Advanced Concept High School
Concept Development
Moseley Architects
January 6-7, 2016
1-1/2 day seminar with Moore County Schools and Mosley Architects to begin the process of developing a plan for the new concept high school. Teacher, parents, HS students, school board members, a county commissioner, HS principals, SCC administrators, SCC professors, Moore County school board and administrators were invited by Dr. Grimesey to attend.
The seminar focused on brainstorming concepts that would be incorporated into the new high school architectural plans. These included: multi-use spaces, cross-pollinating space, prepared for growth, adequate parking, areas for community, outfitted to promote individual and collaborative learning, adequate spaces and storage, classic design with multi-use furnishings
Collaborative Discussion:
Listed must haves for space:
· Energy efficient
· Fits into the environment
· Flexible spaces and furniture
· Abundant parking
· Advanced technology with thought to future
· Modern, durable equipment
· Spaces that are appropriate for specialized classes
· Room for expansion
· Community spaces
· Appealing to students
· Appealing to the community
Most important to vision:
· Academically challenging
· Collaborative
· Flexible spaces
· Talent producer
· Develop students to become employers not employees
· Leadership
· Adequate size
· Cross discipline
· Risk taking
· Community flagship
· Real world opportunities
· Benchmark
Vision Statement-
-Expand curriculum availability for all three high schools.
-Increase opportunities to include college credits, certifications, licensing.
-Address overcrowding for Pinecrest & Union Pines
5 Pathways:
1. Health Services
3. Skilled Contracting-ie. carpentry, masonry, culinary, drafting
4. Global Leadership-ie. JROTC, language, economics
5. Business
-possible additional academic benefit: global leadership seal( ), AP Capstone diploma (4 AP courses, AP seminar course, AP research course)
-All pathways must take at least one business class
-Project based learning
· Crossover between pathways
· Crossover with local industry & businesses
· Collaborative and subject appropriate learning spaces
· Teacher/student collaboration
East of O’Neal on Airport Rd. (Southern Pines)
Engineering/topography Report: endangered red-cockaded woodpecker nests on site, no flood impact, sloping topography toward north, flight path for Moore County Airport- need FFA input regarding airport clearance.
The estimated square footage, 115,000sq ft. based on previous estimates and budget. These numbers may change as needs are more clear. The flexibility will be in shared space and convertible spaces.
Discussion on cafeteria or food court space was left undecided based on state restrictions.
Concluded with small group exercises discussing and sharing space requirements and desires for each of the pathways. Further discussion will occur with specific department heads as the plans are further developed.
· Common spaces
· Accessibility
· Parking and traffic flow
· Safety
· Further discussion on definition of media center space
· Community lecture space
· Adequate and locked storage
· Multi-use
· Good flow between courses that are collaborative
· Business spaces that are the central point of the school
· Student Activity Center with access to outside
· Use of outdoor spaces
Second day the architects presented four 3-D drawings incorporating most of the ideas and space requirements listed. It was quickly determined that the site limitations due to the woodpeckers really would not lend itself to a single story building. The jumping off point turned out to be a split 3 level building taking advantage of the slope in the topography. Automotive and carpentry classrooms in back of building on lower slope with separate access for deliveries. Good site lines for safety, as well as passive supervision with administrative spaces on two floors. Large extended spaces/learning labs within hallways. Activity center central with access to outdoor spaces/courtyard areas. Planning continues through the summer with bidding going out by October.