Date:11-7-16 / Location: LionHeart / Start Time:6:55 PM / End Time:8:45PM

Present: Neal Ausema, Renee Platt, Dawn Ausema, Lori Heminger,Mindy Conley, LeighAnn

Higgins,Darren Rogers, Mike Gesler and Lori Osborn

Absent: Patti Moyer, Keith Moyer, Amy Arends, Melain Tuinstra

Call to Order Neal Ausema - RC

Meeting officially commenced at6:55 PM.

Approval of Agenda Neal Ausema – RC

The agenda was approved.

Approval of Minutes(October 2016) Patti Moyer - Secretary

The Minutes from September 2016 and October 2016 were approved as submitted.

Old Business



New Business

  1. Review of Regular Season: No suggestions were made for improvement.
  1. Review of 4v4 Tournament: 92 Teams!! 37 Referees!!

**Parking Issues were identified: (locations to park and how to block off non parking areas) Solution: Delegate one person to be in charge of parking for the day and also block off non parking zones.

** Increased need for score tabulators: Solution: Add another person to assist with scoring. Need to have one person dedicated to posting scores on line.

**Volunteers in the tent were not AYSO Approved. Solution: All volunteers involved MUST be Registered AYSO Volunteers.

**No time designated for announcing the Costume Contest Winners. Solution: Designate a time and post this in a visible location for when to announce the winners.

**T-shirts need to be reconciled as to the number sold and the number given out to volunteers.

**Review and teaching of rules for the referees was well attended. This was held one week prior to the tournament.

**Discussed how this is a tournament for the players and “parent volunteers” are not “coaches”.

  1. Expo (attendance): Board members planning to attend: Neal, Dawn, Mike, Darren, Leigh Ann, Mindy, Lori O, Renee. Uncertain: Melain, Patti and Amy. Conference is scheduled for February 17-19, 2017.
  2. Gift cards for Coaches: Discussed giving gift cards to the coaches in appreciation for their time and commitment to Grant AYSO. Suggested $10 for VIP, U5, U6, U8 and $20 for U10, U12, U14, and U19. Board Approved purchase of gift cards from Wesco.


*Treasurer(Leigh Ann – RT). Bills paid: $2500.

Ending Balance: Approx.: 16904.29

*Referee Administrator (Darren Rogers – RRA) Thank you cards and gift cards were handed out to

the referees at the end of the season. Ref training scheduled for 12-3-16 in Cedar Springs for

anyone interested. Newaygo is interested in a Basic Coach and Basic Referee class in January.

Darren will order supplies needed.

*Coach Administrator (Dawn Ausema – RCA) no report

*Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (Lori Heminger-CVPA) The Board approved the following

volunteer: Bridgette Blakeslee

*Safety Director (Amy Arends – RSD) absent

*Registrar (Renee Platt – RR). Registration dates set for the spring. February 4 and February 25,

2017. Registrations to be held at GADL.

*Field Director: (open)

*Equipment Manager (Melain Tuinstra) absent

*VIP Coordinator: (Mike Gesler): no report

*Adult League: (Keith Moyer): absent.

*Fundraising Coordinator: (Lori Osborn): Will be applying for a FACF grant. All t-shirts ordered for 4v4 were

sold! Ordered 240 shirts for pre-orders, volunteer shirts and ones to be sold.

*Web Master: (Mindy Conley): 4 v 4 tournament page still available for review, but will be coming down

soon. Mindy continues to work on referee pages.

*Volunteer Coordinator: (open)


The November 2016 Regional Board Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

The next board meeting will be held on January 9, 20176:30 PM, LionHeart Productions.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori Heminger


Grant AYSO 1472