Town of Greenfield – Monroe County

Monthly Board Meeting

September 12, 2016 - 7:00 P.M.

Greenfield Town Hall, Tunnel City

2016 Board Members Present: Chairman Joe Bargle, First Supervisor Don Hall, Second Supervisor Scott Berg, Treasurer Cindy Berg.

2016 Board Members Absent: Clerk Tammy Sankey

Eight (8) Township residents in attendance. See attached slip.

Call to Order/Pledge: Chairman Bargle called the meeting to order. The pledge was recited.

Clerk Report: Treasurer Berg read the August 2016 meeting minutes. Mark Massicotte indicated a correction in the Unimin report for August minutes should read, “They are on pace to ship 1.5 million tons for the year.” Remove this “(750,000 tons YTD)”. A motion was made by Supervisor Hall to approve the minutes with this correction. Supervisor Berg seconded the motion. Hand vote 3-0, motion carried.

Financial Report: The August 2016 financial report included bills paid on the clerk reconciliation report and income on the treasurer financial report. A certified letter was sent for the Davis fire call and he signed for it. He does not own real estate or personal property so it cannot be added to any tax bill. Supervisor Berg made a motion to approve the Treasurer financial reports. Supervisor Hall seconded the motion. Hand vote 3-0, motion carried.

Town Hall Update: Supervisor Hall reported that birthday and family reunion parties have been booked and the card club meets. A maximum capacity of 75 sign is on the bulletin board for all users to be aware of for compliance with fire codes.

Road Report: Patrolman Johnson and Supervisor Berg reported that Fishhook, Denver, Cherry and Derby roads had the shoulders fixed. Work was done on the roads with water damage including Delta. He is now working on the tree trimming project.

Grants Update: Grant writer, Marci Martin, indicated the USDA grant is not available for the purchase a tractor with a boom mower due to the income per capita is too high in Greenfield Township. She will keep trying if other grants are available that might work.

Fire Association: Supervisor Hall reported that next Fire Association meeting will take place in the basement of the Oakdale Fire Department October 13th at 7:30p.m. All are welcome to attend.

Vacating of Washington Street: Washington Street is a platted right-a-way on an 1897 plat of Tunnel City. The road is impassable, it has never been maintained, it has not received any funding from the state, and the township has not performed any maintenance to this road. A resident would like to put in a septic system on his property and a petition in favor of this, was signed by the people that have land adjacent to that road. After another form was filled out and several trips to the Monroe County Clerk of Courts and the Register of Deeds, the process was completed. Block 22, lot #6, including 145.25 feet of Washington Street has been declared vacated.

Unimin Report: Mark Massicotte reported that 202,000 tons were shipped in August. They are on pace for 1.5 million tons for the year. The hourly staff will be up to 74 which is the same as before. Open house and employee family day were held. There are about 16 salaried staff which includes some promoted from hourly staff members.

Approval of Poll Workers: Lorraine Mockler, Charlie Hausman, and Margaret Diehl were announced as a list of poll workers. Residents had no comments or objections. Chairman Bargle indicated they will arrange training.

Chairman Report: Chairman Bargle praised Clerk Sankey’s project to organize all of the back records in the history of the Town of Greenfield onto computer storage for safe keeping and easy lookup. Since this is cheaper than hiring someone to do this, he suggested paying extra for the project. He also indicated there is a formal process that any person requesting township records must go through.

Funds Transfer: Chairman Bargle requested transfer of $51,861 from the Unimin Account to the General Fund for the Caterpillar skid steer purchased this year. He also requested transfer of $80,000 from the Unimin Account to the Vehicle Replacement account for future purchases. The state WISSLER road report is being completed with a two year road plan. There were two estimates to plan for improvements to Egret for a change in grade and fixes for drainage. Other projects will include crack sealing and chip and seal some roads. Miscellaneous expenses include tire chains on the plow truck and grader, and some additional hand tools needed for maintenance.

Citizen Input: Ed Tomko indicated that a lot of gravel gets thrown onto the road as heavy vehicles turn into the Unimin driveway. Chairman Barge will discuss the need for a left turn lane with Jack Ditmar. Unimin staff at the guard house will remind truck drivers to prevent accidents. We will rent a boom mower to complete mowing projects.

Dates to Remember:

Next meeting – October 10, 2016 – 7:00 p.m. – Township Hall

Voting Dates November 8, 2016

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Supervisor Berg and seconded by Supervisor Hall. Hand vote 3-0, motion carried.