
Individual Drill Rubric

Drill Movement / 20 / 10 / 0 / Points
Position of Attention / heels together
legs straight
Body erect
Arms straight down
Thumbs along seams of trousers/skirt
Hands cupped
Head erect and straight to the front
Move on Command of Execution / 1 error noted / 2 or more errors noted
Rest Positions
Parade Rest
/ Move left foot
heels 12 “ apart
arms fully extended-back of body,
fingers facing down
right hand in palm of left
head & eyes straight ahead
Silent & immobile
Move on Command of Execution / 1 error noted / 2 or more errors noted
Rest Positions
(physical & verbally grade)
At Ease / stand relaxed
right foot in place
Move on Command of Execution / Any errors noted
Rest Positions
(physical & verbally grade)
Rest / stand relaxed
right foot in place
moderate speech
Move on Command of Execution / Any errors noted
Rest Positions
(physical & verbally grade)
Fall Out / relax standing OR
break ranks
remain in immediate area
Move on Command of Execution / Any errors noted
Right (Left) Face / pivot points: ball of foot & opposite heel
Pivot 90 degrees
Trailing Leg Straight
Upper portion of body remain @ position of attention
Heels together & form 45 degree angle
Move on Command of Execution / 1 error noted / 2 or more errors noted
Drill Movement / 10 / 5 / 0
Half Right (Left) Face / pivot points: ball of foot & opposite heel
Pivot 45 degrees
Trailing Leg Straight
Upper portion of body remain @ position of attention
Heels together & form 45 degree angle
Move on Command of Execution / 1 error noted / 2 or more errors noted
About Face / pivot points: ball of Right foot and heel of left foot
Place ball of right foot slightly to the left of the heel & ½ shoe back
Weight on ball of right and heel of left
Both legs straight
Pivot 180 degrees
Upper portion of body remain @ position of attention
Heels together & form 45 degree angle
Move on Command of Execution / 1 error noted / 2 or more errors noted
Present Arms / Order Arms / Raise right hand smartly
Extend & join fingers around waistline (thumb along forefingers)
Form a straight line between fingertips & elbows.
Upper arm is horizontal & parallel to the ground
Tip of middle finger touches corner of headdress, eyeglasses or right eyebrow.
Palm flat & tilted slightly toward the face
Move on Command of Execution / 1 error noted / 2 or more errors noted
Eyes Right (Left) / All persons except those on the right (left) flank turn their heads & eyes smartly 45 degrees
Return their heads & eyes to the front on the command Ready, FRONT
Perform movement at a halt or while marching
Move on Command of Execution / 1 error noted / 2 or more errors noted


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