Geometry Podcasting Name:

Project #4: Finding Area and Perimeter Group Members’ Name(s):

My shape is:______

What is Podcasting? Podcasting is a creative process involving several different components. A successful podcast must be planned and scripted. It requires care and preparation to record and construct, and requires learners to plan clear and concise messages using a one way communication mechanism.

Directions: Use the notes from your textbook and online research to make a podcast to instruct someone else on how to find the area of a Geometric figure. Pretend you are the teacher, how would you teach this idea to someone else. The podcast must include a power point or keynote and use your voice to record the lesson. Follow the rubric below to ensure you don’t lose any points.

Timeline: Approximately 3/19-3/30

______Day 1: Google Account and Google Docs Overview (Library)

______Day 2: Begin to plan your Presentation, research terminology, determine design concepts… (Laptops)

______Day 3: Work on Presentation. (Laptops)

______Day 4: Work on and finish Presentation. Start preparing script.

______Day 5: Complete script. Prepare files for iMovie. (Laptops)

______Day 6: Podcasting. (Laptops)

______Day 7: Work on Test Question

______Day 8: Submit all materials to teacher and complete all evaluations.

______View your podcast day 1!

______View your podcast day 2!

Presentation Material:

Each group will be composed of about 3-4 students. Groups should assign responsibilities accordingly: Design, Manage, Research, Script, Organize, etc.

Each presentation must have a minimum of 9 slides:

Slide 1: Title Slide

Slide 2: Definition of Figure and Picture Example

Slide 3: Labeling the Parts of your Figure

Slide 4: Formulas for finding Area & Perimeter

Slide 5: How to Calculate Area and Perimeter

Slide 6: Easy Example Problem

Slide 7: Harder Example Problem

Slide 8: Real World Example Problem

Slide 9: Works Cited

·  You may use the application Geometer’s Sketchpad to create your own pictures of terms. Select your drawing and copy it onto your slide to make it a part of your PowerPoint. You can also use images from the world wide web, but must make sure to cite any sources you may have used.

·  Time Limit: 10 Minutes

Creating your Presentation:

All members of the group will use their Google Account to participate in the creation of your presentation. Your project must be shared with all of your group members and the teacher. To log in to your google account go to:

Your User Name:______

Your Password:______

Once you are logged in use the DOCS tab in the top left corner.

*Do not waste time with transitions and effects in your Google Presentation, as they will NOT transfer to iMovie. You can add effects later to your iMovie.

Completing a script:

Print your Presentation with three slides per page. Use the notes section to write your script for your podcast. Remember to include: who is speaking when, what each person will be saying, your timing, etc…

Creating Your Podcast:

Day 6: We will be podcasting. Your presentation must be completed by this point. Please make sure that your group is ready to begin podcasting by the end of Day 5. If you are ready early, please follow the handout instructions for preparing your files for iMovie.

REMINDER!! You are working as a group. If any member of the group is absent, the rest of the group must continue to work. It may be a good idea to exchange contact information…..

Rubric For Project

Item / Awesome Podcast / Cool Podcast / Needs work
Points / 5 / 3 / 1
Planning / A detailed plan is created. A script is developed which contains an acceptable level of detail. The script is turn in with project. / A plan is created but parts are missing. OR Script is missing parts OR Script is not turned in with project. / No Plan AND/OR no script AND/OR not turned in.
Introduction / Tells the audience what to expect in the podcast. Tells who is speaking (you don’t need your name if you don’t want too), tells the month and year and where you are in the world. / Missing what to expect in podcast. Tells who is speaking and details of where you are. / Missing more that one of the items.
Audio / Speech is easily heard and makes sense. A logical order of information is given that follows the introduction. Sound is of good quality and no interference. / Some parts need to be rerecorded to give them better sound. Sound levels need to be adjusted. Speech is not smooth. / Is hard to hear. Order needs to be changed. Speed needs to be adjusted. Background noises need lowering or omitting.
Art Work or drawings - Slides / The artwork used is relevant to the speaker, matches what is being said in the podcast. All artwork is copyright free. Synchronizes with the audio. Easy to read. / Artwork is not appropriate OR timing of artwork with speech is off OR artwork needs to be resized. OR Not easy to read. / Needs more artwork AND/OR artwork needs resizing AND/OR timing is off with speech.
Content / Content is knowledgeable and appropriate. The content is accurate. The script was used. As a listener I understand the topic being taught. / Missing content or content is incorrect. Script not used. OR listener doesn’t understand topic. / Incorrect content and listener doesn’t understand topic.
Construction / The podcast shows care and effort. The quality of the production is excellent. The speech is fluent and the speed of delivery is acceptable. The podcast has high quality images and captivating and enjoyable. / The podcast shows some case and effort. The quality of production is good with a few issues regarding sound, fades, poor cuts or long periods of silence. Speech is fluent and speed is acceptable. / Little or no care or effort is shown. Quality has many issues regarding sound, poor cuts, long pauses, or silence. Speed is unacceptable. Images are of low quality.
Time / Duration of 5 minutes but doesn’t exceed 10 minutes. / Over the time limit. / Way over (or under) the time limit.
Requirements / 9 slide minimum: Title Slide, Definition of Figure, Example, Labeling of Parts, Calculate Area, and 3 Example Problems, a test question with a 10 minute time limit, Group Evaluation Form.(15 total points) / -1 point for each missing term
total missing ______
Your Score / ______/ 50