EvergreenHigh School




Web Site:


Chairman of the Board of Governors:



The school is a medium sized 11-18 all ability co-educational school. It has a maximum capacity of 595 and draws pupils from all sections of the community.

EvergreenHigh school is a uniquely inclusive school in terms of ability, religion and ethnic diversity. The school has a good reputation for its academic achievement, sporting success and pastoral care and it offers a wide range of extra – curricular experiences to its pupils. The school has a strong post-sixteen provision with some 110 students currently in Year 13 and 14. Situated on the outskirts of the resurgent new City of Greenfield the school is well equipped and maintained and well placed to meet the challenges of the future.

EvergreenHigh School has an extensive special needs policy which is implemented to ensure ‘Quality Education for All’.

The school has a comprehensive discipline policy to which all pupils must adhere and full school uniform must be worn by all pupils. It is also expected that parents accept and support the school rules and procedures before a pupil is admitted and both pupil and parents are asked to sign a home school contract.


The school occupies extensive modern premises on the outskirts of Greenfield in a pleasant residential district with easy access to main routes. In addition to normal classroom facilities the teaching of practical subjects is catered for by five modern laboratories for the teaching of science, physics, chemistry and biology; a new technology and design suite comprising 2 workshops and a planning room and a CAD room; 3 home economics kitchens; 2 business studies rooms; a music suite; several rooms with information technology facilities and 3 art and design rooms.

There is a careers suite; a library; a lecture theatre; 2 gymnasia; a sports hall and outdoor games facilities which include access to the astra turf pitch of the local hockey club.

A suite for special educational needs has recently been refurbished and all post-16 Students have access to a purpose built ‘Sixth Form Centre’.

The school places great emphasis on pastoral care, and actively fosters the Christian faith. Pupils are encouraged to develop an awareness and understanding of, and tolerance towards, the views of others.

A wide range of extra curricular activities are offered including:

  • Charity Committee
  • Girl’s Choir
  • Magazine Committee
  • School Orchestra
  • School Bank
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
  • Sports (Hockey, Football, Netball, Basketball, Badminton etc)


PRINCIPAL (GROUP 5) Enrolment 571 (11 – 18 years) REF:

Salary Point L20 – L26 (Leadership Group Pay Spine)

The Board of Governors of Evergreen High School invites applications for the post of Principal to succeed the present postholder on his retirement at the end of the current academic year.

EvergreenHigh Schoolhas a good reputation for its academic achievement, sporting success and Pastoral Care, and it offers a wide range of extra–curricular experiences to its pupils. The school has a strong post-sixteen provision with some 150 students currently in Years 13 and 14. The school also has a well integrated Learning Support Centre for young people with moderate learning difficulties.

The Governors wish to appoint a person with energy and vision who has a proven record of successful management and leadership in the post-primary sector. As well as demonstrating evidence of leading and managing staff development, curriculum and change, the successful candidate must be committed to building on the school’s quality teaching and learning ethos and promoting the school in the community.

Essential Criteria

All applicants should:

  1. Be qualified to teach as recognised by the Department of Education, and be registered or have, if successful, registered with the GTCNI by the agreed date of taking up duty.
  2. Possess an Honours degree from a recognised university.
  3. Have a minimum of 5 years’* teaching experience (out of the last 10 years*) as at 31/8/2008 as a full time teacher in a post primary school.

4. Have a minimum of 3 years* management experience (within the last 5 years*) as at 31/08/2008 in apost-primary school:

i. as a Principal; and/or

ii.as a Vice Principal; and/or

  1. as a Head of Department/Senior Teacher (within a post that attracts a minimum of 3 management allowances); and/or

iv.in an equivalent relevant management post within the education service. (Equivalence to be regarded as a post with a salary placement, which is at least equal to point iii above).

5. The Board of Governors recognise the value of the Revised National Standards and will expect candidates to be familiar with these. Candidates will be required to demonstrate the ability to think strategically and possess:

i.the extensive management knowledge and skills;

iithe leadership skills; and

iiithe personal qualities required for the post.

6. Have a knowledge of LMS with the ability to manage finance, human and other resources.

7. Have an understanding and empathy with the traditions of Evergreen High School as an inclusive school in terms of the breadth of its academic and vocational provision, the cross community dimension of both staff and pupils and the school’s positive Christian ethos.

Desirable Criteria

  1. Hold a PQH or a relevant post graduate qualification in education/educational management.
  2. Have a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a school offering 11-18 provision.
  3. Have an Honours degree at 2:2 or higher.

Year* = school year September to August

The Governors reserve the right to enhance the criteria to facilitate the selection process.

NB: Shortlisted applicants will be required to make a short presentation.

It is anticipated that Board of Governor Interviews will be held on Wednesday 4 March 2009.

Posts involving work in educational establishments are subject to the provisions of the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (NI) Order 2003.

Information Packs and Application Forms are available from:

The Human Resources Branch, SELB, 3 Charlemont Place, Armagh, BT61 9AX

Telephone 028 3741 5422 (Line available 8.30 am to 4.30 pm)

Email or download at .

Applications must be returned not later than 4.00 pm on Tuesday 10 February 2009.

Please quote relevant Job Ref No P0______

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Tuesday 27 January2009




  1. The person appointed must have such qualifications as may be approved by the Department of Education and must comply with all other legal conditions applicable to the post. An applicant must establish that he/she possesses the appropriate qualifications required for the post before submitting an application. Only application forms from persons who meet the terms of the post will be considered. Applicants should ensure that their application forms are completed in full and that all necessary information is included thereon to enable their eligibility for the post to be assessed. A separate Curriculum Vitae will not be considered and must not be submitted with the application form. No additional pages should be submitted with the application form.
  1. The appointment is subject to the approval of the Department of Education and such terms and conditions as it may attach.
  1. The appointment is also subject to the person offered the post signing an agreement in the form approved by the Department of Education.
  1. The salary for the post will be in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Education. As a Group 5 school (5746 unit total) the salary will be in the range L20– L26 £57,149 - £66,194 per annum.
  1. The general functions and professional duties attached to this post are set out in the attached job description which will form part of the successful candidate’s contract.
  1. Applications will be considered by the Board of Governors and short-listed candidates will be invited for interview by the Board of Governors onWednesday 4 March 2009. It should be noted that the levels of qualifications and experience advertised represent only the minimum requirements. The Board of Governors may short-list only those candidates who are deemed to have enhanced levels of qualifications and experience. In accordance with Paragraph 3 (2) of Part 1 of Schedule 14 of the Education and Libraries (NI) Order 1986 short-listed candidates will be interviewed by the Teaching Appointments Committee of the Board at a meeting in mid Marchat the Board’s Headquarters.
  1. In connection with interviews it should be noted that interviewees shall pay their own travelling expenses.
  1. Completed application forms in an envelope marked in the top left hand corner “Application” must be lodged with the Human Resources Manager, The Southern Education and Library Board, 3 Charlemont Place, The Mall, Armagh BT61 9AX by 4.00 pm on Tuesday 10 February 2009.


  1. Applicants must not submit Inspectors’ Reports or extracts from them.
  1. An application will not be considered unless signed by the applicant.

11.Canvassing will disqualify.

Canvassing is defined as:

‘Any approach direct or indirect by the candidate or with the knowledge or approval of the candidate to any member of the Board of Governors or The Southern Education and Library Board or the Teaching Appointments Committee thereof, provided that a candidate requesting a member of the Board of Governors or the Board to act as a referee is not deemed to be an approach within the meaning of this definition of canvassing.”

A personal or written request to the Principal or The Southern Education and Library Board for information regarding the post will not be regarded as canvassing. Candidates are very welcome to visit the school by prior appointment with the Principal – Tel: .The Board of Governors expects that shortlisted applicants will be interested in visiting the school and acquainting themselves fully of its situation and circumstances and shortlisted candidates will be notified of the arrangements in due course.

12.Applicants should NOT furnish testimonials but should supply names and address of two referees. To avoid embarrassment applicants should state on their application forms that they have obtained the prior consent of the persons named as referees.

  1. If a member of The Southern Education and Library Board is requested to act as a referee:

13.1he/she shall be free to do so if he/she is not a member of either the Board of Governors or the Teaching Appointments Committee; or

13.2if he/she is a member of either the Board of Governors or the Teaching Appointments Committee, he/she shall be free to act as a referee but, if he/she does, he/she should withdraw from that part of each meeting at which the appointment is under consideration.

The same rule as at 13.2 will apply in the case of all members of the Board of Governors and Principals who are members of the Teaching Appointments Committee.

The Teaching Appointments Committee is constituted in accordance with Schedule 3 of the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 and consists of six members of the Board and two Principals of Controlled Schools. The Principals have the same right to speak and vote at a meeting of the Teaching Appointments Committee as the other members of the Committee. The Chief Executive of the Board or a person nominated by her attends as Assessor.




  • Management knowledge and skills:.

An awareness and understanding of the main educational issues facing post primary schools.

Knowledge of LMS and be able to demonstrate the ability to manage finance and resources to ensure their most effective and efficient use.

An understanding of how to develop and implement policies.

Ability to manage human and other resources.

Ability to set targets and provide constructive feedback (eg within the PRSD Scheme).

Ability to promote good interpersonal relationships.

Ability to make informed decisions and communicate these effectively to the relevant people.

Effective Conflict resolution skills.

Good organisational skills.

Good communication skills and presentational skills both verbal and written.

Ability and experience of implementing the principles underpinning the Northern Ireland Curriculum.

Ability to manage the development of ICT throughout the school.

  • Leadership Qualities:

Ability to think strategically

Ability to work well with others and motivate staff in the common aim of ensuring that all pupils are enabled to develop to their full potential.

Ability to lead and motivate staff in the pursuit of the school aims and objectives.

Ability to take responsibility, address conflict and maintain discipline.

Ability to establish partnerships between staff, parents and the community and external agencies.

To be an effective listener with the ability to assimilate the views of staff, Governors and parents.

An ability to develop the school’s existing ethos.

A commitment to providing support to improve the spiritual and moral development of the pupils and staff in accordance with the school’s existing ethos.

Ability to maintain and develop the school’s role in the community.

  • Personal Qualities:

A commitment to providing education of the highest quality and to achieving the highest standards possible throughout the school.

A commitment to maintaining and developing the school’s wide-ranging extra curricular activities.

A confident approach and ability to lead by example.

The interest and enthusiasm in undertaking the post.

Demonstrating a consistent child centred approach to major issues.

Demonstrating effectively a clear common vision for the future of the school.

A commitment to the professional development of all staff.





It shall be the duty of the Board of Governors and Principal to exercise their functions with a view to securing that the curriculum for the school is balanced and broadly based so as to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of the pupils and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

The functions of the principal are set out in Part VI of the Scheme for the Management of Evergreen High School and a copy of that part of the Scheme is attached. In addition the Board of Governors has decided that the following statement should be issued:


  1. The principal shall be required to carry out the duties of the post in accordance with the school’s policy and objectives as determined by The Southern Education and Library Board (hereinafter referred to as the employing authority) and the Board of Governors and shall obey the reasonable directions of the employing authority and the Board of Governors.
  1. Subject to paragraph 1 the principal shall control the internal organisation, management and discipline of the school.
  1. In carrying out the duties of the post the principal shall consult, where this is appropriate, with the employing authority, the staff of the school and the Board of Governors.


  1. The professional duties of the principal shall include:-

(1)formulating the overall aims and objectives of the school and policies for their implementation;

(2)participating in the selection and appointment of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the school;

(3) (a) deploying and managing all teaching and non-teaching staff of the school and allocating particular duties to them (including such duties of the principal as may properly be delegated to the vice-principal or other members of the staff), in a manner consistent with their terms and conditions of employment, maintaining a reasonable balance for each employee;

(b)ensuring that the duty of providing cover for absent teachers, as set out in the Teachers’ (Terms and Conditions of Employment) Regulations, is shared equitably among all teachers in the school, taking account of their teaching and other duties;

(4)maintaining relationships, as appropriate, with organisations representing teachers and other persons on the staff of the school;

(5)subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 determining, organising and implementing an appropriate curriculum for the school, having regard to the needs, experience, interests, aptitudes and stage of development of the pupils and the resources available to the school;

(6)keeping under review the work and organisation of the school;

(7)evaluating the standards of teaching and learning in the school, and ensuring that proper standards of professional performance are established and maintained;

(8)providing information about the work and performance of the staff employed at the school where this is relevant to their future employment;

(9)(a)participating in the approved performance review and staff development of teachers scheme;

(b)ensuring that all staff in the school have access to advice and training appropriate to their needs, in accordance with the policies of the employing authority for the development of staff;

(10)ensuring that the progress of the pupils of the school is monitored and recorded;

(11)determining and ensuring the implementation of a policy for the pastoral care of the pupils;

(12)determining, in accordance with any written statement of general principles provided by the employing authority and the Board of Governors, measures to be taken with a view to promoting, among the pupils, self-discipline and proper regard for authority, encouraging good behaviour on the part of the pupils, securing that the standard of behaviour of the pupils is acceptable, and otherwise regulating the conduct of the pupils making such measures generally known within the school, and ensuring that they are implemented;

(13)in accordance with the policy of the employing authority having responsibility for good order and discipline on the school premises whenever pupils are present, including the mid-day break;

(14)making arrangements for parents to be given regular information about the school curriculum, the progress of their children and other matters affecting the school, so as to promote common understanding of its aims;

(15)promoting effective relationships with persons and bodies outside the school as may be approved by the employing authority;

(16)advising and assisting the Board of Governors in the exercise of their functions, including attending meetings of the Board of Governors, or committees thereof, acting as Secretary and making such reports to it as it may properly require either on a regular basis or from time to time;

(17)providing for liaison and co-operation with the employing authority; making such reports to the employing authority in connection with the discharge of the principal’s functions as it may properly require either on a regular basis or from time to time;