Antonija Vilcāne
LAST UPDATE: 20.11.2012
● 2001 –Doctor of Historical Sciences, doctoral thesis“The development of Latgallian culture in the Iron Age, 1st–12th century (based on archaeological material from the Dubna Basin)”, University of Latvia
●1976–1980 –Faculty of History and Philosophy of the University ofLatvia, higher academic education, historian
● Senior Researcher (since 2008);
● Head of Archaeology Department (since 2007);
● Researcher (2002–2008);
● Assistant (1993–2001);
●Junior Research Assistant (1985–1992);
● Senior Technician (1979–1984)
● Engineer-Restorer at the Artefacts Conservation and Restoration Laboratory of the Archaeology Department (1979)
Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia (up to 1992 the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR) (since 1979)Address: Akadēmijas laukums1, Riga, Latvia, LV-1050
● Researcher
Archaeology Department (2006–2009), National History Museum of Latvia.Address: Pils laukums 3, Riga, Latvia, LV-1050
● archaeology and prehistory of Latvia and the East Baltic
●Late Iron Age archaeology in Latvia, settlements and burial practices, material and spiritual culture
Projects in the National Research Programme
● Participantintheproject “Latvian studies: study and publication of sources on Latvianarchaeology” (2006–2009)
Fundamental and applied research projects funded by the Latvian Council of Science:
● Participant in project No.10.007“Virtual Encyclopaedia of the Humanities: People, Sources and Terms” (2010–2013)
●Leader of project No. 09.7575.“The development of material and spiritual culture in Latvia in the Late Iron Age and Medieval period” (2010–2012)
● Leader of project No.09.1492“The development of material and spiritual culture in Latvia in the 9th to 12th century”(2009)
● Participantin project No 96.0433“The culture of the inhabitants of Latvia in the 9th–13th century in the context of economic and political events in the Baltic region” (2005–2008)
● Participant in project No 96.0433“Latvia as a zone of contact in cultural and economic links between East and West” (2001–2004)
●Participant in project No.01.0554“Kurzeme and the Daugava Basin in the Iron Age” (1996–2000)
International and EU projects:
●State and partner coordinator, EU project ESTLATRUS /2.2./ERLI-191/2011/22 “Archaeology, authority & community:cooperation to protect archaeological heritage” (2012–2014) Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007–2013.
● Participant in the project “Collaboration in archaeological research with the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian archaeology”(Schleswig)(funded by DAAD, 2011)
● Leader of field team, Trilateral (Sweden-Latvia-Belarus) cooperation project “History unites peoples”, 2008 (Funded by SIDA, Sweden)
●Leader of field team, archaeological excavation at Drusku (Korneti) Hill-Fort in collaboration with Tartu University (Estonian Science Foundation, Grant 6119),2007
ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD WORK–atmore than 20 archaeological sites since 1985;directed archaeological fieldwork at 14 sites. Most important investigation: archaeological complex of Jersika (1990–2004)
● Daugava Association Prize for research on ancient Jersika (2008)
● Bronislavs Spulis Prize for research on the history of Latgale and promotion of the cultural heritage (2007)
● Expert of the Latvian Council of Science (2010–2013)
● Member of editorial boards:
– seriesArheologija un etnografija [Archaeology and Ethnography] (since 2008)
– Arheologu pētījumi Latvija...gadā[Archaeological Investigations in Latvia] (since 2008),
– journal Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls[Journal of the Institute of Latvian History](since 2011)
● Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Latvian History (since 2006)
●Member of the Latvian Association of Archaeologists (since 1994)
●Participation in international scientific conferences: 25 papers presented in Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Germany and Latvia.
●Participation in Latvian scientific conferences: 11 papers presented
●2007 – organiser of an international scientific conference in Riga
●2008, 2009, 2011 –organiser of Latvian conferences
A LIST OF PUBLICATIONS:87 in total,including 1 monograph, 59 scholarly papers, 29 book reviews, scientific information and popular articles
Vilcāne A. Senā Jersika [Ancient Jersika]. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstures institūta apgāds, 2004.115 lpp.: il. ISBN 9984601900
Vilcāne A. Ancient Latgallian women’s ornaments. Humanities and Social Sciences, Latvia. Art, applied art and symbols in Latvian archaeology. No. 2(39). Riga: University of Latvia. 2003. P. 118 – 140. ISSN 10224483
Vilcāne A. Jersikas pilskalna valnis un koka nocietinājumi [The earthen bank and wooden defences of Jersika Hillfort]. Arheoloģija un Etnogrāfija. 22. Rīga: Latvijas vēstures institūta apgāds, 2005. P.186-203. ISBN 9984601099 ISSN03209415
Vilcāne A. Jersikas pilskalna krāsnis [The ovens at Jersika Hillfort]. Arheoloģija un Etnogrāfija. 23. Rīga: Latvijas vēstures institūta apgāds, 2006 295.–310.lpp.ISBN 9984601587 ISSN 03209415
Vilcāne A.Latgaļu un sēļu kultūras mijiedarbība vēlajā dzelzs laikmetā [Latgallian and Selonian cultural interaction in the Late Iron Age (9th–12th century)].Pētījumi sēļu senatnē.–Latvijas Nacionālā Vēstures muzeja raksti.– Nr.11.–Rīga, 2006.–121.–138.lpp. ISBN 9984747085 ISSN 140754540
Vilcane A. Tenth–11th century warrior burials with horse-trappings in the Latgallian area. Archaeologia Baltica 8.– Klaipeda 2007. P.273–282. ISSN 13925520
Вилцане A. Археологические исследования латгальского могильника Брувери IX–XII вв. Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли. Семинар имени академика В.В. Седова. Материалы LIII заседания (10–13 апреля 2007 г.). Псков, 2008. – с. 324–332.ISBN 9785943750694
Vilcāne A. Findings of harness items and the cult of the horse in Latgallian and Selonian territories. Archaeologia Baltica, 11. Klaipeda: Klaipeda University Press, 2009, P.254 – 269. ISSN 13925520
Vilcāne A. Franča Baloža devums seno latgaļu izpētē [Contribution of Francis Balodis to research on the ancient Latgallians].Arheoloģija un etnogrāfija, 25. laidiens. Rīga: Zinātne, 2010. 77– 94. lpp. ISBN 9789984808789 ISSN 03209415
Vilcāne A. Pātagas kātu atradumi Latvijā [Whips in Latvian archaeological material]. Arheoloģija un etnogrāfija. 25. Riga: Zinātne, 2011, P.117.–136. ISBN 9789984879086, ISSN 03209415
Vilcāne A. LU Latvijas vēstures institūta Arheoloģijas nodaļa laikā no 1995. līdz 2011. gadam: reorganizācija, paaudžu maiņa, pētījumi [The Department of Archaeology of the Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latviafrom 1995 to 2011: reorganization, change of generations, research]. Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls.– 2011.–Nr. 2.– 65.–87.lpp. ISSN 10258906
Vilcāne A. Borhi un Preiļu muižas kapela arheoloģisko izrakumu gaismā [The Borch family and Preili Manor Chapel in the light of archaeological excavation]. Vēsture: avoti un cilvēki. Humanitārā fakultātes XX starptautisko zinātnisko lasījumu materiāli. VēstureXIV.Proceedings of the 20th International Scientific Readings of the Faculty of Humanities. History XIV. Daugavpils Universitāte: Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”2011. 348–354.ISSSN 1691-9297
Vilcāne A. Pātagas Latvijas arheoloģiskajā materiālā: funkcionālā un simboliskā nozīme [Whips in Latvian archaeological material: functional and symbolic significance]. Vēsture: Avoti un cilvēki. Humanitārās fakultātes XXI starptautisko zinātnisko lasījumu materiāli. Vēsture XV.Proceedings of the 21th International Scientific Readings of the Faculty of Humanities. History XV. Daugavpils Universitāte: Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, 2012, 328.–336.lpp. ISSSN 1691-9297