
NMSG Executive Board telephone conference Thursday 12 Jan 2017, 8am.

Participants: Hareth Nahi (HN), Anders Waage (AW), Einar Haukaas (EH), Fredrik Schjesvold (FS), Niels Abildgaard (NA), Peter Gimsing (PG), Henrik Gregersen (HG), Annette Vangsted (AV), Mette Overgaard Gotthardsen.

Apologies: Kari Remes, Markus Hansson, Cecilie Blimark, Sigurður Yngvi Kristinsson, Valdas Peceliunas, Edward Laane.

1. Brainstorm for program for meeting 9 February: Workshop


AV: lecture on Drug Response Prediction. Annette will give the lecture.

NA: Discussion of the Daratumumab study

FS: Discussion of new protocol for 1 line elderly pt.s – a NMSG only study, or A STUDY in collaboration with e.g. Hovon? If agreed, responsible persons should be pointed out. It was also agreed that NA should contact Sonja Zweegman with an open question asking if Hovon has any plans at the moment.

HN will contact Sanofi with regard to their interest in a 1. line elderly protocol.

NA: Presentation of clinical databases in the NMSG countries. Are there possibilities for sharing the bases? It was agreed that HN would make z presentation of the Swedish, NA of the Danish, and Kari Remes of the Finnish databases. Norway has only the Norwegian Cancer Register, AW will present from this survival data.

NA: Discussion of spin-off and preclinical studies e.g. with bone marrow samples from the Carfilzomib study. HG will present the material in the Carfi Biobank.
FS: Discussion of a new relapse study.

NA: T. Plesner and Agoston Szabo with update on their ongoing light chain and gammaglobulin trial.

AW: Carfilzomib resistant pt.s and Hydroxychloroquinetreatment. AW will make a presentation. Amgen has shown interest in supporting. (Carfilzomib is not reimbursed in Norway at the moment).

HN: Discussion of possible substudies to ongoing NMSG-studies or to other basic studies.

HN: Discussion of the mechanism in resistance to proteasome inhibitors.

FS: Make a plan for pre-analysis over the next year for the Carfilzomib study (at induction, transplant times). At the moment the side-effects can be presented, HG will do the presentation.

2. Budget problems with Janssen

HN has no contact at all with the Janssen people in Sweden. The issue was postponed to be dealt with by HN, NA and PG after the common board TC.

3. New members to the board

Finland has proven a very active member of NMSG, and it was decided that Finland should not have only 1 seat in the board. It was decided to invite a second representative for Finland. HN will contact Finnish Myeloma study group to a point one more colleague.

4. E.g.

It was decided to start with an executive board meeting in advance to the workshop:

Executive Board meeting Thursday 9. Feb. at 10.00-13.00 incl. lunch from 12-13.

Mette Overgaard Gotthardsen, 14-01-2016