To the Incomparable Mr. Micek:

I'm at a loss for how to start this email, as the odds of you remembering every student are quite small. In fact, in the spirit of statistics, I think it's appropriate for me to try and calculate those odds. I hope I get it right. So here goes...

You've been at OPHS for nearly 10 full years now. You must have 5 math classes each year, each with approximately 30-35 students. However, I'd imagine at least 75% of your Stats AP students were once your Geometry students, so they shouldn't count twice. There must besome formula to figure the rest out, a formula I should know since I did had the greatest statistics teacher ever. Unfortunately,my TI83+ comitted suicide many years ago, so I'll just conclude thatyou've probably had a lot of students. Did I get partial credit? I sure hope so!

Now that we got that terrible joke out of the way, let's get to the point of this email. You may remember (which is mypolite way of saying you better remember) that a little over five years ago I visited you and presented my completed list of "five goals in five years." It should be noted that Erica Levy soon followed with her list, but as I have never forgot, nor let her forget, I presented mine first. My fifth goal from that list was to create a new list for the next five years, to give me hope for the future. And, I did.

Well... it's been five years, and I have again completed my list, and want to present it for approval. I still have the original list from January 2001. It is practically an ancient artifactby now as it has been folded in my wallet for 124 months (yay math!). I hope toshow you both.

I'm going to be in Oak Park this Friday, May 27th. Coincidentally, I'm going to be back for Richard Williams' wedding. I'm actually the "Best Man", which ispretty exciting. In any event, I'd love to come by on Friday if you are free. I'm staying at theRennaisance in Agoura (justoff the Reyes Adobe exit), and I arrive around Noon on Friday. So I'm not too far.I hope you'll be around that day. If so, let me know what time I can swing by.

You'll notice I've included the word "hope" in every paragraph of this email, and did so in bold type. Why? Well, as you no doubt recall, "Hope is a good thing; maybe the best of things."

See you soon,

Richard Young

OPHS Class of '01