon Post Office, Green Village Post Office, Harding Township Municipal Building, Harding Township Elementary Schooland Harding Township Middle School on January 28, 2016.
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV.Roll Call
Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______
Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______
Superintendent, Mr. Matthew Spelker
Business Administrator, Ms. Marilyn Cuykendall
Social Studies Curriculum Updates – Mrs. Donohue
- Superintendent
- Business Administrator
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Facilities and Finance
- Personnel and Management
- Madison Board of Education
- Morris County School Boards Association
- Morris County Educational Services Commission
- Climate & Culture Committee
- Nurse’s Report for September 2016
- Fire Drills: 9/9/2016, 9/23/2016
- Bus evacuation drill: 9/23/2016
BB-09Approve Minutes
BB-10Approve the Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC) Statement of Assurance for the 2016/17 school year.
MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to approve:
BB-09 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves the following minutes:
-Regular Session, September 26, 2016
-Executive Session, September 26, 2016
BB-10 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC) Statement of Assurance for the 2016/17 school year.
Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______
Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______
FF-39Approve Budget Guidelines for the 2017/18 school year
FF-40Approve September Financial Reports
FF-41Approve September Bills List
FF-42Approve September Budget Transfers
FF-43Approve Referee fees for the 2016/17 school year
FF-44Approve Oxford Consulting Services for occupational therapy for the 2016/17 school year
FF-45ApproveMr. Brian Freidlander,Assistivetek,LLC, for Special Education evaluation services
FF-46Approve Ms. Julie Hersh, CCCC, speech language pathologist for speech services
FF-47 Approve the New Jersey Department of Education Health and Safety Evaluation of School Buildings Checklist
FF-48Approve the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan (CMP) and the Annual Required Maintenance Amount Worksheet (M-1).
MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to approve:
FF-39RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves the following Budget Guidelines for the 2017/18 School Year:
- Continue to fund all programs and services and foster educational excellence, working within the confines of the 2% property tax cap, per State Law.
- Maintain District’s fund balance at a maximum level permitted by State law.
- Maintain staffing configuration and curriculum programs for the 2017-2018 school year.
- Continue to be conservative and value-oriented in the expenditure of public moneys, respecting its effect on local taxpayers.
- Continue to provide financial support for the revision of curriculum as per the Curriculum Review Cycle.
- Allocate funds for the District Technology Plan, all leased equipment, and for Capital Improvements, as detailed in the Long Range Facilities Plan and Comprehensive Maintenance Plan, and as recommended by the Facilities and Finance Committee.
- Develop a prudent budget that is aligned with the district’s instructional priorities, addresses the needs of all our students and allocates sufficient funds to ensure professional development for staff.
- Continue to ensure that the budget and financial planning process is integrated and aligned with District priorities and includes planning objectives based on statewide assessments and the 2013-2018 HTS Strategic Plan.
- Derive budget expenditures from competitive supplier quotations, whenever appropriate, official data and actual expenditures from previous years. The concept of zero-based budgeting shall be followed.
FF - 40RESOLVED,that the Harding Township Board of Education, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.12(c), accepts that as September 30, 2016 no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.HJ.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(a).
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.14(c)4, after review of the Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s monthly financial reports certify that as of September 30, 2016 and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of their knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A23-2.11 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year, and N.J.S.A. 18A:22.8 and 18A:22-8.1 and sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. And furthermore;
FF-41RESOLVED,that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves the September 2016 bills list, for checks #34577 through #34657 with total of $701,085.11.
FF-42RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves the following Budget Transfers for month of September 2016 as follows:
DATE / SOURCE / TARGET / AMOUNT9/30/2016 / Pvt. School Tuition / Out state Tuition / $55,000.00
9/30/2016 / Misc. Athletic / Supplies Athletic / $500.00
9/30/2016 / Misc. Instruction / Supplies Library/Media / $3,000.00
9/30/2016 / Prof Svc/In-Service / Prof Dev/Workshop / $10,000.00
9/30/2016 / BOE Travel / Admin PD/Travel / 1,000.00
9/30/2016 / Purchased Plant Svc. / B&G Prof/Tech Svc / 2,000.00
9/30/2016 / Purchased Plant Svc. / Grounds Supplies / 10,000.00
TOTAL / $81,500.00
FF-43RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves the following referee fees for the 2016/17 school year:
- Soccer 1 Official - $97.50 each
2 Officials - $65.00 each
- Field Hockey 1 Official - $97.50 each
2 Officials - $65.00 each
- Basketball2 Officials - $60.00 each
- Lacrosse 2 Officials - $65.00 each
FF-44RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education,approves Oxford Consulting as additional provider of occupational therapy services as needed for the 2016/17 school year.
FF-45RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves Mr. Brian Friedlander, Assitivetex LLC., to provide special education evaluative services not to exceed $1,750.00 for the 2016/17 school year.
FF-46RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves Ms. Julie Hersh, CCCC, Speech Language pathologist, as needed for the 2016/17 school year at $75.00 per hour.
FF-47RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves the New Jersey Department of Education Health and Safety Evaluation of School Buildings Checklist for the 2016/17 school year.
FF-48RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves form M-1 Annual Maintenance Budget and prior years Actual Expenditures Report and the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan Report prepared per N.J.A.C. 6A:26A. and
Be It Further Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves the submission of the Comprehensive Maintenance Report by November 15, 2016 to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools and the M-1 Report with the submission of the 2017-2018 Budget to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools.
Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______
Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______
C/I-08Approve Social Studies Curriculum rewrite/reformat, Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
C/I-09Approve field trips
MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to approve:
C/I-08RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the revised/reformatted Social Studies Curriculum, Kindergarten through Fifth Grade for the 2016/17 school year.
C/I-09RESOLVED,that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the following field trips:
Ms. DeCotiis, Gareau and Galdieri, Grade 5, Community Service visit to Assisted Living Centers, October 31, 2016
Ms. Hinds and Mulligan, Grade 4, Planetarium, CCM, December 20, 2016
Ms. Gareau and Engelsman and Mr. Alworth, Grade 6-8, Adjudication, Allentown, PA, May 12, 2017
Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______
Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______
P/M-26Approve teacher resignation
P/M-27Approve professional development for teachers
P/M-28Approve payment of Seventh Grade Math Curriculum
MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to approve:
P/M-26RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, accepts with regret the resignation of Ms. Jessica Lydeka, Grade 2 Teacher, effective November 18, 2016.
P/M-27RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the following professional development:
Mrs. Emily Thony, NJ School Counselor Association Conference, Rider University, NJ October 14, 2016, registration $139 and mileage from HTS to conference location at $0.31/mile.
Mrs. Holly Rosenfeld, NJAHPERD Conference, Johnsonberg, NJ October 17, 2016, registration $25 and mileage from HTS to conference location at $0.31/mile.
Mrs. Cochran, Engelsman, Tsai and Petrozzo, AMTNJ Conference, Dec 8-9, 2016, East Windsor, NJ, registration $295 per participant, mileage from HTS to conference location at $0.31/mile ($26) and meals (day 1 included) day 2 not to exceed $44.25, as per General Services Administration guidelines.
P/M-28RESOLVED,that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approves payment for the Seventh Grade Math Curriculum to Ms. Carol Cochran of $30.00 per hour for 10 hours.
Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______
Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______
X.HEARING OF PUBLIC REGARDING(Agenda and non-Agenda Items-Policy 0167)
- HTEF Oktoberfest – 10/22 at Green Village Fire House, 7-11 p.m.
- Other
MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to enter Executive Session at ______.
Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education convenes Executive Session in full compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act,N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 etseq.; and the minutes of the discussion of any of these items will be available to the public whensuch minutes have been approved by the Board pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Action may be taken. Topics include:
Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______
Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______
MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to return to Public Session at ______.
Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______
Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______
MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to adjourn at ______.
Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______
Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______
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