SOLT Serbian Module 4 Lesson 1
Daily Routine
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Objectives Module 4 Lesson 1
During this lesson, the students will learn about daily routines. Under this Terminal Learning Objective, the students will learn four tasks: talk about your daily routine, identify military facilities, talk about living in the barracks and residential areas on a military installation, locate base facilities. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
- Talk about your daily routine. This task will include:
- Describe your daily routine at different hours of the day
- Describe your weekend
- Identify military facilities. This task will include:
- Talk about unit facilities
- Name different facilities at the military installation
- Talk about food service, laundry, clothing sales, central issue facility, post exchange, medical, and transportation facilities
- Inquire information about shooting range and instruction in the TR
3. Talk about living in the barracks and residential areas on a military
installation. This task will include:
- Request information at the housing office
- Get information about living in the barracks
- Get information about residential areas on the military installation
- Describe residential areas on the military installation
- Discuss recreational facilities on a military installation
- Locate base facilities. This task will include:
- Identify facilities at a military installation
- Ask for directions to different facilities to include food services, laundry, clothing sales,post exchange, medical and transportation
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 1
There are certain similarities and differences in the military life of the US soldiers and the soldiers of the TR. These differences and similarities will be introduced in this lesson. Most Yugoslav soldiers, for example, are not allowed to leave their unit even after the duty day is over. After dinner, before they go to bed, normally at 10 P.M., they are usually free to take time for themselves, but they must stay within the boundaries of the company or squad. They need permission to leave their unit almost always during the weekend, as a reward for good behavior or achievement or when their family or friends come to visit them.
Tip of the day
Learn this old saying today: Ко рано рани две среће граби – The early bird gets the worm.
Exercise 1
Colonel Steel is a member of the US team visiting the Yugoslav military base in Batajnica. He wants to know more about the daily routine of the soldiers on this military base. 2nd Lieutenant Filipovic will show him around. Read the conversation between two soldiers and answer the questions that follow.
S.ДесетареФилиповићу, када војници обично устају?
F. Устају у 5.30. Тада се умивају, спремају кревете
и имају доручак.
S. И онда?
F. У седам часова све јединице морају да се построје
испред касарне. Тада почиње јутарња гимнастика.
S. Шта раде после гимнастике?
F. Следи дневна заповест, чишћење оружја, тактичка вежба на полигону и гађање
бојевом муницијом.
S. Колико обично траје радни дан?
F. За војнике од 5.30 ујутро до 18 часова поподне. После
18 часова су слободни.
S. Шта раде у то време?
F. Зависи. Неки слушају музику, неки гледау филмове, неки
воле да читају или пишу писма кући. Већина војника воле да
играју спорт.
S. Како проводе викенде?
F. Викендом иду у град. Неки војници имају посету. Дођу им
родитељи, пријатељи, девојке.
S. Када морају да се врате из града?
F. У 10 часова увече сви морају да се јаве на капију.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 1
Exercise 1 (continued)
- At what time do the soldiers wake up?
- Do the soldiers have breakfast before or after physical training?
- Name two activities they perform after the daily command.
- What do they do after 6 P.M.?
- Where are the soldiers at 7 A.M.?
- Where do the soldiers usually go for the weekend?
- When do they have to come back?
Exercise 2
Војне скраћенице (Military abbreviations)
Today, Colonel Steel has learned the abbreviations that are used in the Yugoslav army. Listen to the instructor read the words. You will hear the spelling pronunciation of the abbreviation (written in both, the Cyrillic and Roman alphabet) and the meaning of the same. After listening, read each term aloud.
РВ ПВО/ RV PVOратно ваздухопловство и противваздушна одбрана
ВЕС/ VESвојно-евиденциона способност
ВП/ VPвојна пошта
РР/ RRратни распоред
ПУК/ PUKпуковник
ППУК/ PPUKпотпуковник
КИК/ KIKкапетан прве класе
ВИК/ VIKводник прве класе
СВИК/ SVIKстарији водник прве класе
ЗИК/ ZIKзаставник прве класе
КОВ/ KOVкопнена војска
АП/ APаутоматска пушка
ПАМ/ PAMпротивавионски митраљез
ПАТ/ PATпротивавионски топ
РБ/ RBручни бацач
ОЈ/ OJоклопне јединице
ОС/ OSоружане снаге
ТО/ TOтериторијална одбрана
РМ/ RMратна морнарица
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 1
Exercise 3
Which abbreviations do you have in the army? Find those that correspond to the military abbreviations mentioned in the previous exercise and write them next to each abbreviation. Compare your work with a classmate.
Tip of the day
There is no clothing store at the military installation. Each soldier задужује(to encumber) the uniform for free. The soldiers have to return the uniforms after they finish their military service.
Exercise 4
The image below is probably familiar to you. It is a layout of the facilities at the military installation. Work with a partner. Choose the role of 2nd Lieuteant Filipovic or Colonel Steel and make up a short dialog according to the information provided.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 1
Exercise 5
Војне команде (Military commands)
Read the following military commands in Serbian and try to find their English equivalents. Your instructor will help you.
1. Напред марш!11. Нишани!
2. Мирно!12. Пали!
3. На месту вољно!13. Пушке на готовс!
4. Вољно!14. У борбени став!
5. На десно равнајс!15. Одложи оружје!
6. На лево круг!16. Стој!
7. На десно!17. Разумем!
8. Поздрав на десно!18. У колону по један!
9. Стројевим кораком!19. Прва врста два корака напред!
10.Маршевским кораком!20. Остав
Tip of the day
There is no residential area on the military installation. Officers live outside the military base. Only drafted personnel live on the military installation.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 1
Exercise 6
Listen to the instructor read a passage about living in the barracks and decide if the statements are true or false.
1. There are less soldiers in the Yugoslav barracks than in the
American barracks.______
2. Each barrack doesn’t have a commander.______
3. There is one guard behind each barrack.______
4. The connection between commanders is maintained ______
through phones and couriers.
5. You don’t need the permission to enter the barrack zone. ______
Tip of the day
For security reasons the maps of the military installations are not available for the public.
An U.S. Army soldier exits an Army Post
Exchange at Steel Castle camp ground near Tuzla,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, on May 23, 1996.
U.S. troops are deployed to Bosnia and
Herzegovina as part of the NATO Implementation
Force (IFOR). The exchange, along with medical,
financial, laundry, dining, and morale facilities
have been erected for use by IFOR soldiers.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 1
Exercise 7
Colonel Steel would like to get more information about the location of certain base facilities. Read the conversation and do the exercise that follows.
S. Реците десетаре, да ли можемо да видимо мапу ваше војне базе?
F. Не можете. Шта вас интересује?
S. Где се налази војничка менза?
F. Војничка менза је иза нас.
S. А официрски ресторан?
F. Он је поред војничке мензе.
S. Где је штаб?
F. Он је иза паркинга са леве стране.
S. Амбуланту имате?
F. Свакако. Она је прекопута штаба.
- Да ли десетар Стил може да добије мапу базе?
- Које зграде интересују десетара Стила?
- Где се налази амбуланта?
- Да ли је војничка менза поред официрског ресторана или амбуланте?
- Шта се налази прекопута амбуланте?
Exercise 8
Students work in pairs. Assume the role of Colonel Steel and ask for the location of the facilities given below. 2nd Lieutenant Filipovic (your partner) will answer them.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 4 Lesson 1
Prepositions in Serbian can be followed by different cases. For that reason, we divide them into the genitive prepositions, the dative prepositions, the accusative prepositions and the instrumental prepositions. Some prepositions, however, could be followed either by the dative or by the accusative case depending on whether they connote the location or motion. Some of those prepositions were already introduced in the previous lessons. Let’s review them.
из(from, out, of) – G. Дошао је из Америке.
Маја излази из собе.
на(on, at) – D. (location) Књиге су на полици.
Лампа је на телевизору.
на (on, onto, to, in) – Acc. (motion) Идем на факултет.
Јелена је ставила лампу на телевизор.
у (in) – D. (location) Марко живи у Београду.
Одећа је у орману.
у(to, into) – Acc. (motion) Идемо у школу рано ујутро.
Војник улази у складиште.
In today’s lesson, the following genitive prepositions were introduced:
иза (behind, from behind) – G.
Амбуланта се налази иза штаба. The clinic is behind the headquarter.
Он долази иза зграде. He is coming from behind the building.
испред(in front of, before) – G.
Ресторан је испред штаба.The restaurant is in front of the headquarter.
Стајао је испред мене.He stood before me.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 4 Lesson 1
Prepositions (continued)
поред (beside, besides) – G.
Паркирали смо ауто поред банке.We parked the car beside the bank.
Поред сина она има и кћерку.Besides a son, she has a daughter too.
после (after) – G.
После школе отишли смо у биоскоп.We went to the cinema after school.
Младен је дошао у Америку после рата.Mladen came to America after the war.
прекопута (opposite, across, across from) – G.
Прекопута школе је пошта.The post is across the school.
Прекопута Јелене седи Милан.Milan is sitting across from Jelena.
преко (across, over) – G.
Летимо преко Италије.We are flying over Italy.
Идемо преко реке.We are going across the river.
с (са)(on, off) – G.
Са леве стране је река а са десне језеро.The river is on the left side but the
lake is on the right side.
Одвезите ауто са пaркинга!Take the car off the parking lot!
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 4 Lesson 1
Exercise 1
Complete the sentences below with the prepositions преко, прекопута, после, поред, иза, испред.
1. ______предавања смо ишли на ручак. (after)
2. Биоскоп се налазио ______болнице и аутобуске станице. (opposite)
3. ______новаца потрошили смо и време. (besides)
4. ______улице се налази наша нова школа. (across)
5. ______ормана смо нашли миша. (behind)
6. Касарна се налази ______улаза. (in front of)
7. Марко стоји ______Милене и Младена. (beside)
8. И ______ручка сам гладан. (besides)
9. Обично идем да спавам ______11 часова. (after)
10.______језера је наша викендица. (across)
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Vocabulary Module 4 Lesson 1
без / withoutбојева муниција / live ammunition
бринути се / to take care of
буђење, а / wake up
већина, е / majority
вратити се (pf.) враћати се (imp.) / to come back
гађање, а / shooting
гимнастика, е / gymnastics, physical training
дисциплина, е / discipline
дозвола, е / permission
зависити / to depend
заповест, и / command
игралиште, а / field, s
иза / behind
испред / in front of, before
јавити се (pf.) јављати се (imp.) / to report, to get in touch
јединица, е / unit
једногласан, а, о / unanimous
јутарњи, а, е / morning
капија, е / gate
налазити се / to be placed; to be located
наоружање, а / arms
неки, а, о / some
онда / then
полигон, и / firing range
поред / beside; besides
после / after
постројавати се (imp.) / to line up
постројити се (pf.) / to line up
преглед, и / inspection, s
прекопута / across
ред, редови / order; row
сваки, а, о / every
сви, све, сва / all
следити / to follow
смештен, а, о / stationed
спремати (impf.) спремити (pf.) / to prepare; to get ready
сређен, а, о / neat
стражар, и / guard
тада / then, afterwards
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Vocabulary Module 4 Lesson 1
тактика, е / tacticsтрупа, е / corps
фискултура, е / physical training, s
чистоћа, е / hygiene
чишћење, а / cleaning
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Culture Notes Module 4 Lesson 1
The Serbian word рутинаis a borrowed word. The word routine originates in French and is found in many European languages, including English. The French word routine is derived from French route, which has the same meaning as in English. (Also, you may know the French word rue - street). The idea of a 'well known route' or a 'well established way of doing things' has been retained in all the languages where this word is used. However, often times borrowed words acquire some specific shade of meaning. While in English routine is defined as "habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure", in Serbian рутинаis "stagnation in business and in the way of life" and also something "very monotonous and boring" which may even cause depression, longing, yearning, or anguish.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 1
You are a member of the US team visiting the military installation in FRY. Your partner is a member of the Yugoslav unit. Find out about his/her daily routine using the samples given below.
YouYour partner
What time do you get up on the weekdays? I get up at 5:30 in the morning.
What do you do until breakfast? We have physical fitness training.
Then we have breakfast.
What is your schedule like after that? We have classes in the morning and
have lunch at 11:30 AM. After lunch, we go to the shooting range. We stay there until 5:00 PM.
What do you usually do after 5 o’clock? Sometimes I just watch TV or
play ping-pong.
Activity 2
Reverse the roles. This time your partner wants to know about your weekend activities.
Your partnerYou
What do you do on weekends?I usually go out on weekends.
Where do you go?I go hiking. Every weekend I go
hiking with friends. And you?
I spend weekends at home. I am married.
I usually play with the children.You never go out?
Sometimes to the movies. I also like to read.What do you read?
Usually crime books.Do you like hiking?
Yes, I like it.Then we can go together.
Yes, why not.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 3
Interview three of your classmates about their daily routineusing the guidance below. Report your findings to the class.
доручкује/не доручкује
једе много/не једе много
ради гимнастику/не ради гимнастику
предавања има од...до...
ручак има у…
слободно време почиње у...
Шта ради у слободно време?
иде на спавање у...
Activity 4
You are in the residential area of the military base but don’t know much about where certain buildings are. Ask your partner. He/she will provide you with the information according to the map below.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 5
Mark is in Belgrade trying to find an apartment. Slavko is helping him. They are currently visiting one of the apartments where Slavko is talking to the landlord. Listen to the instructor read the dialog and answer the questions.
- Does Mark understand the conversation between Slavko and Ms. Simic?
- What language does Mark speak?
- What is the name of the landlord lady?
- Is the apartment big or small?
- How much is the monthly rent?
- What is included in the rent and what isn’t?
- When will the apartment be available?
- Does Mark have the money to pay right now?
Activity 6
Captain Jovan Vasic has been in the Army almost 6 years. He lives outside the military installation in Podgorica. When asked about his living arrangements, this is what he said. Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 6 (continued)
- Military apartments are very close to the military base. ______
2. Captain Vasic lives on the second floor.______
3. His apartment doesn’t have the dining room.______
4. He gets up before 6 AM.______
5. He goes to work by car. ______
6. He reaches the military base at 6:50 AM.______
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 7
You and your partner just moved into a new apartment. Choose the role of the person A or the person B.
- You want to know where certain items should go. Ask your partner using the items given below. Do what he/she says to you by placing the items where they belong on the map.
- Give instructions to your partner using the prepositions: испред, иза, прекопута, поред, са леве стране, са десне стране, у, на.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 8
Study the layout of your apartment from the previous activity. Describe your apartment
in front of the class including all the items and telling where they are placed.
Activity 9
D.J. is a United Nation peacekeeper in Bosnia. Read the excerpt from his daily routine and choose the best answer.
1. D. J. listens to the news
a. aloneb. with his friendsc. after breakfast
2. His platoon goes
a. to the townb. swimmingc. to the village
3. The road is
a. not badb. dangerousc. bumpy
4. Many peacekeepers lost their lives
a. because of minesb. they were carelessc. didn’t obey rules
5. The military doctor treats
a. only soldiersb. local residentsc. both
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 9 (continued)
6. The doctor comes from the main base
a. in case of serious illness b. when he has timec. when he gets a
7. The trip to the village is
a. very relaxingb. exhaustingc. boring
Activity 10
Read the following excerpt from the newspaper written in the Roman alphabet and answer the questions. You will not understand every word. Look for general content.
Jugoslovenski filmski režiser Dimče Stojanovski dobio je glavnu nagradu na 11. međunarodnom festivalu dokumentarnog filma u brazilskom gradu Sao Paolu za autorski rad "Tata gde ćemo da spavamo". Na Festivalu, koji je održan od 17. do 28. avgusta, u zvaničnoj konkurenciji učestvovao je 401 film iz 47 zemalja sa svih kontinenata, među kojima i gotovo svi osvajači medalja na poslednjim najznačajnijim festivalima u Evropi.
- What is the text about?
- What city is mentioned?
- In which country is the city?
- Who won the prize?
- What is his occupation?
- When was the festival held?
- How many countries did take part?
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 1
You will hear 10 sentences in Serbian related to the topic “Daily Routine.” Find their meaning in English by numbering each English sentence in the order in which you hear the Serbian sentence.
А. The clinic is across the post office. ______
B. We get up at 5:30 and have gymnastics until 7. ______
C. I usually spend my weekends in the countryside. ______
D. We live in a three-room apartment.______
E. At the military base, we have a canteen and a restaurant.______
F. Soldier Popovic never goes to town.______
G. The soldiers are free after 5.______
H. The officers live outside the military base.______
I. Every morning, we go to work on a military bus.______
J. There is a guard in front of each barrack.______
Activity 2
The instructor will read what Mirko says about his daily routine in the Army. Decide if the statements are true or false.
1. Mirko is sharing a room with 25 soldiers.______
2. He gets up at 5:30 AM.______
3. He never takes his breakfast.______
4. He cleans the weapon for one hour.______
5. The life in the Army is a routine for Mirko.______
6. Mirko likes sport.______
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 3
Colonel Vasic is trying to find his way around a military installation. Listen to the instructor read his conversation to ask for directions and choose the right answer.
1. The post office is
a. here, on the leftb. there, on the leftc. here, on the right
2. The officer’s club is
a. beside the headquartersb. beside the post officec. behind the post
3. The clinic is
a. behind the canteenb. in front of the canteenc. across the canteen
4. The headquarters is
a. beside the barrackb. behind the barrackc. across the barrack
Activity 4
How does your week in the Army look like? Is it always the same routine? Write down what you do at certain times of the week. Share your information with your classmates.
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 5
After each of you gives a report about your daily routine, try to find answers to the following questions. Compare your findings with the class.
Шта већина студената ради у седам часова?
Колико студената има доручак после седам?
Ко је слободан у 17 часова?
Шта већина студената ради у 10 часова увече?
Activity 6
It is the first day in the military for soldier Petric. Read the text about him and answer the questions below.
1. Када је војник Петрић стигао? ______
2. Где је отишао прво, у складиште или касарну? ______
3. Ко му је помогао? ______
4. Шта је задужио? ______
5. Кога је упознао у касарни? ______
6. Како се презива његов старешина и шта је по чину? ______
Daily Routine Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 4 Lesson 1
Activity 7
Fill in the empty spaces with the words in parenthesis.
1. Наша касарна је иза ______.(штаб)
2. Војни аутобус стаје на његовој ______.(станица)
3. Ми увек чекамо испред ______.(зграда)
4. Поред ______се налази велико брдо.(река)
5. Прекопута ______је велика робна кућа.(биоскоп)
6. Оружје стоји обично испред ______у ______.(улаз/касарна)
7. Војници су дошли из ______.(град)
8. Јавили су се на ______.(капија)
9. Поред ______посетила га је и девојка.(родитељи)
10.Прекопута ______се налази универзитет. (улица)
Activity 8
The class should be divided into two groups. One of the members from the first group should give a military command in Serbian (exercise 5-introduction) to any member from the second group. The chosen student should do what the command says. If he/she understands the command and does what he/she is supposed to do then the second group gets its turn. The instructor will count the points.