Name: Date:

How Do Waves Interact With Matter?

Interactive Science Notebook Sheet


1.  Watch the Video Clip J

During The Video:

2.  Based on the video clip, please list ALL of the different types of waves you observe in the video and create a short description for each type of wave.

Type of Wave: / Description:
(Your descriptions can be drawings/diagrams/short summary)

After the Video:

3.  ______are also called ______.

4.  ______are also called ______, which can include different movements; ______and ______.

Explore (1):

Teacher Demonstration:

Out of the 3 things that just happened, which ones created sound waves?


Sound Wave Quick-Lab Exploration:

In this Quick-Lab you will explore which mediums mechanical waves move fastest through by testing sound wave travel through a lab desk (Solid), a cup of water (Liquid), and the air (Gas).

Materials Needed:

·  Plastic Cup/ Beaker

·  Lab Desk/ (Solid Surface)

·  Water


1.  Make a Hypothesis about which medium you think Mechanical Waves will travel fastest through.


2.  First, have a member of your group put their ear down on the lab table, then have another member knock on the lab table.

3.  Then, have your plastic cup filled with water sitting on the lab table. Have a member put their ear to the opening of the cup, then have another group member knock on the lab table.

4.  Lastly, knock on the lab table and listen to the sound from a sitting or standing position.

5.  Take turns letting different members of the group listen to the sounds through the 3 different mediums.

6.  Based on your observations, which medium (Solid, Liquid, or Gas) do you think the sound waves traveled FASTEST through and give an explanation.


7.  Based on your observations, which medium (Solid, Liquid, or Gas) do you think the sound waves traveled SLOWEST through and give an explanation.


Explain (1):

1.  Read the “Categories of Waves” Article. You should TEXT CODE this ARTICLE!


·  # Paragraphs

·  Circle Vocab Words (The ones your know and the ones you don’t J)

·  Underline Essential Info (The important stuff)

2.  Complete guided Notes.

Use the article to cite where you found the information!

3.  Complete a “Give One, Get One” Activity

·  Take out a piece of notebook paper, put your name and date one it

·  Fold the paper “HOT DOG” style (lengthwise)

·  Label the Left Column “Give One” Label the Right Column “Get One”

·  In the “Give One” column, write 3 facts you learned from the article.

·  Then when the music stops find a partner and put one of their “Give One” facts in your “Get One” Column.

·  At the end of the Activity, you should have 3 facts in EACH column.

4.  Review Prezi “Waves” presentation as a class; make sure you revisit your notes to ensure all of your information is correct.

Explore (2):

Teacher Demonstration

Out of the three things that just happened, which ones created light waves?


Light Wave Quick-Lab Exploration

In this Quick-Lab you will explore which mediums electromagnetic waves (EM) move fastest through by testing light wave travel through a lab desk (Solid), a cup of water (Liquid), and the air (Gas).

Materials Needed:

·  Flashlight

·  Plastic Cup/ Beaker

·  Lab Desk/ (Solid Surface)

·  Water


8.  Make a Hypothesis about which medium you think EM Waves will travel fastest through.


9.  First, have a member of your group sit under the lab table, then have another member shine the flashlight down on the lab table from above the surface of the table. What does the student under the lab table see?


10.  Then, have a member from your group hold your plastic cup filled with water Shine your flashlight from the bottom of the cup up towards the top. What do you see on the ceiling?


11.  Lastly, shine your flashlight up towards the ceiling with nothing but the air in-between the light and the ceiling. What do you see? ______

12.  Based on your observations, which medium (Solid, Liquid, or Gas) do you think the light waves traveled FASTEST through and give an explanation.


13.  Based on your observations, which medium (Solid, Liquid, or Gas) do you think the light waves traveled SLOWEST through and give an explanation.


Explain (2):

1.  Revisit the “Categories of Waves” Article. Skim through the text-coded article looking specifically for information on Light Waves (EM waves).

2.  Complete the Guided Note “Light Wave” section. Make sure you are citing the article to support the claims you are writing in your notes.

3.  Complete a “Write-Around” Activity

·  Take out a piece of notebook paper, put your name and date on it.

·  Write a statement that describes the movement of light waves through different mediums, you must use complete sentences and you must cite where you found the information you are using.

·  You will pass your paper to the neighbor to your right, once you receive a new paper, you should continue adding to his descriptive statement, making sure you are citing your sources each time.

·  You will complete this rotation a total of 3 times before you get your own paper back.

4.  Review Prezi “Waves” presentation as a class; make sure you revisit your notes to ensure all of your information is correct.


Create a Venn-Diagram

1.  You will need 2 equal sized circles made from copy paper.

2.  On the front at the top label one circle “Mechanical Waves” label the other circle “Electromagnetic Waves”

3.  On the front of each circle, write as many facts, descriptions, pictures and diagrams as you can for the corresponding wave.

4.  Tape/ Glue the two circles into your interactive science notebook so that they are just barely overlapping. Make sure you ONLY GLUE THE TOP OF THE CIRCLES to your notebook, so that they can still flap open and you can write underneath.

5.  Under your two circles, write as many facts, descriptions, pictures or diagrams as you can that both waves have in common.

**Use the rubric provided for more expectations**

Create an Overarching Summary

1.  At the Bottom/ Back of you Guided Notes, write a 3-5 sentence summary answering the question “How do the wave mechanical and EM waves move through mediums compare and contrast?”

2.  Make sure you site the article, your guided notes, or the prezi presentation as supports to your final claims.

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