ENG2PI Novel Study Summative Assignments

You must choose ONE option from Part A and ONE option from Part B. Many of the following options require a specific format for your final copy-be sure to consult with the teacher to make sure you are doing your assignment correctly.

Part A: Writing Assignment

Length: 250-500 words.

1.  In one complete paragraph, discuss how the main character is like or unlike a person (or animal) that you know. Discuss at least 3 main similarities or differences.

2.  Pretend that you're the author and describe the part that was the most fun or most difficult to write. Explain why.

3.  Describe an experience you've had that was like the experience of a character in the book. Be sure to include enough detail so that the similarity is easy to understand.

4.  Write an obituary for one character.

5.  Write a letter to the author of the novel.

6.  Write the next chapter of the book where you describe what happened next to the main character after the story ended. Be sure to use description, dialogue, etc. just like each is used in the novel.

7.  Explain how you would make your book into a movie: who would play the main characters? Where would you film it? Would you drop/alter any parts from the book in your version? You must explain your choices.

8.  Write an interview with one of the major characters.

9.  Compare your novel to a movie that is like the book. What happened in each and which was better and why?

Part B: Communication Assignment

1.  Write a long poem or rap (20 lines or more) about a part of the book: a character, an event, a place, etc.

2.  Make an illustrated time line of events in the book. Make sure your timeline includes at least 10 events with a two sentence description and/or small picture or clipping describing each event.

3.  Make a character up! Imagine a character that was not in the book but that could have been. Write a script of a conversation between this character and one of the existing characters (one page) and tell how the book would change with this new character.

4.  Make a scrapbook of the main characters. Cut and paste pictures of people and animals that you think look like the characters and add appropriate descriptions for each picture.

5.  Find three songs that seem to relate to your novel. Write out the lyrics and then write an explanation of how they relate.

6.  Make a cartoon of the book or a chapter (at least eight panels in full color with text.)

7.  Write and illustrate a full children's book telling the story of your book - with a cover.

8.  Create a time capsule which includes 10 items that are important to your novel. Include 'artefacts' from the setting and symbols that are important to this character.


Writing Assignment Summative Rubric

Name: ______Mark: / 100

Level 1
(50-59%) / Level 2
(60-69%) / Level 3
(70-79%) / Level 4
Knowledge and Understanding
Of novel ‘s issues, characters, plot, conflicts, themes, etc. / Demonstrates limited understanding of novel’s complexities / Demonstrates some understanding of novel’s complexities / Demonstrates considerable understanding of novel’s complexities / Demonstrates
insightful understanding of novel’s complexities
Thinking and Inquiry
Makes connections between novel and writing task / Makes and demonstrates limited connections between novel and writing tasks / Makes and demonstrates some connections between novel and writing tasks / Makes and demonstrates connections between novel and writing tasks / Makes and demonstrates insightful connections between novel and writing tasks
In the required writing form, clearly and correctly / Writing is not clear and correct or in the required form / Writing is somewhat clear and correct and in the required form / Writing is mostly clear and correct and in the required form / Writing is very clear and correct and in the required form
Of particular assignment requirements / Writer has produced a piece of published work that meets few of the assignment criteria / Writer has produced a piece of published work that meets most of the assignment criteria / Writer has produced a piece of published work that meets the assignment criteria / Writer has produced an exceptional piece of published work that meets the assignment criteria

Communication Assignment Summative Rubric

Name: ______Mark: / 100

Level 1
(50-59%) / Level 2
(60-69%) / Level 3
(70-79%) / Level 4
Knowledge and Understanding
Of novel ‘s issues, characters, plot, conflicts, themes, etc. / Demonstrates limited understanding of novel’s complexities / Demonstrates some understanding of novel’s complexities / Demonstrates considerable understanding of novel’s complexities / Demonstrates
insightful understanding of novel’s complexities
Thinking and Inquiry
Makes connections between novel and writing task / Makes and demonstrates limited connections between novel and assignment tasks / Makes and demonstrates some connections between novel and assignment tasks / Makes and demonstrates connections between novel and assignment tasks / Makes and demonstrates insightful connections between novel and assignment tasks
Correctly in the required media form / Generates somewhat polished media work for a specific purpose and audience with significant flaws / Generates polished media work for a specific purpose and audience skillfully with minor flaws / Generates polished media work for a specific purpose and audience skillfully / Generates polished and meaningful media work for a specific purpose and audience skillfully
Of particular assignment requirements / Student has produced a piece of published work that meets few of the assignment criteria / Student has produced a piece of published work that meets most of the assignment criteria / Student has produced a piece of published work that meets the assignment criteria / Student has produced an exceptional piece of published work that meets the assignment criteria