Present: Mr Scott (Chairman), Mrs Blackman, Mrs Burgess, Mr Bullions, Mr Ellison, Mr Favell, Mr Frankland, Mr Hewitt, Mrs Hollis.

Sgt Martin Cullis and PC Barbara Bradley (Hampshire Constabulary)

74. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Mrs Boutle, Mrs Davis, Mrs Gavin, Mr Strawbridge, Mrs Taylor, Mr Finney and Mr Golding.

75. Notices

The Chairman reported that Mr Strawbridge had moved to Overton at the end of September. Mrs Blackman thanked members for their card and flowers following her operation.

76. Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2012 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

77. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

78. Police Report

Sgt Cullis referred to the announcement that there would be staff reductions in the Northern Division due to budget cuts but he explained that this was still under review by the senior management team and no final decision had yet been made. If staffing levels were to be reduced the challenge would be on how best to cover the area with the officers remaining.

The Chairman reported that Anna McNair-Scott had suggested a meeting with senior police officers for those parishes affected and members agreed to give full support to such a meeting.

Sgt. Cullis also reported on recent crime levels and in particular to the number of thefts from rural farms which involved more night time working. With Halloween and Firework Night fast approaching, the local beat team would be working mainly late shifts.

A suggestion by the Clerk that the new Peter Houseman pavilion could be made available as a base in the village for PC Bradley was given full support.

The Chairman thanked the two Police officers for attending the meeting.

79. Planning Matters

Mr Favell reported on the Committee meeting held on 20 September and gave an update on the application by Modern Moulds in Lightsfield and the problems caused by heavy lorries. He stated that the Borough Council’s Development Control Committee would view the site on 19 October prior to making a decision.

80. Community Association

Mrs Hollis reported that the Association had applied for charity status, was setting up its website and had agreed a business plan and aims, including how to increase membership. Events being planned included a village litter pick, a sports weekend in 2013 and fund raising for improvements to Kennet Way Play Area.

81. Working Party Reports

(a) Environment

(i) Bulb Planting – Bulbs had been planted the previous week but further planting would be undertaken in the Kennet Way area with help from Cubs and Brownies on 29 October at 2pm.

(ii) Tree Branches overhanging footpath 9 – The Clerk reported that Simon Warner had indicated that it would cost £175 to remove the tree branches and this was agreed.

(iii) Pond Clearance –The cost for the annual pond clearance would be £380 and at the same time Simon Warner suggested that the stumps of the two self-seeded willow trees be treated with poison to prevent re-growth.

It was also agreed to remind Stuart Grace about clearing some of the silt from Rectory Road pond.

(iv) Ploughing of Public Footpaths – The Clerk reported further ploughing up of footpaths in the Bulls Bushes area and said that she had been in contact with the Hampshire Rights of Way Team following the receipt of several complaints.

(b) Finance

(i) Changes to Financing of Local Councils – The Chairman was pleased to report that it now looked as though the Government was re-thinking this whole issue and trying to steer away from taking further money away from parishes through the precepting process.

(ii) Grant Application – Following a report from the Working Party it was

RESOLVED: That the Council, in accordance with its powers under Sections 137 and 139 of the Local Government Act 1972 should incur expenditure which, in the opinion of the Council, is in the interests of the area or its inhabitants and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure –

Testbourne School - £200 towards 2013 visit to Uganda (Georgie Wray, Victoria Peopall, Chloe Buckley and Emily McBarron)

(iii) Allotments Notice Board – It was agreed that the Allotment Association be refunded the cost of the newly installed notice board at the Allotment Site.

(iv) Cash Flow – Mrs Blackman referred to the note that had been circulated prior to the meeting and stated that the overall picture as at 30 September was not quite as bad as had been envisaged. Spending on the Peter Houseman pavilion was greater than thought at this stage but only because works, and thus payments, were ahead of schedule. She wished to remind working parties that budget ‘wish lists’ were required by the November meeting and must include comprehensive lists of anticipated expenditure for 2013/14.

(c) Peter Houseman Pavilion Extension

Mr Ellison explained that progress on the construction of the building had been extremely good and he encouraged members to look for themselves. However there were issues with the water softener and the cost of extra groundwork due to the rise in levels. E.ON had advised that the contract for the supply of electricity would need to be a new one as it was a completely new building with a 3-phase supply. The cost of a one- year contract had risen by 30% and Mr Ellison agreed to push hard to have this reduced. It was therefore agreed that the Finance Working Party be authorised to agree to the new contract with E.ON.

(d) Publicity

(i) Newsletter – This was currently being printed.

(ii) 2014 Calendar – Members were asked to look out photographs of the village for inclusion in the calendar.

(iii) Service of Remembrance – All arrangements were complete and two children from the Junior School would be taking part.

(iv) Carol Singing Event – The Clerk agreed to invite the Mayor to the event and ask Malshanger Estate if they were able to provide a tree.

(ii) Website – Mr Frankland referred to the spreadsheet which had been circulated to members asking for web pages to be revised, some of which had since been completed and it was agreed that the site could be transferred from the Borough Council to Vision ICT as soon as this could be achieved.

(e) Sports Grounds and Play Areas

Boundary Fencing at Peter Houseman Ground – Mr Ellison reported that Mrs Davis had met Julian Small from Park Farm and had agreed in the short term to repair the post and wire fence on the northern boundary with Mr Small kindly providing the materials and this Council, the labour costs. In the long term it was felt that more hedging should be planted in the gaps along the fence line. It was agreed to seek a quotation from Simon Warner for the fencing repairs and also to obtain his advice on how to best repair the holes in the chain link fence on the western boundary.

82. Highway Matters

(i) Community Speedwatch – Mr Frankland reported that he had arranged a meeting with volunteers and the Police the following week to discuss training and sites.

(ii) Pack Lane Crossroads – Mr Frankland gave a report of the very positive meeting with County and Borough officers on 2 October to discuss the plan from the County’s consultant. The outcome was that the idea of a mini roundabout at this location was completely dead but there were two other options:

(a)  Measures to slow down traffic and improve visibility. County officers agreed to undertake a proper technical survey and report back in early January 2013.

(b)  A compact roundabout requiring some extra land and moving the junction to the east. This would be a costly and long term solution but officers had agreed to carry out a limited amount of technical work.

(iii) Parking Restrictions in The Vale – Mr Frankland reported that Barry Ford had now produced a new plan showing a compromise solution to the parking issues. However he felt that the Council should be careful to ensure that this was not dropped due to objections and that therefore there was a need to organise a positive response from residents.

(iv) St John’s Road Bridge – The Clerk reported details of the accident which had caused serious damage to the parapet on one side of the bridge. She explained that large vehicles were having difficulties due to the narrowing of the bridge because of the safety barriers and that she had been in touch with Hampshire Highways with regard to the signing of an alternative route for such vehicles.

(v) Ashe Hill Park Estate Pathways – The Clerk reported that a residents group had been formed and had decided to pursue the plan to have some of the pathways adopted as public rights of way.

83. Village Vision Action Plan

Due to the lateness of the meeting, it was agreed that individual working parties should look at the action plan and the Clerk would circulate a colour coded list to make this easier.

84. BDAPTC Meeting Report

The Chairman gave a report of the meeting held on 27 September. Topics under discussion included taxation, community speedwatch and websites.

It was noted that the Vice-Chairman would attend the HALC AGM on 27 October.

85. Payment of Accounts

RESOLVED: That the following accounts be paid –

Broker Network Limited / 5066.82 / Strongbond Construction / 37,095.18
Colin Siford / 1016.00 / HCC / 54.78
W G Shenton / 60.00 / Peter Raine / 391.30
Fire Skills Ltd / 57.46 / Larkstel / 1842.85
BDBC / 511.10 / E J Services / 660.00
Macallan Penfold / 600.00 / ProMow Landscapes / 660.00
D Burgess / 157.80 / Malshanger Estate / 122.33
Vision ICT / 420.00 / S Warner / 136.07
Audit Commission / 660.00 / CPRE / 29.00
HMRC / 585.82

86. Circulars and Correspondence

There were no circulars or correspondence to report.