Utah Engineers Council Minutes

February 1, 2006

Page 2



February 1, 2006 - 12:00 Noon

Van Boerum & Frank

330 South 300 East, Salt Lake City, Utah

Members Present: Members Absent:

Paul Oestreich, Chair IEEE Steve Keisel UCLS

Dale Bennett, Vice-Chair UCLS Jay Nelson ITE

Michael Norrie, Treasurer SAME Lance Mackie IESNA

Linda Bachmeier, 1st Past Chair SWE Jake Watson SEAU

Jeff Watkins, 2nd Past Chair ASHRAE

Ken Randle AIAA

Bob Davis ACEC-Utah

David Merrill ASME

Dan Church USPE

Kiran Bhayani AAEE

Rick Campagna ASCE

Trent Hunt ASHRAE

Linda Muir GOED

Susan Merrill Executive Secretary


Paul Oestreich, UEC Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 4, 2006.

Motion: Mike Norrie moved to approve the minutes. Kiran Bhayani seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.


Mike passed out the current budget report. There were no changes. The check from ITE for dues was given to Mike. All societies have paid their dues now except IES. IES has not paid their dues for the past two years, so we should probably have the membership committee follow-up with IES to see if they intend to continue their membership. Banquet ticket money should be coming in as we get closer to the banquet.

Motion: Ken Randle moved to approve the financial report, Linda Bachmeier seconded the

motion. The motion was unanimously approved.


A. E-Week – Dale Bennett: Dale reports that he is ready to go – the flyers have been distributed, catering and entertainment arrangements have been made. The contact information on the flyer was incorrect has been corrected on the web site. Dale will need some help with name tags and seating arrangements. Before last year we organized the name tags in the nice shoe boxes and the table assignments were on the name tags. That worked really well. No one is sure what happened to the shoe boxes. We might have to get some more if we can’t find them. Jeff Watkins offered to help with the name tags.

Dale will let us know when the proclamation signing will be happening. There are 8 seats to a table.

B. Publication Committee – Trent Hunt: The Journal is being put together. As soon as we get a proof, each society representative needs to look through the Journal and be sure that their society’s submission is correct. We want to have the Journal mailed out well before the banquet. If you have submitted an ad, please be sure it is in the proof. NewslettersInk was asking if we have a proclamation to put in the Journal again this year. We don’t have one. Linda Muir asked if we need her help with the proclamation. Dale is not sure. He needs to follow through with Joe McBride to see if anything has been done. Joe did not want to do it anymore, but Dale thought he was going to help with it this last time. Linda Muir knows who the contact person is. If we don’t have the proclamation this week, it won’t be in the Journal. The proof will be coming out this week. Linda said that Cherilyn Bradford is the person at the governor’s office who handles the proclamations and she only allows two days a month that they look over proclamations with a photo opportunity. We might be able to get a proclamation signed without a photo.

Trent mentioned that the Journal process now is quite easy since NewslettersInk does most of the work. We got all of the mailing lists except IES.

Trent mentioned the good job that Linda did with the awards committee last month in outlining how the awards were to be judged. That process should probably be formalized so we have record of it and it can be passed on to the next person who will be doing it. Susan is the gathering point, so any information that should be passed on can be given to her for safe keeping.

C. Fund-Raising Committee – Bob Davis: So far the committee has raised the following funds: Scholarship $3,305, General Fund $1,650, Sponsor-a-Student $480 for a total of $5,435. We are getting some contributions from companies that have not donated before, such as Kennecott. The amounts for fund-raising on the financial report and those on the fund-raising report do not match because Mike Norrie does not count the money until it is deposited.

D. Membership Committee – Jake Watson: Jake Watson was not in attendance. The Board would like him to follow-up with IES and see if they want to continue their membership or drop out. If they want to continue, they need to pay their dues for this year and last year.

E. Awards Committee – Linda Bachmeier: The committee has made their selections. Mike Smith is doing ACEC’s presentation. Linda will contact him to incorporate that into the program. Linda needs the scholarship winner pictures and she needs a banquet sponsor slide with their logo and information. She also needs the MESA teacher picture. The person to contact for that is Ken Peterson at the U of U.

As a side note, Ken Randle mentioned that Dave Widauf, our Educator of the Year in 2004, has been selected by AIAA for the Wright Brother’s Lectures Award which is a very prestigious award. This award was last given in 2002. Mr. Widauf gave an outstanding lecture at our banquet two years ago.

F. Scholarship Committee – Mike Norrie: The scholarship committee meeting will be held after this meeting to select the winners. Mike only received one from BYU, although he did receive a call saying another was coming, but he has not received it yet, so it is too late.

G. Nominating Committee: The following people will be on the nominating committee: Linda Bachmeier, Jeff Watkins, and the current executive committee.


Linda Muir from GOED passed out a flyer outlining the governor’s “cluster initiative” for the Board’s review. It is an economic development framework for developing our economy in the future. One of her office’s goals is to start collaboration more with academia and industry and make sure they have the right talent and capital. It is Michael Porter’s model and GOED is adopting it. The back of the flyer lists different industries in which GOED will be putting some of their energy. The state science advisor will be leading this. These are industries that are maybe not at a mature stage, but they see a lot growing opportunities in the state of Utah.

Linda Bachmeier asked about the possibility of getting the governor to speak at the banquet. Linda Muir said that the governor chooses not to schedule in advance more than six weeks, which is different than with past governors. It might be a possibility for next year. The state science advisor is an excellent speaker and often speaks when the governor cannot. His name is Dr. Greg Jones.

It was asked how GOED relates to the USTAR initiative. USTAR is going to be separate dollars and is funded differently. Linda’s understanding is that a private entity will be managing those funds. GOED will push their industries of focus into the research that is taking place under the USTAR model. The dollars will flow to USU and the U of U. GOED won’t be in control of the dollars, but will be influencing what research takes place and making sure the research has a technology commercialization focus. The goal of USTAR is pushing technology out into the market instead of just funding research.


Motion: Mike Norrie moved to adjourn the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:52 p.m.