2014-2015 Calendar Proof

Concurrent Degree in Arts and Computer Science

Many career opportunities demand a combination of in-depth scientific training with the understanding of people and the sophisticated analytic and critical skills acquired in an Arts degree. The Faculties of Arts and Computer Science at UNB in Fredericton are cooperating to make it possible for a student to graduate with both a BA and a BCS in five years.
Several specializations are available in Computer Science, including Hardware Systems, Software Systems, Information Systems Theory and Computation, Multimedia Systems, and Geographic Information Systems. All Arts students concentrate on a Major or Honours program in their third, fourth, and fifth years chosen from any of the following disciplines: Anthropology, Archaeology, Classical Studies, Classics, Economics, Economics Studies, English, French, German, German Studies, History, Media Arts & Cultures, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish, or World Literature and Culture Studies. In addition, interdisciplinary programs in International Development Studies, Law in Society, and Women’s Studies are available as part of an Arts Double Major or Joint Honours; however, students are advised that completing a Double Major or Joint Honours in Arts will require more credit hours than a Single Major or Honours.
This program is ideal for students with an interest in Computer Science and one of the Arts disciplines. It is also a demanding program that requires a serious commitment from the student from the outset and throughout the degree.
The concurrent program is designed so that if a student decides to opt for either degree alone part-way through the program, the adjustments can be made easily.
Students in the concurrent program are able to count many of their courses toward the requirements of both degrees, so it is important to select courses carefully from the outset. Advice is available from both Faculties at every level from pre-entry enquiries through to graduation. To complete the concurrent degree, students must satisfy both the BA and BCS degree requirements. Completing these requirements will involve completing at least 162 credit hours of courses.

Application and Admission

Students wishing to pursue the concurrent program should apply for admission to the Faculty of Arts at UNB’s Fredericton campus, specifying on the application form an interest in the concurrent program in Arts and Computer Science. Further information on the program is available from the offices of the Dean of Arts and the Dean of Computer Science.

Faculty Affiliation

Students in the concurrent program will be registered as BA/BCS students. They will be assigned to academic advisors in the Faculty of Computer Science and in the Faculty of Arts.

Program of Study

First Year

  1. ARTS 1000
  2. MATH 1003 and 1013 (or enriched MATH 1053 and 1063 )
  3. CS 1073 and 1083
  4. ECON 1013 and ECON 1023(or ECON 1014 and ECON 1024)
  5. 6 ch in either one Humanities discipline or one Languages


  1. ARTS 1100
  2. MATH 1003 and 1013 (or enriched MATH 1053 and 1063 )
  3. CS 1073 and 1083
  4. ECON 1013 and ECON 1023 or ECON 1014 and ECON 1024
  5. 3ch in either one Humanities discipline or one Languages

Students wishing to take an additional Social Science will select the course from the First-Year Arts listings in Social Sciences.

Second Year

  1. CS1303 , 2043 , 2253
  2. INFO 1103
  3. MATH 2213 or MATH 1503
  4. 2 term courses toward the BCS Breadth Core Requirement, selected from Arts, Business Administration, Engineering, or Science
  5. 9 ch of appropriate Arts courses

Third Year

  1. CS 2333 , 2383 , 3413 , 3583
  2. 18 ch of appropriate Arts courses

Fourth Year

  1. CS 3383 , 3997
  2. STAT 3083 , or STAT 2593
  3. An approved third-year Math course
  4. 18 ch of appropriate Arts courses

Fifth Year

  1. CS 3873 , three CS/INFO/SWE electives at the 3000 level or above (with at least one of these at the 4000 level or above)
  2. 18 ch of appropriate Arts courses