Social Concerns Meeting Minutes

August 7, 2014

Father Steve, Rhonda Fulwiler, Janet Boh, Mary Weyer also Mary Hoesley, Keith Eibergen and Rodney Naedler

Opening prayer was led by Father Steve

1. Rural Life Day-Father Steve

a. There will be a workday at the Walter farm on September 21st.

b. A team met today (8/7/14)to check things out and look at the farm

c. Next planning meeting is August 19th at Alan's house at 7pm

2. Project Milk

a. About $1,300.00 has been raised so far

2. Abigail Scheiner will speak at all 3 parishes on the weekend of the 16th & 17th. She spent this summer at Casa Hogar where Project Milk is sent.

3. Spanish Updates-Father Steve

a. Mass is Sunday August 10th at1:30pm

b. Some parts will be in Spanish, some in English

c. Mary Ann Olsen from the CCD program will be there to register children for religious education.

d. Janet was able to distribute the Spanish newsletter to a few area farmers' with Hispanic workers.

4. Food Pantry-Mary

a. 350 people or 135 families served in July

b. Donations are down because of summer and vacations, etc

c. Mary will have Margie put weekly reminders on the bulletin, concerning what to donate and the fact that donations are accepted every weekend at St. Anthony's.

5. Parade Float for August 24th

a. Mary Hoesley was in attendance to discuss what equipment we need.

b. Ideas for the theme of "Back to Farm Roots"

c. Also discussed what the signs on the side of the wagon and the back of the wagon will say

d. There will be a work night August 18th at 7pm in the all purpose room

e. We discussed how to include these values in the float-strongsense of community, faith, justice and care and respect for the earth

f. Rhonda will bring the supplies needed and if any thing else is needed she will e-mail us.

6. Coats for Kids

a. We want to start this project earlier as people will be cleaning closets soon

b. Janet will check with BMO Harris Bank about collecting. If they do a collection then we would have a place to go with the donations we collect.

7. Family Farms-Father Steve

a. Father discussed issues about supporting family farms

1. Our Clark Countyfarms are thebase of the food chain in America

2. Suggested getting educated about family farms

b. Farming has changed, bigger family farms are in the future

c. Father also suggested getting educated on the Farm Bill

Janet led the closing prayer

Next meeting is September 4th at 7pm