. – Methods and Techniques of the Social Services II

Proff. Maria Luisa Raineri; Claudia Tagliabue

Module on Methods and Techniques of the Social Services: Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Raineri

Text under revision. Not yet approved by academic staff.


This module will examine, in conceptual and practical terms, some of the complex aspects of the helping process aimed at individual situations of difficulty (so-called “case work”).

The first part of the module will focus on the basic techniques of counselling, and on the use of the interview as part of a dual helping relationship.

The second part will be set aside for focusing on the fundamental concepts of relational network methods and techniques, examining its practical application to case work. More specifically, it will explore the use of basic counselling techniques for the purposes of facilitating a coping network.


1.The interview in social service.

1.1Obstructive attitudes: assessment; investigation; solution; interpretation; support

1.2An understanding attitude

1.3Non-verbal elements: setting and posture

1.4Communicating an understanding attitude: reformulation

1.5Levels of reformulation: reformulation of content, of sentiment, of meaning and of personalization

1.6Reformulations focused on the interior and on the exterior

1.7Mirroring and explanatory reformulations

1.8Notions of motivational counselling

2.Relational networking as part of the professional functions of social service

2.1Professional social work and social service

2.2Discretional professional functions and institutional mandate

2.2Helping functions and provision of welfare services

3.Coping as a network

3.1What is a network?

3.2What does coping mean?

3.3The coping network: basic elements

4.The relational guide, or network facilitation

4.1What does facilitating mean? Conceptual distinctions between directive functions, coordination, facilitation

4.3Functions of facilitation at “case” level: joint problem solving

5.Help and monitoring in social service interventions

6.Social service work with individuals or individual families: methodological applications in relation to different areas of users.


Compulsory texts:

F. Folgheraiter, Teoria e metodologia del servizio sociale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 1998 (pp.193-501).

M. Hough, Abilità di counseling. Manuale per la prima formazione, Erickson, Trento, 1999.

R. Mucchielli, Apprendere il counseling. Manuale di autoformazione al colloquio di aiuto, Erickson, Trento, 1996.

M.L. Raineri, La funzione di controllo nel servizio sociale, in Assistente sociale domani, Vol. I, Erickson, Trento, 2011 (pp. 159-166).

One additional compulsory text to be chosen from the following:

E. Aspinwall Roberts, Assessments in Social Work with Adults, Open University Press, 2012.

D. Bogg, Report Writing, Open University Press, 2012.

K. Heaune-C. Lawton, Working with Substance Users, Open University Press, 2012.

J. Nicolas, Conducting the Home Visit in Child Protection, Open University Press, 2012.

S. Scott, Managing Contact for Young People, Open University Press, 2013.

Optional texts:

For possible further study and exercises on counselling, students are advised to read (if they choose):

R. Carkhuff, L’arte di aiutare (Manuale e Quaderno di esercizi), Erickson, Trento, 1993;

F. Folgheraiter, Voce ‘Counseling’, “Lavoro Sociale”, 2004, vol. 4 (n. 2, pp. 277-283);

K. Geldard - D. Geldard, Parlami,ti ascolto. Le abilità di counseling nella vita quotidiana, Erickson, Trento, 2003;

F. Folgheraiter-A.Pasini-M.L. Raineri (eds.), Apprendere il counseling nel metodo di Mucchielli, CD Rom, Erickson, Trento, 2006;

M.L. Raineri (ed.), L’arte di aiutare nel metodo di Carkhuff, CD Rom, Erickson, Trento, 2005.

For exercises on case studies students are advised to read (if they choose):

M.L. Raineri, Assistente sociale domani – Vol. 2, II edizione, Erickson, Trento, 2011 (pp. 151-366);

for examples on case studies:

M.L. Raineri, Il metodo di rete in pratica, Erickson, Trento, 2004.

Note that in addition to studying the set texts, students must also study the content of lectures and the material used in class, which can be downloaded from the lecturer’s web page.


The course will be taught through lectures and practical exercises aimed at improving students’ understanding of theoretical concepts. The course will also comprise:

–a workshop focusing on learning the key skills for counselling, with particular attention paid to improving students’ personal reflexivity specific to social service (15 hours in the first semester);

–a workshop focusing on the methodological re-elaboration of working situations, partly with reference to students’ experiences during their internships (30 hours in the second semester).


The exam will take written form, and may also include an additional oral exam if the lecturers deem it necessary.

There will be a single exam for the two course modules (Methods and Techniques of Social Service, Professional Procedures and Techniques). For further details please visit Prof.ssa Raineri’s web page.


Further information can be found on the lecturer’s webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.

Module on Procedures and Techniques of Social Service: Prof.ssa Claudia Tagliabue

Text under revision. Not yet approved by academic staff.


This course is intended to equip students with basic knowledge on the most common working practices in use within organizations managing personal social services, in relation to fulfilling the institutional functions of the social worker and providing the main categories of social welfare services. In particular, it will examine the practical lines of approach and procedures for working with families and children in difficulty.


The course is divided into three teaching units.

Teaching unit 1–Interventions for problems related to couple relationships, pregnancy, birth

Teaching unit 2–The obligation of education; scholastic integration and occupational integration

Teaching unit 3–Interventions for child protection with regard to the helping process, to the relationship with the judicial authorities, to home-based, semi-residential and residential interventions, and procedures relating to fostering or adopting children. Notions on the protection of foreign minors in Italy.


M. L. Raineri, Linee Giuda e Procedure di ervizio Sociale, Erickson, Trento, 2014, second edition.

In addition to studying the set texts, students must also study the content of lectures and the material used in class.


The course will be taught through lectures, alternated with practical exercises.


The exam will take written form, and may also include an additional oral exam if the lecturers deem it necessary.

There will be a single exam for the two course modules (Methods and Techniques, Professional Procedures and Techniques).


Further information can be found on the lecturer’s webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.