What is the proposed Mixed-Use Rezoning on El Camino Real and 5th Avenue?
The proposed rezoning is a change in the rules regarding development and use of properties currently zoned for commercial uses, in a specifically designated portion of North Fair Oaks along El Camino Real and both sides of 5th Avenue (see the rezoning maps). The rezoning does not change the rules for any residential properties in the area. The rezoning is an implementation of the land use policies contained in the North Fair Oaks Community Plan, adopted by the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors in 2011. The rezoning would allow greater diversity and intensity of uses in these areas, with mixed-use residential and commercial development ranging from four to five stories, depending on location.
What is the purpose of this rezoning?
The purpose of the zoning along El Camino Real and 5th Avenues is to allow some redevelopment of existing commercially zoned areas, with more attractive and appropriate development and a greater mix of residential and commercial uses, with moderately greater heights and densities, while still preserving the character and quality of life in adjacent areas. The intent of the rezoning is to provide a greater variety of neighborhood- and regionally-oriented goods and services, and new housing units.
What is the North Fair Oaks Community Plan?
The North Fair Oaks Community Plan is part of the County General Plan, focused specifically on North Fair Oaks. Based on input from residents, it describes a vision and goals for future development in North Fair Oaks (NFO), with the intent of meeting the expressed needs of NFO residents. In addition to regulations around what may be built in specific areas of North Fair Oaks, the Plan includes a broad range of policies related to health, infrastructure, transportation, housing, economic development, and other topics. The Plan was created between 2009 and 2011, through an extensive community process including public workshops, stakeholder meetings, and hearings at the NFO Community Council, Planning Commission, and Board of Supervisors.
How does the Community Plan relate to the proposed rezoning?
The Community Plan establishes very basic rules controlling the type and size of buildings and kinds of uses that may be created on properties in North Fair Oaks. Zoning takes these basic rules and refines them into very specific regulations that cover every aspect of how properties may be developed and used. The Community Plan and the zoning work together to establish how development in parts of NFO may occur. The El Camino Real/5th Avenue rezoning is the second phase of four total rezoning phases (see rezoning phases on the map handouts).
How can the public give inputon the rezoning? Who makes the final decision?
After adoption of the North Fair Oaks Community Plan, the County recruited residents and business owners to participate in a Zoning Working Group, with the aim of helping refine the policies in the NFO Plan into detailed implementation policies and actions. The Working Group has been meeting to create draft zoning regulations for the current (CMU-1 and CMU-2) rezoning phase since August 2015. The process for the remainder of the rezoning includes:
- Community information and outreach meetings
- Additional work by the Working Group to incorporate feedback from the community
- Hearings at the North Fair Oaks Community Council
- Planning Commission hearings
- Board of Supervisors hearings
Each of these stages in the rezoning process is public, and provides an opportunity for community input on the rezoning, and on other phases of Community Plan implementation. Working Group meeting schedules, public hearings, and other key dates will be posted on the NFO website.
Ultimately, the County Board of Supervisors will review and approve any changes to the zoning, at a public hearing of the Board.
How were the rezoning areas selected? Why these areas?
During the creation of the North Fair Oaks Community Plan, NFO residents were asked to identify their needs, goals, and vision for future development of North Fair Oaks. This included identifying types of development residents would like to see, and the areas in which residents would like to see those changes. El Camino Real and 5th Avenue were identified as areas appropriate for future development. Existing residential areas were specifically excluded from rezoning, based on the community’s direction. The areas selected for rezoning are primarily commercial and industrial areas that many residents feel would benefit from beneficial redevelopment, and that have the capacity to sustain a greater mix and intensity of uses, including new housing and a greater mix of commercial uses and services.
What is the purpose of the Zoning Working Group, and who participates in it?
The Zoning Working Group was created after the adoption of the NFO Community Plan, to help refine the basic land use policies in the Plan into specific zoning regulations for the rezoning areas. The Working Group has varied in its composition, but includes residents, business owners, and other involved stakeholders. Past and current Working Group participants have included local residents and stakeholders Dale Miller, Manuel Ramirez, Laura Caplan, Linda Lopez, Janet Davis, Debbie Torres, and others. While the Working Group does have a membership, the meetings are open to the public.
Will the rezoning cause new development and new construction?Is the County planning to build new buildings in the rezoning area?
NO. Rezoning changes the rules that apply to future development. It does not cause any new construction or any other direct activity. There are no construction projects currently pending in the rezoning area, and the County has no plans to construct any buildings in the area.
Will the rezoning force property owners or residents to leave, or force businesses to close?
NO. Zoning only establishes the rules for future development. Zoning does not change any property ownership, does not cause any businesses to close, leave, or change, and does not force any residents to take any action whatsoever. Zoning only applies when new businesses open or new buildings are built.
My area is already impacted by parking shortages; will new development create even greater parking problems?
The County is committed to ensuring that new development along El Camino Real and 5th Avenue does not worsen parking in the area; in some cases, new development can improve parking conditions. The County will pursue the following strategies to address potential parking impacts:
- Any new development in the rezoned areas will be required to have sufficient parking for all residences and businesses on the property. This means that, in many cases, more parking will be provided than currently exists.
- The County is increasing enforcement of commercial vehicle parking in residential areas, to limit commercial vehicles using residential spaces.
- The County is committed to implementing a Residential Parking Permit program in residential areas adjacent to the rezoning areas, if area residents are interested in such a program. A residential parking permit program limits long-term parking (more than one or two hours) to area residents.
The rezoning will allow taller buildings along El Camino Real and 5th Avenue. Will these buildings create shadows across my property? Will they block my views?
While new buildings on properties along El Camino Real and 5th Avenue would be allowed to be between one and two stories taller (depending on location) than the 3-story development currently allowed, they will be required to be set significantly back from the property lines facing any adjacent residential uses. When buildings are next to residential properties, they will be required to be set back at least 15 or 20 feet from the property line (depending on location). In addition to these setbacks, buildings must also be stepped back further at upper stories. Currently, buildings in these areas are only required to be five feet from the property line, and no upper story stepbacks are required. These greater setbacks and stepbacks(see zoning handouts for explanations of these terms) will ensure that adjacent properties are protected from shadows, and impacts on views are minimized.
Where can I find out more about what zoning standards mean?
There is a basic explanation of zoning terminology available on the handouts, and on the NFO website.
What is North Fair Oaks?
North Fair Oaks is a portion of unincorporated San Mateo County, within the boundaries shown on this map. While it is adjacent to Redwood City, Menlo Park, and Atherton, it is not a part of any of these jurisdictions. It is a part of the unincorporated County, governed by County laws and codes.
However, mailing addresses in North Fair Oaks will reflect one of the adjacent jurisdictions, typically Redwood City or Menlo Park, and some services in some parts of North Fair Oaks, including Fire Protection and Water Service, are provided by Redwood City or Menlo Park.
Where can I get more information?
More information on the North Fair Oaks Community Plan, the proposed rezoning, the Plan EIR, the public process and upcoming meetings, and other information are available on these websites:
NFO Plan/Zoning Website:
NFO Forward Website:
If you have additional questions or comments, please contact one of the project managers:
Will Gibson, , 650-363-1816
Joe LaClair, , 650-363-1865
Para preguntasenespanol, por favor contacte a Bryan Albini, , 650-363-1807