The Tutor has an essential role in the pastoral system and has the general responsibility for the welfare and progress of the girls in her/his tutor group. Tutors are appointed by the Head Teacher, in consultation with the Year Directors. Any member of staff may be called upon to become a Tutor.

In particular, the Tutor is responsible for:

  • Upholding the Catholic ethos of the school
  • The co-ordination and monitoring of academic standards, performance and well-being in school of each individual child plus the setting of standards and targets.
  • Monitoring the progress and needs of the tutor group as well as individuals in his/her care and taking appropriate action where necessary. They will act as advisors and encourage the girls to use the opportunities available at Holy Cross to develop their true potential.
  • Dealing with queries from parents, other members of staff and providing reports

for outside agencies.

  • Conducting morning prayers with their tutor group at the start of the school day, except where there is a full school assembly or year assembly.
  • Arriving promptly for registration and maintaining an accurate register of attendance, using the school’s electronic registration system, in accordance with school policy.
  • Encouraging good attendance and punctuality, dealing with latecomers according to year group policy, accounting for absences and checking the notes and signing and dating them. Communicating with parents over punctuality and attendance concerns.
  • Teaching the PSHCE programme where required to ensure the curriculum is implemented.
  • Dealing with discipline problems in the first instance, and where necessary referring them to the Year Director or a Head of Department as appropriate.
  • Keeping the students informed of changes to routine, etc.
  • Assisting the DOY with the pastoral curriculum, option choices, giving out time-tables and entries for the public examinations.
  • Ensuring tutor time is used in a constructive and educational manner.
  • Conducting the tutor group promptly to assemblies and, where appropriate, religious services and remaining with the girls throughout such assemblies and services supervising their behaviour, etc.
  • Checking and signing the diaries of girls in their care on a weekly basis.
  • Ensuring that students who have lost their diaries obtain a new one from Sister

Margaret (there is normally a charge of up to £5).

  • Checking on standards of uniform and appearance of students in their care (including Sixth Form girls and boys).
  • Organising and supervising the tutor group at various school activities and functions through the year
  • Checking that all letters from school are taken home and that reply slips are

returned, where applicable.

  • Overseeing the organisation of the tutor group, appointment/election of all posts of


  • Supervising the mid-morning break in accordance with school policy
  • Setting appropriate targets for students in the tutor group, based on progress and full reports
  • Preparing and overseeing appropriate year assemblies (referring to the published assembly rota) in accordance with the Catholic ethos of the school.