Candidate Identification Form
1. Identification data
Name:Date of birth: / Country:
Contact phone: ( ) / Passport Nº:
2. Academic level intended
Master of Science (M.Sc.) / Phylosophy Doctor (Ph.D.)Intended concentration area: / - Diagnosis and nutritional intervention in collectivities (Diagnóstico e intervenção nutricional em coletividades)
- Dietetic and biochemical study of the nutritional state (Estudo dietético e bioquímico relacionado com o estado nutricional)
- Nutrition in meal production and eatingbehaviour (Nutrição em produção de refeições e comportamento alimentar)
3. Academic background
Country: / Year of conclusion:
Country: / Year of conclusion:
Title of the monography:
Master Degree:
Country: / Country:
Title of the dissertation:
Concentration area:
4. Professional Activities
Actual activities:Company name:
Country: / City:
Previous activities:
Company name:
Country: / Country:
5. List of publication
List your main publications: a) manuscripts in indexed scientific journals e b) abstracts in congress or similar events. (Please include copies of the 1st pages of each publication attached to this form)
5.1 Manuscripts in indexed scientific journals
5.2 Abstracts in congress or similar events.
General data regarding the intention of Research Project
Title:Concentration area:
RESEARCH PROJECT GUIDELINES: 5 page limit for sections a) to c): see below
- Introduction (suggested length - 2 pages)
• Background and current status of research in the proposed field of study that has led to this proposal.
• Be careful and honest in describing the background literature (work from others).
• It is important that the reader gets a feel for novelty. Which gap in knowledge is being filled by the proposal?
• Hypothesis or Research Question (when applicable): A carefully crafted introduction/background will make the formulation of the hypothesis or research question obvious. This should be formulated as precisely and distinctly as possible. Is it novel? Is it important? If the study is hypothesis or Research Question-free or descriptive, this must be justified.
• Objectives.
- Detailed plan of investigation with clearly set out project plan, methods, time plans with milestones and deliverables (suggested length - 2½ pages)
• Please state if a power analysis has been performed and provide details of same. If this is not the case, please explain why a power analysis is not applicable to the project.
• Potential pitfalls: It is useful to openly discuss challenges or vulnerabilities to a certain approach and to elaborate on potential alternatives to give the feeling that the best way forward has been chosen.
• If the study is a clinical trial, all aspects of design must be carefully considered. It is helpful to ensure that appropriate expertise is represented in the proposal.
- Novelty and importance of this work - (suggested length - ½ page)
- References (no page limit)
Date: ___/___/______
Candidate Signature