EBRD Business Opportunities for German Consultantsfinanced by the Government of Germany
via the “Germany II Technical Cooperation Fund”
Company’s previous project experience – Summary Table
Preferably no projects completed before 2010 should be used as a reference.
Name of Firm:Address:
Contact person/position:
Contact email and phone:
Brief description of firm (key expertise, key clients, number of employees etc.):
Previous EBRD experience / Yes (assignment #) / No
Name of Assignment / Type of Assignment* / Country / Client/Donor / Duration
mm/yy – mm/yy / Contract value / Main objective, services and deliverables / Reference # and page # for details (optional)
* Type of Assignment should (preferably, not necessarily) refer to both “type of services” (for example feasibility study) and “sector/subsector”(for example Water), preferably from the list as follows:
Types of services:
1.Investment project identification studies
2.Technical studies
3.Market studies
4.Feasibility study
5.Technical due diligence
6.Financial due diligence
7.Environmental (and social) due diligence
8.Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
9.Energy audits
10.Lender's monitor/engineer
11.Project implementation support (project management units, design, construction/contracts supervision, procurement etc.)
12.Project implementation support (other)
13.Procurement support (specifications, tender drafting, support to evaluation committees)
14.Stakeholder participation programme
15.Financial and operational performance improvement programme
16.Corporate development programme
17.Capacity building and training
18.Institution building
19.Monitoring & evaluation
- Infrastructure
- Roads
- Road maintenance
- Bridges
- Airports
- Railways
- PPPs
- Infrastructure regulation
- Municipal environment and infrastructure (municipal services and companies)
- Water
- Wastewater
- Busses/trolleybuses
- Trams
- Metro
- Ferries
- Parking
- Urban roads
- e-ticketing
- Traffic management
- Street lighting
- District heating
- Tariffs, tariff policy and regulation
- Regulatory issues
- Energy and resource efficiency
- (Residential) buildings
- Manufacturing
- Corporate sector (other than manufacturing)
- Climate change action plans (for companies, municipalities, regions or countries)
- Sustainable energy finance facilities
- Technology transfer
- Policy advice
- Energy Service Companies (ESCOs)
- Recycling
- Power & energy
- Wind power
- Solar power
- Hydropower
- Biomass
- Oil
- Gas
- Energy security
- Gender
- Inclusion (youth, regional, women in business, financial)
Annex: Project References (optional)