Hey, Folks!

Well, here it is: my life story. I was born in Coshocton,Ohio, Sept. 8, 1971, to Dave & Jan Rose Wolfe. My dad at the time was a manger at a shoe store, and mom worked at a sewing factory. My mom and dad got a divorce when I was 3 or 4. I don’t remember it much; I was very young. But I do have some fond memories around the holidays, which were and still are my favorite times. I remember when we used to go over to my grandmother’s house every Christmas Eve, and all the family was there. We’d gather around the fire place and tell stories, and we kids would play and exchange gifts. It was an awesome time and I still cherish it. Funny thing: even after my dad and mom got a divorce, my mom would still come over there for the holidays.

We (Mom and I) lived on a place call Chestnut Hill in a very old house.This was where my first encounter of ghosts came in. Strange thing about this house: nothing happened until the divorce. That’s when strange things happened. Every night my bed would shake, and when I’d scream, Mom would come in. Then it would stop, but when she left, it would start up again. Now keep in mind, there was no train nearby at all, no factory, only cars going by.

One particular night I was sleeping poorly, and when I turned over, there beside my bed was a apparitionor person, or call it what you will, standing there. It looked like the death angel himself!!!! When I called for Mom she came in and walked right through him. She couldn’t see him, but I sure the heck could! It stood beside my bed for 4 nights. On the 4th night I said, “You can stand here, but I’m going to sleep in the bathroom.” Ithad a night light. After that the apparition was gone never to be seen again. Strangely my dad later said that he had seen the same thing at the same age in a different house. We wondered if it’s a family ghost or curse (which I call it).

Other strange occurrences happened to my mom. She would be in the kitchen and then out of nowhere she’d hear her name. When she thought it might be her friend, she’d say, “Come on in,” but no one was there. Other times she would feel a strange feeling like someone was in the room or behind her touching her back. When she turned around, no one would be there. One particular night, she was sleeping in my old room. She actually heard the ghost come up the stairs, around the banister,and then to the bed. She said it seemed that a presence was just standing over her. The best way to explain it is when it came over to her bed,it was like someone having his hand over her face. But in an instant it was gone, very eerie!!!

When my mom started dating my step dad Richard Leahey, it all stopped, and after they got married, nothing ever happened again. I believe the ghost was just there to say I’m here until someone else comes along.

Our house wasn’t the only one likethis. Four other houses beside us were more haunted than ours. The story goes that a lot happened through the area: an Indian battle happened just down the road, and there were old coal mines around our house so someone could have died there or been buried there. Mines collapse….. who knows?

When I was 10-11 years old we moved to Wausau,Wisconsin. I lived there for one year. Then me moved to Wapello,Iowa, when I was eleven and lived there for about one year. My step-dad was working for Westinghouse as an engineer, so he had to transfer a lot. Every summer I’d stay with my dad. Mom would have to leave me behind, and then when I’d go back with Mom, I’d have to leave Dad. That was a hard time in my life, and maybe I’ll right a book about it later (ha ha). So we finally moved to Owensboro,Ky. when I was almost thirteen. I love Owensboro and call it my second hometown.

I graduated from ApolloHigh School, and then went to community collage for what seemed like forever. I was a little wild, hung around the wrong crowd, and didn’t study much. But that changed when I started to go to church and then got saved on Dec 15 1993. Then I was doing the music business, going to college, and working all at the same time. So I thought I would give up collage, (stupid me) and make it in music (yeah right!!!). Well, I moved to Nashville in 1998, then moved back in the end of that summer. I had a string of bad luck there!!

I got married in 2000, had a son in 2003, and now am back in college at BresciaUniversity studying to be a history teacher. Now I’m starting this new adventure doing ghost tours. I hope it will take off and bring more tourists to Owensboro,Ky.

So I guess you’re wondering where I got the whole interest in storytelling. Well, it comes from my Grandma and Grandpa McFarland, my dad and mom, and other family members. My grandma used to tell us kids tons of ghost stories from where she used to live in Black Mountain,Ky. The best one is when she was walking home one night and the moon was full. She was walking beside a railroad track which goes in front of her house. When she happened to look down at her shadow, she saw two!! One was hers, and the other had no head. Her sister actually saw the person with no head one night at the same spot!!! My grandpa used to tell us about the wild man of eastern Ky. who would shake his hand at cars that shined their lights on him as he was walking down the road.

My Dad and I were always interested in Bigfoot and still talk about it. One time we were near Wills Creek, Ohio, we stopped on the side of the road. There was a holler on my side of the road for some reason we got out to look at something when we heard an awful noise of something screaming loud like we were in its territory and it didn’t want us there. Now my dad being a hunter knew what sounds animal made, when we ran and got back into the truck I ask was that a deer, mountain lion, or bear he just shook his head nervously and said” no I don’t know what that was.” Now this might not of been Bigfoot but he(Bigfoot) had been sighted where we were. Another time Dad and I were out fishing at a friend place on the east side of Coshocton county way out in the boonies. We were just getting ready to leave and around us were hills with cows grazing and surrounded by woods. We noticed that it felt different out and the cows were acting spooked!! When all of the sudden out of the woods a big light colored creature came out it looked tall and hairy now keep in mind we were a little ways of on the edge of the bottom of the hill. It stopped looked at us then went back into the woods. We just looked at each other and said what was that, and then got into the truck fast.

So there are some of my experiences. I’ve always love history, haunts, stories, and never been shy to be in front of a crowd. This is some of the reasons why I wanted to do this, also I was always fond of one particular person here in Owensboro that influenced me ever since I was a kid and that person is Joe Ford. He always came to our school when I was a kid and told us ghost stories around Halloween (Which is one of my favorite holidays). I love going to the museum were he worked and hearing his history stories. He’s a big influence on me and helped me a lot with this project thanks Mr. Ford. Also like to thank Rick Pustanio. I couldn’t get it all done without his help and time thanks Man. Also with all their help. The people of downtown Owensboro, The Executive Inn, The library, and staff, William T Reynolds for his stories, Ron Mayhew for his stories, The Book sixty years of Owensboro, My Family for putting up with me through all of this, The fans and people that go on the tour thanks this wouldn’t happen with them also, and My Lord Jesus thanks for your grace and love. So there you have it my life story in a nut shell hope you like the tour, the Website, and my stories there will be more in the future thanks…..

Yours Truly

David A Wolfe II