Affenpinscher Club held an open show whereBIS was McEvoy, Harvey & Wilkstrom’s Ch Crea Diem State Of The Art for Balata; & RBIS, Shennan’s Capricho Jubel for Ashiblack.

MPD(2,1a) 1 Mumby’s Scapafield Schwarz Night Owl with Carmichan, a very happy 8 month old dog whose tail never stopped wagging. Typical head with lovely dark eyes & correct mouth giving the desired turn up. Level topline, excellent harsh black coat & good front movement.PD(1) 1 S Schwarz Night Owl with C.Sp J(1) 1 Merrett’s Florindale Dark Destiny for Venustus, 12 month old dog with the correct coarse coat. Lovely dark eye & good mouth. Short neck carried onto moderate shoulder angulation resulting in that lovely typical front movement & good hind movement. Correct tailset.JD(1) 1 F Dark Destiny for V.YD(1) 1 Gruninger’s Darkle The Devil Made Me Do It, 17 month old dog. Blackest of coats & dark sparkling eye. Very square outline. On first glance looked a bit heavy set but when moving in profile had the light footed floating action.ND(1) 1 Owen’s & Ossowski’s Ribbleriver Lucifer, 2 year old dog. Lighter boned dog, good earset & dark eye. Good mouth & correct coarse coat. In profile he had a lively strutting action.TD(2) 1 Wildig’s Clipperreach Myth Buster, small dog with a lovely square outline. Good dark eye, short neck with level topline & good tail carriage. Carrying a bit too much weight & moved wide in front; 2 Owen’s & Ossowski’s Ribbleriver Lucifer.PGD(4) 1 Gruninger’s Darkle The Devil Made Me Do It; 2 Wildig’s Clipperreach Mythbuster.LD(2) 1 Currie’s Faehat Mad As A Milliner, small compact dog. Good earset & dark eyes. Nice square shape, moved well fore & aft. Correct hind angulation; 2 Pirrie’s Riogaioch Skyfall, this dogs head exuded that engaging, comical expression. Good mouth & teeth giving that prominent lip & upturn. Preferred rear movement of 1.OD(7,2)1 McEvoy, Harvey & Wilkstrom’s Ch Crea Diem State Of The Art for Balata, this dog has a lovely outline & has matured into a fine dog which was apparent when going over him. He has a lovely typical head with correct turn up. He stands foursquare, has a short neck, level topline & high set tail with gentle curve. Front & rear movement is correct. I was very pleased to award him BD & BIS; 2 Scott & Pirrie’s Hamlock Out Of The Blue with Riogaioch, a dog I have liked from the ringside. Masculine & wicked face with blackest of eyes. Nice & square, good tailset & neat feet. Sound mover. Wendy BoorerSp OD(6,2) 1 McEvoy & Harvey’s Ch Avantgarde Citizen Smith for Balata, 4 year old dog with such an expressionable face, dark sparkling eyes & good mouth. Short back, well sprung ribs & slight tuck up giving desired square outline. Harsh coat & moved well. RBD.VD(4,1) 1 Pirrie, Lange & Brown’s Ch Riogaioch Velvetdandy’s Orlock, I have always admired this dog & he didn’t disappoint. 7½ years old. Turbo charged in very fit condition. Masculine head & not overdone in any way. Short neck, level topline & good tail carriage. Sound mover. BV; 2 Harvey’s Kilbarchan’s Rare Copy, 9½ years old. Lovely head, correct turn up, kept his topline on the move & good tail carriage. Thoroughly enjoyed his outing.

PB(2) 1 Fishbachs Attila Me, Myself And I with Duran, super square puppy. Very feminine yet mischievous face, small & high set ears. Short upright neck, level topline & good tailset. Good movement fore & rear; 2 Teasdale’s Tonsarne Tixie Too, very pretty head with correct expression. Very square body & black coarse coat. She was a bit unsettled by a noise but soon settled & moved well.SpJB(5,2) 1 Gill’s Florindale Double Darkness, neat bitch with a feminine head, very dark eye & lovely expression. Moved well & kept her good outline; 2 Wildig’s Ribbleriver Valkry, square bitch with good bone. Coarse black coat, level topline & well set tail. Front & rear movement was good.JB(6,2) 1 Mumby’s Carmichan Chica Star, strong class. This bitch has a super expressive head with the darkest of eyes. Good bone, good square shape & well placed tail which never stopped wagging. Hind legs well set under body & a good free mover; 2 Wildig’s Ribbleriver Valkry.YB(4) 1 Mumby’s Carmichan Chica Star; 2 Gruninger’s Darkle Edwina The Eagle, another lovely bitch. Correct head with good mouth & turn up. Coarse black coat, short neck & level topline. Moderate angulation fore & hind. Such a sound mover. Happy girl!NB(6,1) 1 C Chica Star; 2 D Edwina The Eagle.TB(8,3) 1 C Chica Star; 2 D Edwina The Eagle.PG(5,2) 1 Teasdale’s Tonsarne Riddle Me Ree, this bitch is not overdone in any way. Good mouth, dark eye & expression. Good straight front, coarse coat & moved well; 2 Shepherd’s Avantgarde Vampyre Moon, compact bitch. Pretty face & good mouth. Good black coat, movement OK when settled. Tail tad tight.LB(4,2) 1 Pirrie’s Riogaioch Honey Rider, very pretty bitch, cheeky expression & dark eyes. Small ears well set. Short neck, well sprung ribs & slight tuck up. Moved & showed well; 2 Gruninger’s Darkle Devils Advokate, lovely head, good mouth & turn up. Well placed ears. Short, upright neck & moderate bone. Movement true.OB(11,4) 1 Shennan’s Capricho Jubel for Ashiblack, I have always admired this little bitch, but never been over her. She didn’t disappoint. Lovely head, mischievous expression, good mouth & dark eye. She has a real square shape, good coarse coat, short level back & perfect tail carriage. She moved correctly front & rear. Was pleased to award her BB, RBIS & BOS; 2 Gill’s Florindale Folly Flinders, another feminine bitch without losing the desired expression. Good neat & high ear set. Lovely dark eye & coarse coat. Sound movement front & rear.Sp OB(6,2) 1 Pirrie & Wilkstrom’s Crea Diem Maja, correct head, good teeth & bite & turn up. Dark eye & level topline; 2 Gill’s Florindale Double Delight. Pretty bitch, good mouth & correct turn up. Coarse coat, straight front & level topline. Neat feet & sound mover.VB(3,1) 1 Gruninger’s Ch Darkle Mirrikyn, 7½ year old bitch loving her day out. Good head, short neck & level top line. Carrying a bit of weight. Moved wide in front; 2 Hill’s Scalene Cinnamon, oldest veteran. Looking good for 10½ years. Full set of good teeth. Dark eye, free mover & kept level topline on the move. Sp PB (3,1) 1 Gingell’s Capricho Imir Tinten Fass; 2 Gill’s Florindale Double Delight.Brace(3) 1 Teasdale’s; 2 Gingell’s; 3 Currie’s.Team(3) 1 Gruningers; 2 Teasdales; 3 Gill’s.