

Concentration in Criminal Forensics

Name:______Anticipated Graduation: Fall Spring Summer ______

ID # ______Associates Degree: Yes No School :______

Advisor:______Admit Semester ______

Core Curriculum (For Students Admitted to UNG Fall 13 or Later)

Course Hours SemesterGrade Notes/Choices

Area A1: Communication Skills- 6 hours
ENGL 1101 / 3 / A grade of C or higher is required in each course. ENGL 1101 is a prerequisite to ENGL 1102.
ENGL 1102 / 3
Area A2: Quantitative Skills – 3 Hours
MATH / 3 / Choose from the following: MATH 1001, 1101, 1111, 1113, 1450.
AREA B: Institutional Options – 7 hours
3-4 / Foreign Language (Select One): 3-4 hours
A non-English language course numbered 1001,1002,2001 or 2002.
2-3 / Global Courses (Select 1-2 courses to complete a total of 7 hours in Area B):
ANTH 1102; CGLO 1503; COMM 1503; DVRS 1503; ENGL 2111; ENGL 2112; ENGL 2160; ENST 2030; GEOG 1101; GEOG 1102; HIST 1111; HIST 1112; HIST 2860; INED 2902;INED 2903; POLS 1153; POLS 2301; POLS 2401; RELG 2860; PHIL 2200.
AREA C: Humanities, Fine Arts, and Ethics – 6 hours
ENGL 2_____ / 3 / Literature (Select One): 3 hours
Any 2001 to 2002 level Foreign Language or
ENGL 2111; 2112; 2121; 2122; 2131; 2132; 2135; 2140; 2150; 2160 – A “C” or better in ENGL 1102 is a prerequisite for all ENGL 2____ courses.
Humanities / 3 / Fine Arts or Philosophy (Select One): 3 hours
ART 1100; 2510; 2520; MUSC 1100; THEA 1100; COMM 1110;COMM 2050; PHIL 2010; 2200; MDST 1110.
AREA D: Natural Science, Mathematics, and Technology – 11 Hours
4 / Select Two: BIOL 1101&L; BIOL 1102&L; BIOL 1107K; BIOL 1108K; BIOL 1260&L; BIOL 2210&L; BIOL 2220&L; CHEM 1151&L; CHEM 1152&L; CHEM 1211&L; CHEM 1212&L; GEOG 1111K; GEOG 1112&L; GEOL 1101K; GEOL 1121K; GEOL 1122K; ASTR 1010&L; ASTR 1020&L; PHYS 1111&L; PHYS 1112&L; PHYS 2211&L; PHYS 2212&L.
MATH 2400 / 3 / Prerequisite - 3 Hours of College Level Math with a grade of “C” or higher
AREA E: Social Sciences – 9 hours
3 / US & GA History & Government (Select One): 3 hours
HIST 2111,2112
3 / Behavioral Science (Select One): 3 hours
ANTH 1102, PSYC 1101, ECON 2105
3 / Social Science (Select One): 3 hours
HIST 1111; 1112; HIST 2111; 2112; ENST 2030; GEOG 1101; GEOG 1102; POLS 2301; 2401.

General Education Learning Goals:

Learning Outcomes: ____U.S. Perspective: ____ Global Perspectives: ____ Critical Thinking

US ______GA _____ History

US ______GA _____ Constitution

Major Courses for CRIMINAL JUSTICE

Concentration in Criminal Forensics

Course Hours SemesterGrade Notes/Choices

Area F: Courses Required for Major – 18 hours You must have a grade of “C” or better in all CRJU courses.
CRJU 1100 / 3 / CRJU 1100 is a prerequisite to all other CRJU courses. You must make a grade of “C” or better in all CRJU courses.
CRJU 2001 / 3
CRJU 2002 / 3
SOCI 1101 / 3
SOCI 1160 OR PSYC 1002 / 3
POLS 1101 / 3
MAJOR COURSES - 51 hours You must have a grade of “C” or better in all CRJU courses.
CRJU 3601 (WO) / 3 / MATH 2400 is a prerequisite for CRJU 3601.
CRJU 3602 / 3 / CRJU 3601 is a prerequisite for CRJU 3602.
CRJU 3000 / 3
CRJU 3010 / 3
CRJU 3310 / 3
CRJU 3311 / 3
CRJU 3312 / 3
CRJU 4004 Required / 3 / CRJU 4004 is a prerequisite for CRJU 4005.
CRJU 4005 Required / 3
CRJU 4000 / 3 / Select 4 courses from: CRJU 4000 Criminal Investigations; CRJU 4002 Drug Identification; CRJU 4008 Death Investigation; CRJU 4111 Evidence; CRJU Criminal Typologies.
CRJU 4002 / 3
CRJU 4008 / 3
CRJU 4111 / 3
CRJU 4310 / 3
CRJU 4850 (W) Internship / 12 / CRJU 4850 Internship. Must complete all AREA F courses, CRJU 3601, and at least 18 hours of CRJU courses prior to enrollment.
ELECTIVES - 9 hours
Military Science- Cadets Only Can be used as electives
Basic Military Science / Hrs / Semester / Grade / Advanced Military Science / Hrs / Semester / Grade
MILS 1000 / 1 / MILS 3000 / 2
MILS 1100 / 1 / MILS 3100 / 2
MILS 2000 / 1 / MILS 4000 / 2
MILS 2100 / 1 / MILS 4100 / 2

STUDENT: ______Date: ______

ADVISOR: ______Date: ______

MINOR ADVISOR: (If applicable) ______Date: ______

DEPARTMENT HEAD: ______Date: ______

REGISTRAR:______Date: ______

A baccalaureate degree program must contain a minimum of 120 semester hours, at least 21 of which must be upper division hours (3000-4000 level) in the major field. The program must require at least 39 semester hours of upper division work overall.