Town of Hempstead Workforce Investment Board

WIT Strategic Planning Team

Meeting Minutes

HempsteadWorks Career Center

May 23, 2006


Myra Brietburg, Job Corps

Ivy Chang, Abilities, Inc.

Eady David, National Council On The Aging, Inc.

Aurora T. Farrington, Chairperson, VESID

Grace Guerrero, New York State Department of Labor Division of Employment

Services (NYSDOL/DoES)

Lisa M. Harris, Abilities, Inc.

Edward Kenny, HempsteadWorks

Joann Lukas Von Stein, HempsteadWorks

Jennifer Sulmonte, Abilities, Inc.

I.Welcome and Introductions

Ms. Aurora Farrington, called the meeting to order at 11:05 A.M. The attendees introduced themselves.

  1. Review of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.

  1. WIT Project Update

The attendees were informed by Mr. Kenny that the United States Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) has formally notified the Town of Hempstead Workforce Investment Board (WIB) that it would exercise its option not to renew the Customized Employment Grant (CEG) for a fifth year. He reported that a conference call was convened by Chris Button of ODEP exclusively to thank the WIT Project Consortium for the work it has performed under the CEG. During the call, Ms. Button indicated that the Consortium has done a “phenomenal” job. Mr. Kenny also discussed the review of the WIT Project that was conducted on May 18 and 19, 2006 by Westat on behalf of ODEP. He thanked all of the Project partners for participating in interviews related to the study. A request was made by Mr. Kenny to the partners seeking for practical examples of customized employment techniques that have been used under the Project. This information was requested by Westat. The partners agreed to forward specific information.

Mr. Kenny also provided a report describing the project outcomes to date. He directed the group to focus on the increase of “shared customers” among partners from Year Two to Year Three. Ms. Harris indicated that recent recruitment efforts have resulted in new WIT enrollments. WIT staff are conducting outreach in coordination with a variety of organizations, including: VESID, Hempstead School District, Nassau Library System, C.W. Post, Hands Across Hempstead, etc.

IV.Disability Program Navigator Report

Ms. Chang provided a report of the activities of the Disability Navigator Program (DPN) since the last meeting. She indicated that she has arranged for large font computer programs to be available to individuals in the Resource Room of the HempsteadWorks Career Center. In addition, she has conducted a series of benefits information workshops at Connections Clubhouse in Huntington. The DPN is also disseminating information at group meetings of the WIT Project. Ms. Chang asked the group for suggestions for dealing with homeless individuals, who are temporarily residing at the Interfaith Nutrition Network (INN). Ms. Farrington advised her to ensure that these individuals understand that there is no quick fix to their problems. Ms. Von Stein suggested that Ms. Chang arrange with the INN to prepare its customers to meet with her. Ms. Guerrero suggested that Ms. Chang convene the individuals as a group to enhance their understanding of the process required to receive services from a peer perspective.

V.No Cost Extension

The attendees were informed by Mr. Kenny that an option was available through ODEP for CEG grantees to apply for a No Cost Extension. If approved, this action would extend the grant end date from September 29, 2006 to December 31, 2006, without additional grant funds. The purpose of the extension would be to complete the project tasks described in the grant proposal.

VI.Sustainability Planning

The attendees revisited the mission statement and goals for sustainability that were agreed to during the sustainability planning session conducted by Elena Varney of the National Center for Workforce and Disability/Adult approximately one year ago.


The members agreed that this agenda item was discussed to the group’s satisfaction, during Item III of the agenda, which is the Wit Project Update.

VIII.Development of Guidebook/Promising Practices

The group was reminded by Mr. Kenny that one of the proposed deliverables under the grant was the development of a guidebook and compendium of promising practices. Ms. Harris indicated that Abilities, Inc. has begun to work on this material.

IX.New Business

Ms. Farrington informed the group that a VESID customer will be interviewed on the Good Morning America television program on Friday, May 26, 2006 at 8:00 A.M. on Channel 7. She stated that a story has already been published about this individual’s success story in Newsday. The story is an example of outstanding cooperation among partners, including VESID, Mill Neck Manor and other partners.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 A.M.