September 2008 IEEE 802.11-08/1078r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2008-09-14
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Stephen G. Rayment / BelAir Networks / 603 March Road, Kanata, ON, Canada K1S 1W1 / +1 (613) 254-7070 /
Minutes 3
Detailed Record 14
Session 1, Monday September 8th AM2 10:30-12:30, Hilton Waikoloa – Queen’s 4 Room
The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:32.
The Chair made numerous Miscellaneous Announcements using slide 6 of the Agenda presentation, 11-08/0935r3 and “Important Stuff” from slide 7.
The Chair reviewed the IEEE 802 and 802.11 Policies and Procedures on Intellectual Property, including reading slide 8 “Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform”. Per slide 10, the Chair made a “Call for Potentially Essential Patents”.
There were no responses to the call.
The Chair reminded everyone of the Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings per slide 11.
The Chair reminded everyone to use the Automated Attendance Recording and demonstrated how to use it.
The Chair reviewed the Agenda for the week using the Agenda presentation. Three presentations were added to the list of Pending Presentations, 11-08/1014, 11-08/1055 and 11-08/1057.
The Agenda was approved by unanimous consent.
The July 2008 Denver Meeting Minutes, 11-08/0835r0, were approved by unanimous consent with no comments or corrections.
The Teleconference Minutes listed below were approved by unanimous consent with no comments or objections:
July 23 - 11-08/936r0
Aug 6 - 11-08/960r0
Aug 20 - 11-08/989r0
The Kaua‘i Ad Hoc Meeting Minutes, 11-08/1038r0, were approved by unanimous consent with no comments or corrections.
The Editor reviewed the status of the TGs Draft D2.01 and the Comment Resolution document. He expects to have a new version available by tomorrow.
The substance of CIDs 374, 763, and 1065 were not discussed due to IEEE Patent policies. The Chair is trying to get these comments withdrawn.
The Chair led a discussion on process using the “TGs Process, September” document, Donald Eastlake 3rd, 11-08/1049r0. The objective is to get to a Letter Ballot after the November meeting. The Third Letter Ballot Re-circulation date should be corrected to March 2009. There were no comments or discussion.
Presentation 1: “Awake Window Handling” 11-08/1055r0 Jarkko Knecht (Nokia)
Questions / comments ensued . . .
802.11s shall define a single mechanism (no matter what it is) for Awake Window and groupcast frames delivery handling?
Yes: 5 No:0
What do you consider as the best alternative for the Awake Window and the groupcast frames transmission handling? (Please vote for the most attractive alternative only)
1. Before the Awake Window
2. After the Awake Window
3. Only during the Awake Window
4. Combined Groupcast delivery and Awake Window
5. The current mode, Awake Window and groupcast delivery are two separate issues
6. Abstain / do not know / do not care
Option 1: 0 Option 2: 0 Option 3: 0 Option 4: 4 Option 5: 0 Option 6: 12
Presentation 2: “Power Aware Link Metric” 11-08/1014r0 Jarkko Knecht (Nokia) et al
Questions / comments ensued. . .
Jarrko briefly reviewed the normative text in document 11-08/1015r0
Should the default link metric be Power Save aware?
Yes: 2 No: 5 Abstain: 9
Presentation 3: “Normative Text for Power Save” 11-08/1057r0, Jarkko Knecht (Nokia)
There were no questions / comments
Jarkko reviewed the related comments in the Comment Resolution spreadsheet using document 11-08/1056r0.
There were no questions / comments.
Presentation 4: “MDA Issues” 11-08/635r3 Liwen Chu (STMicroelectronics)
There were no questions / comments
Do you think the problems in 11-08/0635r3 should be solved based on the methods or the updated methods in 11-08/635r3?
Yes: 1 No: 1 Do not know:14
The Chair recessed the session at 12:13.
Session 2, Monday September 8th PM2 16:00-18:00, Hilton Waikoloa – Queen’s 4 Room
The Chair reconvened the session at 16:06.
The Chair reminded everyone that we are working under the 802.11 Patent Rules and asked if anyone was aware of any patents requiring Letters of Assurance, per slide 10 of the Agenda presentation.
There was no response.
The Chair reminded everyone to log their attendance using the Automated Attendance System.
The Chair reviewed the progress from this morning using the Agenda presentation 11-08/0935r4.
The Chair proposed we break into ad hoc sub-groups for comment resolution.
Interest in working on comment resolution in sub-group, by category:
· MAC: 5
· Security: 5
· RFI: 5
· General: 2
Sub-group co-ordinators that volunteered were:
· MAC – Michelle Gong
· Security – Jesse Walker
· RFI – Guenael Strutt
We used a random selection device (coin) to decide that the Security group got the projector ;-)
The Chair broke the TG into sub-groups for comment resolution at 16:17
The Chair reassembled the TG and recessed the session at 18:00
Session 3, Monday September 8th EVE 19:30-21:30, Hilton Waikoloa – Queen’s 4 Room
The Chair reconvened the session at 19:37.
The Chair reminded everyone we are working under the 802.11 Patent Rules and asked if anyone was aware of any patents requiring Letters of Assurance, per slide 10 of the Agenda presentation.
There was no response.
The Chair reminded everyone to log their attendance using the Automated Attendance System.
The Chair indicated we would break again into the same sub-groups for comment resolution. There were no objections.
The Chair reassembled the TG and recessed the session at 20:45.
Session 4, Tuesday September 9th AM2 10:30-12:30, Hilton Waikoloa – Queen’s 4 Room
The Chair convened the session at 10:35AM.
The Chair announced he is currently reviewing draft D2.02 of the Draft.
The Chair reviewed the progress so far this week using the Agenda presentation 11-08/0935r5.
The Chair reminded everyone we are working under the 802.11 Patent Rules and asked if anyone was aware of any patents requiring Letters of Assurance, per slide 10 of the Agenda presentation.
There was no response.
The Chair reminded everyone to log their attendance using the Automated Attendance System.
Moved, To adopt the comment resolution in 11-08/1033r2 (Kauai ad hoc resolutions) with Resolution Status (Column P) = “Open”, Topic Category (Column H) = “General”, and Resolution Code = “Accept”, “Counter”, or “Reject”; except CID 128 and direct the Editor to incorporate the accepts and counters into the Draft.
Mover: Tony Maida Seconder: Guenael Strutt
Yes: 11 No: 0 Abstain: 2 (passes > ¾)
The Chair requested brief reports on sub-group status:
Presentation 5 “September Security Status” 11-08/1014r0 Jesse Walker
MAC – Michelle Gong
Presentation 6 “RFI Status” 11-08/1108r0 Guenael Strutt
Interest in working on comment resolution in sub-group, by category:
· MAC: 7
· RFI: 3
· Security: 5
The same sub-group co-ordinators were:
· MAC – Michelle Gong
· RFI – Guenael Strutt
· Security – Jesse Walker
The Chair broke the TG into sub-groups for comment resolution at 10:56. (The MAC group got to use the projector since they were the biggest group.
The Chair reassembled the TG and recessed the session at 12:30.
Session 5, Tuesday September 9th PM1 13:30-15:30, Hilton Waikoloa – Queen’s 4 Room
The Chair convened the session at 13:31
The Chair reminded everyone we are working under the 802.11 Patent Rules and asked if anyone was aware of any patents requiring Letters of Assurance, per slide 10 of the Agenda presentation.
There was no response.
The Chair reviewed the progress so far this week using the Agenda presentation 11-08/0935r6.
The Chair reminded everyone to log their attendance using the Automated Attendance System.
The Chair divided the TG into sub groups at 13:38 to continue comment resolution – MAC, RFI and Security – with the same sub group co-ordinators as during the previous session.
The Chair reassembled the TG.
The Chair announced the availability of D2.02 including a red-line and word conversion in the Member’s Area. This Draft incorporates changes through Denver.
The Chair recessed the session at 15:30.
Session 6, Tuesday September 9th EVE 19:30-21:30, Hilton Waikoloa – Queen’s 4 Room
The Chair convened the session at 19:41
The Chair reminded everyone we are working under the 802.11 Patent Rules and asked if anyone was aware of any patents requiring Letters of Assurance, per slide 10 of the Agenda presentation.
There was no response.
The Chair reminded everyone to log their attendance using the Automated Attendance System.
Presentation 7 “Power Aware Link Metric and Path Loop Avoidance” 11-08/0636r5 Liwen Chu (STMicroelectronics)
Questions / comments ensued . . .
Should Express Forwarding be incorporated into the Draft?
Yes: 0 No: 8 Abstain: 6
Presentation 8 “Terminology changes in a nutshell . . .” 11-08/1120r1 Guido Hiertz
Questions / comments ensued . . .
Discussion on potential Power Save Motion from Jarrko Knecht ensued . . .
Presentation 9 “Channel switch related comment resolution” 11-08/1067r1 Kazuyuki Sakoda (Sony)
Questions / comments ensued . . .
Do you think it is reasonable to create a normative text according to the rationale of channel switch as explained in 11-08/1067r1?
Yes: 6 No: 0 Do not care : 6
Presentation 10 “Synchronization related comment resolution” 11-08/1071r1 Kazuyuki Sakoda (Sony)
1. Do you think it is reasonable to provide more detailed description on beacon timing element as explained in 11-08-1071r1?
Yes: 6 No: 0 Do not care: 6
2. Which approach do you prefer for the mesh synchronization flexibility?
· Keep the framework approach to allow other implementation in the future: 8
· Define a solid sync protocol to assure the interoperability (eg. the neighbour offset protocol): 0
· Do not care: 5
3. Which optionality do you prefer for neighbour offset protocol?
· Define the neighbour offset protocol as a mandatory sync protocol: 3
· Keep the neighbour offset protocol as a default but optional protocol: 3
· Do not care: 6
4. Do you think it is reasonable to define more detailed rules for adjusting MP’s TBTT as explained in 11-08/1071r1?
Yes: 2 No: 0 Do not care: 7
The Chair recessed the session at 21:37.
Session 7, Wednesday September 10th AM1 08:00-10:00, Hilton Waikoloa – Queen’s 4 Room
The Chair convened the session at 08:09.
The Chair reminded everyone we are working under the 802.11 Patent Rules and asked if anyone was aware of any patents requiring Letters of Assurance, per slide 10 of the Agenda presentation.
There was no response.
The Chair reminded everyone to log their attendance using the Automated Attendance System.
The Chair reviewed the progress so far this week using the Agenda presentation 11-08/0935r9.
Presentation 11 “Resolutions for Comments on Minor Text Changes for Peer Link Management” 11-08/1082r1 Jess Walker (Intel)
There were no questions or comments. An update will be made and a motion presented tomorrow.
The Chair called for more security presentations as this was the designated security session, but none were forthcoming.
Presentation 12 “PREQ/PREP Create/Process/Forward” 11-08/0957r4 Liwen Chu (STMicroelectronics)
Questions / comments ensued . . .
Presentation 13 “Proposed Texts for Symmetrical Airtime Link Metric and Path loop Avoidance” Liwen Chu (STMicroelectronics) 11-08/1002r0
Should the Draft be updated according to 11-08/1002r0?
Yes: 3 No: 0 Don’t know: 12
Presentation 14 “Text for RFI Comments Related to Sequence Numbers” 11-08/0943r1 Michael Bahr (Siemens EN)
Questions / comments ensued . . .
There will be a Motion on this document this afternoon
Presentation 15 “Normative Text for Power Save” 11-08/1057r2 Jarkko Knecht (Nokia)
Questions / comments ensued . . .
Presentation 16 “MDA Comments 1” 11-08/1103r0 Dee Denteneer (Philips)
Questions / comments ensued . . .
Could do a Motion on this document tomorrow morning
Presentation 17 “CPVs in Mesh formation” 11-08/1102r0 Dee Denteneer (Philips)
Questions / comments ensued . . .
Should we . . .
A: Retain CPV for mesh formation
Yes: 0 No: 10 Don’t know: 5
B: Introduce a bit to indicate whether the MESH STA is connected to a portal
Yes: 4 No: 4 Don’t know: 8
C: Introduce a bit to indicate whether the MESH STA is connected to a portal and include some channel characterisation (e.g. number of peers, CSA-measurement) as well
Yes: 8 No: 2 Don’t know: 6
The Chair recessed the session at 09:52.
Session 8, Wednesday September 10th PM1 13:30-15:30, Hilton Waikoloa – Queen’s 4 Room
The Chair convened the session at 13:33.
The Chair reminded everyone we are working under the 802.11 Patent Rules and asked if anyone was aware of any patents requiring Letters of Assurance, per slide 10 of the Agenda presentation.
There was no response.
The Chair reminded everyone to log their attendance using the Automated Attendance System.
Moved, To adopt the changes described in 11-08/1120r3 as show in “Terminology changes in D2.01” (Draft P802.11s_D2.01-proposed-terminology-changes.0.13.doc) updated for other changes adopted through the end of this meeting and direct the Editor to incorporate them into the Draft after all other changes adopted at this meeting.
Mover: Guido Hiertz Seconder: Jarrko Knecht
The Motion was adopted by unanimous consent
Moved, to adopt the Draft changes in 11-08/0943r2 (“Text for RFI Comments Related to Sequence Numbers”), resolving the commented listed in that submission, and direct the Editor to incorporate them into the Draft.
Mover: Michael Bahr Seconder: Jarkko Knecht
Yes: 12 No: 0 Abstain: 1 (passes > ¾)
Presentation 18 “Letter Ballot 126 Comment Resolutions” 11-08/1126r0 Guido Hiertz
There were no questions / comments.
Moved, to adopt the comment resolutions marked in 11-08/1126r0 marked as “M2008-09-09” in Column X and direct the Editor to incorporate them into the Draft.
Mover: Guido Hiertz Seconder: Kazuyuki Sakoda
Yes: 12 No: 0 Abstain: 0 (passes > 3/4)
Interest in working on comment resolution in sub-group, by category:
· MAC: 7
· RFI: 4
· Security: 4
· General: 1
Divide into subgroups:
· MAC – Guido Hiertz
· RFI – Guenael Strutt
· Security – Tony Braskich
The Chair broke the TG into sub-groups for comment resolution at 13:51.
The Chair reassembled the TG and recessed the session at 15:30.