Information: Please review the following information carefully prior to submitting a event proposal. Details may have changed from previous year’s events.

About Abilities Expo:

Abilities Expo is the one show dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities, senior citizens, their families and caregivers, as well as providing education for healthcare and disability professionals. In addition to an exciting exhibit show Abilities Expo also features free workshops for attendees on a wide range of topics.

We seek speakers and organizations to present exciting and informative events at Abilities Expo Los Angeles 2012! If you would like to be involved, please submit an event proposal by the deadline. Early submission of proposals is strongly encouraged.

Abilities Expo Los Angeles 2012 Show Dates, Location and Deadline:

Deadline to Submit an Event Proposal: December 9, 2011

Show Dates: March 30 – April 1, 2012

Show Location: Los Angeles Convention Center

Additional information about the Expo is available at www.abilitiesexpo.com

Abilities Expo attendees include:

38% Parents / Friends / Caregivers

36% People with Disabilities

20% Healthcare and Disability Professionals

6% Other


·  Abilities Expo presents events on all three days of each show.

·  Events range in length from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

·  Events are provided at no charge to attendees.

·  The ideal event includes a demonstration as well as an opportunity for attendees to try the activity for themselves.

·  All events take place on the show floor.

·  Events should be designed for one or more of the show’s primary audiences (see above).

Format (continued):

It is important for the event to include a presenter who is comfortable talking on a microphone. Attendees are interested in an explanation about what is taking place, such as the rules of the game or how accessible the activity is, along with how they can get involved in this activity in their local area.

Application Deadline:

The application deadline for Abilities Expo Los Angeles 2012 is December 9, 2011. This deadline allows for strong promotion of the events in advance of the show and increased attendance. Please plan accordingly - we may not be able to review applications received after the deadline. We encourage potential speakers to submit applications early as we may confirm events in advance of the deadline.

Interested in Presenting at Other Abilities Expo Shows?

Please visit www.abilitiesexpo.com for the dates and locations of other Abilities Expo shows. If you are interested in presenting at additional shows, please include the city name and dates together with your event information (see application for additional details).

Selection Criteria:

Please take time with your proposal. We review many proposals and the quality of the event title and description are key factors that we consider. Applications should be complete and a well-defined proposal meets the following criteria:

·  Clear title and description

·  Well-defined focus to your identified audience

·  Value to attendees

·  Qualifications of the organization or individual presenting the event

·  Opportunity for attendees to participate in the event (strongly recommended!)

Abilities Expo receives a high volume of applications and because of that, only fully completed applications can be considered. Please make sure your event description is concise and includes stated goals for the attendee.


The most popular events are those that focus on living life fully with a disability. Sample events and activities that have been successful at past shows include:

·  Adaptive Sports

·  Assistance Dog Demos

·  Dancing (all types!)

·  Dramatic Performance

·  Exercise and Fitness

·  Fun Activities such as face painting and juggling

·  Activities for kids such as sports, crafts, music, and story-telling

·  Gardening Demos

·  Meet and Greets with Athletes, Celebrities and Mascots

·  Musical Performances for Kids

·  Yoga

Events that are loud or include loud music are not appropriate for this setting.


Events are selected 90 days prior to the date of the show. Selected speakers and organizations will receive confirmation in advance of show promotions to confirm your event and scheduled date and time. Speakers whose proposals are not selected for a show will receive notification approximately 2 months prior to the event.

Promotion of Events:

Presenters for Abilities Expo receive significant exposure in our promotions. Each show features extensive marketing campaigns by direct mail, email, website, media outreach and advertising. We encourage you to review the Abilities Expo website, www.abilitiesexpo.com before submitting your proposal to get a sense of how events are promoted.

Abilities Expo Event Policies - Please Note:

·  Presentations designed as marketing or promotional pitches for specific products or technologies are not permitted.

·  Speakers who are selected to present, but are not present for their events and do not make arrangements for a replacement, will not be considered for future presentations. Exceptions are made for cancellations due to emergencies.

·  The goal of the events is to increase the value of the Expo for attendees, thereby benefitting all attendees and exhibitors. Events are scheduled independent of exhibitor agreements.

·  Abilities Expo has exclusive and final say on the content and schedule of the events for each show.


Please feel free to contact Sarah Galbraith Laucks, Education and Events, with any questions about Abilities Expo or to discuss event ideas.

Sarah Galbraith Laucks, CMP

Education and Events Director, Abilities Expo


office: 717-244-3623

fax: 717-747-0120


Complete one application for each event proposed. Please type or print clearly all information.

Abilities Expo Los Angeles 2012

March 30 – April 1, 2012

Los Angeles Convention Center

Deadline to Submit a Proposal: December 9, 2011

Primary Organizer Contact Information:

Name Title



City, State, Zip

Telephone Email

Event Title:

This event is best suited for:

q Adults with Disabilities

q Children with Disabilities

q Parents / Caregivers

q Other (please describe):

Has this event been previously presented at other events?

q Yes q No

If yes, how many times?

Most recently presented at:

Are you a past Abilities Expo presenter?

q Yes q No

If yes, how many times?:

Most recently presented at:

Event Details:

Include the following information in an attached Microsoft Word or Rich Text document.

1.  Event Title

2.  Event Description: Paragraph form, 4-6 sentences.

3.  Three (3) Learning Objectives: List 3 objectives for how this event will benefit attendees.

4.  Information on all presenters: Please provide organization, title and contact information for proposed presenter. Include physical address, email address and telephone number.

5.  Organization / Bio: Provide a description of the organization or a bio for the individual who will be presenting the event. This information will be used in marketing and promotional materials for Abilities Expo. Please do not submit resumes.

6.  If you are interested in presenting at additional Abilities Expo Shows, include the city names and dates. See www.abilitiesexpo.com for dates and locations.

Event Commitment:

I understand that my event, if selected, may be scheduled any day of Expo and that my submission may be edited for clarity, consistency of style or space limitations. I certify that my presentation is not commercial in content and that I have read and understand the Abilities Expo Event Policies. I understand that presenters who are selected to speak at one of the 2012 Abilities Expos, but do not show or send an approved replacement will not be considered for future presentations.

Signature of Speaker:


(electronic signatures are accepted)

Submit your application to:

Sarah Galbraith Laucks, CMP

Education and Events Director, Abilities Expo


office: 717-244-3623

fax: 717-747-0120

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