Top News from the European Commission: 23rd January– 12th February 2006


What's new on the Commission's "Agriculture" website?

"Organic farming in the European Union - Facts and figures"

PDOs, PGIs, TSGs: Applications for registration:

"Isle of Man Manx Loaghtan Lamb": PDO (OJ C 3 - 06/01/2006, p. 3)

"Batata de Trás-os-Montes": PGI (OJ C 3 - 06/01/2006, p. 6)

"Geraardsbergse mattentaart": PGI (OJ C 3 - 06/01/2006, p. 9)

"Sangueira de Barroso - Montalegre": PGI (OJ C 334 - 30/12/2005, p. 59)

"Patatas de Prades" or "Patates de Prades": PGI (OJ C 331 - 28/12/2005, p. 2)

"Chouriço de Abóbora de Barroso - Montalegre": PGI (OJ C 329 - 24/12/2005, p. 10)


Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF): overview week 3

Animal Disease Notification System: Table 11 published on 20 January 2006

General Food Law - Operator's Responsibilities

Leaflet on Key Obligations of Business Operators now available in all EU languages

International Affairs

Import Conditions

Guidance Document - Key questions related to import requirements and the new rules on food hygiene and official food controls. Updated 23-01-2006

-  OIE

Draft written comments of the European Community on the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code to be submitted for adoption and consideration in the General Session in May 2006

Draft written comments of the European Community on the report of the meeting of the OIE Aquatic Animals Health Standards Commission to be submitted for consideration before the General Session in May 2006

-  Regional

Documents related EU regionalisation policy

Animal Health & Welfare

Improving animal welfare: EU Action Plan adopted

Questions and Answers on the Action Plan on the Protection and Welfare of Animals

EU Animal Health Strategy (2007-2013) - CAHP Evaluation

Steering Group Updated 20-01-2006

Survey of stakeholders : on line questionnaire and supporting documents

Third Country Survey

-  Avian Influenza

Commissioner Kyprianou visits Turkey to support efforts in tackling avian influenza

- Community Reference Laboratories
Working Document pdf on the Work Programmes of the Community Reference Laboratories in the Field Of Animal Health and Live Animals for 2006.

Food and Veterinary Office Inspection reports

Fr France - final report of a mission carried out in France from 21 June to 1 July 2005 concerning the evaluation of the control of residues and contaminants in live animals and animal products, including controls on veterinary medicinal products


Mandelson: Europe still ambitious for the Doha Round, but it is time for others to move

Mr Peter Mandelson: EU Trade Policy after Hong Kong, Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Berlin, 23 January 2006


EU-AgriNet New events added


Euro-zone external trade deficit 2.3 bn euro

Euro-zone annual inflation down to 2.2%


European Commission does not authorise reimbursement mechanism for the German toll system

European Commission approves Polish aid scheme for combined transport


Provisional conclusions of ECOFIN Council of 24-1-06 (a.o. reduced VAT rates)

Provisional conclusions AGRIFISH Council 23-01-06



Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the second "Marco Polo" programme for the granting of Community financial assistance to improve the environmental performance of the freight transport system ("Marco Polo II") Reference A6-0408/2005 : 20/01/2006

Press releases

Europe prepares its defences against bird flu

Grave concern over funding for transeuropean networks

Plenary Sessions

Results of votes at January plenary session

Summary of various debates and results of main vote in January Plenary session

Agenda of the Plenary part session 1 and 2 February

Committee Sessions in Brussels

1.  Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Next meeting 30/31 January Agenda available


The 22nd Plenary Meeting of GMO Panel - 12-13 October 2005 – Brussels minutes

Announcement : EFSA Colloquium 5 - Development of Food-based Dietary Guidelines, 21-22 March 2006 - Parma, Italy The registration will be open until 2-03-06

Agenda of the 15th Plenary Meeting of the AFC Panel - 24 - 26 January 2006 in Parma


Update on avian influenza in animals

Animal health news for the week

Alert Messages

Newcastle disease in Bulgaria


The Appellate Body, on 25 January 2006, released its Annual Report 2005


Bird flu virus could spill over to Africa and Europe in springtime

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