Staff Senate

Full Senate Meeting

May 14, 2008

Senate Chambers

The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by President Tanner. There was a quorum present.

Roll Call

Present: Phill Harris, VP of Administration; Kathryn Klepak, Director of Human Resources; Warren Lauer, UW Trustee

Senators Present: Jo Aelfwine, Cody Barry, Angela Bules, Chris Clements, Lana Craig, Rachel Ferrell, Dorie Gallegos, Kathy Hearne, Laurie Jaskolski, Brandon Kosine, George Longpre, Pat Ortegon, Wendy Perkins, Janis Phelps, Jauque Schuman, Sally Schuman, Tammy Scott, Tod Scott, Diana Waggener, Monica Wesley, Ronda Whitman, Kelly Wiseman

Senators Absent: Avery Cowardin (excused), Patsy Jackson (excused), Denise Manore (excused), Rachel Sanchez (excused), Mary Ann Stout, Carey Thompson,

Proxies: Ginny Becker for Larry Howe, Burmma Hardy for Pam Mathewson, Nicole Farnham for Jane Wolfinbarger, Valerie Vasquez for Kathi Zubrod

Approval of Minutes and Agenda

It was moved and seconded to approve the April minutes and the May agenda by senators Clements and Kosine. The motion passed.

Administration Reports

Vice President Harris reported the following: -

·  The Board of Trustees approved the operating budget for the University.

·  The Board revised the tuition credit waiver benefit where benefited employees .5 FTE or more can take one course per semester up to 6 credit hours. Administration also plans to rewrite the provision that, in the past, required time to be made up or paid back with vacation time if not job-related. As of summer session 2008, this stipulation will be dropped and the new credit hour limit will be implemented. This change is being made to encourage employees to continue education. The class is subject to supervisor’s approval.

·  The cell phone/mobile communication devices policy has been revised due to IRS regulations. Those who are required to have a cell phone, trio, blackberry or other communication device for work-related purposes will now have to convert to individual contracts for the service. There will be a rate that will be allowed and added to the employees’ compensation to cover the expenses.

·  Orange sticks in Prexy’s Pasture indicate where bases are being set for the mobile art display being established in place of the Art Museum during their closure. Some of these displays will allow the public to watch the artist at work.

·  Salaries will be finalized soon and notification letters will be mailed out within the next 10 days or so.

·  The Administration is in the process of securing leases on additional buses to expand the routes. An additional bus route on south 15th street will be implemented. UW is in negotiations to lease the old Smith’s parking lot. They are also working on adding shelters to these areas. Another 5 minute route will be added to serve the new IT building and Business faculty and staff that will be in Crane Hall.

·  With the Student Health remodel project construction crews are putting up fencing around the building on the southwest corner of Prexy’s Pasture. As many trees as possible are being relocated.

·  University Plan III is on the Academic Affairs website. Please see the link: Please review the plan and give your feedback to Academic Affairs. The document will be submitted to the Board of Trustees next May.

Kathryn Klepak, Director of Human Resources, stated the report on the Wellness Program is moving forward. A budget is being prepared to present to Phill by next July. The committee is looking at other universities’ mental health plans as well as local mental health agencies. In response to the Governor’s directive to move towards a wellness plan incorporating behavior modification, the state is rolling out a plan July 1st that may result in reduced insurance premiums depending on participation in the program. These benefits will be seen January of 2010.

Human Resources has received 89% of evaluations. Please check with your department to see if your evaluation as been submitted.

Nancy Olson, manager of employment, discussed how the Employment Search Team can help the departments with their search and selection process. Please call Nancy, 766-5603, if you have any questions or need any help with your hiring process. Human Resources Liaison Sessions are open to all employees and are scheduled every couple of months. Please contact Mary Petroski, 766-5484, if you are interested in attending.

Educational Guest Speaker

Trustee Warren Lauer, who was recently elected Secretary of the Board of Trustees, gave a presentation. In response to the question, “How can we improve the relationship between staff and the Board of Trustees?” Warren stated that there’s not necessarily a need to “improve” the relationship, but rather to continue to understand processes and procedures, and to provide feedback and communication to the board. He also suggested that a program such as “Take a Trustee to Work,” similar to the students’ program of “Take a Trustee to Class,” might be something to consider to provide the Trustees an opportunity to “get in the trenches.”

He then opened the floor to questions and asked his own of the senators:

  1. Do staff feel safe on campus? The consensus was that UW is a relatively safe campus and that precautions are in place for unknown emergencies.
  2. Are there places where the abuse of alcohol or drugs is generally causing problems on campus? Presently, senators voiced, no major concerns.

Ginny Becker, proxy for Larry Howe, asked that the administration be conscientious about reaching extension employees with the new EAP and wellness programs.

Old Business

The Staff Senate then elected the following officers for the next term: - Tammy Scott, Vice president; Pam Mathewson, Secretary; and Angie Bules, Member-at-Large. The Senate then unanimously voted in Al Emmons, seat #21, Kelly McMicheal, seat #25 and Rachel Martin, seat #37, as new senators.

Senator Whitman reported on the breast feeding/diaper changing facilities. The target audience at this point will be staff. Lack of private space and lack of family bathrooms or knowledge of locations are the main points. The committee will try to identify areas currently available and to increase awareness. Senators please check your building and report back to Ronda. Facilities Planning office can identify locations of existing family restrooms. All new construction includes family restrooms.

New Business

The committee chairs will make presentations at the retreat next week so the new senators can decide which committee they would like to be on.

Committee Reports

ASUW liaison – Senator Longpre stated the new president is Kelsey Day from Cheyenne and Jonathan McBride is the new Vice President also from Cheyenne.

Communication Committee – Senator Clements said the committee is working on a new flyer to explain what Staff Senate does. Senator Bules explained how the constituents list could be streamlined and she could help with programming by working with Ned Feldbush to keep the list updated.

Compensation Committee – No report

Credentials & Elections Committee – No report

Employee of the Qtr – Senator Wesley stated the deadline for nominations for Employee of the Second Quarter is June 20th.

Ad Hoc Budget and Fundraising Committee – Senator Perkins asked if there could be more definition of what the group is responsible for. The committee did the school supply drive, the Thanksgiving drive, holiday drive, holiday market, and helped with the raffle for Staff Recognition Day. Thanks goes to the committee members for all their work with each of these projects.

Recognition Committee – Senator Ferrell stated all monetary award recipients will receive their award in their May paychecks. All awards have been delivered to those who were not able to attend Staff Recognition Day.

President’s Report

Michael Basinger has completed the agenda for the Senate retreat and the agenda was sent out to everyone. Any changes or updates to UniReg 34 should be sent to Michael by May 16th so he can organize them for the retreat. All comments will be anonymous. Michael Basinger and Mary Petroski will be the facilitators for the retreat on May 21st.

Open Forum

Senator Perkins asked us to revisit the World Café responses from last year to identify benchmarks and needs that should be addressed. The comments were sent to all senators.

The meeting was adjourned by President Tanner at 2:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by L. A. Chakmakian