Earth and Planetary Science C100 and C301
& Integrative Biology C100 and C215
Communicating Ocean Science
Spring 2006
Course Information
Kit CoordinatorEric
Course Website:
Course:For undergraduate and graduate students interested in
improving their ability to communicate their scientific knowledge by teaching science in local schools. The course will combine instruction in inquiry-based science teaching methods with six weeks of supervised teaching in a local school classroom. Students will practice communicating scientific knowledge, and receive mentoring on how to improve their presentations.
Prerequisite:One course in introductory biology, geology, chemistry or marine
science, interest in ocean science and enthusiasm for teaching science
Meeting Time:Friday 9:45-12:15 at the Lawrence Hall of Science in Room 150
3 hours observing in classrooms in local schools
6 hours teaching in local schools (times to be arranged)
Units:3 units
Recommended Text
Castro, P and ME Huber. Marine Biology, 6th ed. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Text is available at the campus bookstore and other locations where text books are sold. We have placed a copy of the text on three hour reserve at the Koshland Bioscience and Natural Resources Library located in the Valley Life Sciences Building and the Earth Sciences and Maps Library located in McCone Hall.
Required Course Reader
The course reader is available at Copy Central (corner of University and Shattuck) in Downtown Berkeley. We have also placed a copy of the reader on three hour reserve at the Koshland Bioscience and Natural Resources Library located in the Valley Life Sciences Building and the Earth Sciences Library located in McCone Hall.
The selected readings provide a background on the learning theory explored during each session. The reader is a compilation of classic papers as well as more recent thinking or expansion on historically important papers. We have also attempted to provide additional citations in each session for those wishing to explore a subject further.
Field Trip:
A tidepool field trip to Pillar Point (near Half Moon Bay) is planned for April 28th. There is a very good low tide on that day (-1.0 ft). More information and maps will be provided as we get closer to the date of the field trip.
- Assigned readings and participation in class discussions and activities
- Completion of on-line discussion warm-ups and homework assignments
- Observing and teaching in a local school (with a partner)
- Development of an original hands-on Science Activity
- Development of a written assessment to find out what your students have learned
- Short presentation of your original hands-on Science Activity to Class
- Participation in Peer Review of Presentations