Test Review

Energy and Green Design

-Atmosphere Functions Note

  • What is the Goldilocks principle?
  • Outline 3 main functions of the atmosphere.

-Global Warming – Background Information (Life In A Green House, Diagrams, Powerpoint Notes and Six Degrees Movie)

  • Why is the greenhouse effect important to human survival?
  • What happens when too many GHG’s enter Earth’s atmosphere?
  • List the main GHG’s
  • List the major sources of natural and extra production of CO2.
  • Define a carbon sink and carbon source. Provide examples.
  • What is carbon fixation? How is fixed carbon being released today?
  • Why can climate change mostly be blamed on the developed world?
  • Why are countries like China and India a worry?
  • What is the albedo effect?
  • What is positive feedback? Provide two examples of this in relation to climate change.
  • What is negative feedback?
  • Outline some major impacts on the physical and human world as a result of climate change.


-Energy sources chart

  • What are the major forms of non-renewable energy?
  • What is the problem with non-renewable energy sources?
  • What two types of energy does the sun provide? When is this energy available?
  • What is biomass energy? Provide some examples.
  • How does biomass generate energy?
  • What is hydropower? What are some problems associated with this form of electricity?
  • What is geothermal power? Provide some examples of geothermal energy.
  • Explain the basic concept of ground source heat pumps.
  • Which country is most notable for their use of geothermal power?

Modern Marvels – Renewable Energy Video Worksheet

  • Solar

-Outline some ways in which solar power can be used in industrial buildings and homes.

-Explain some ancient design principles based on solar energy.

  • Wind

-What is the challenge of wind power and how can this be overcome?

-What is a wind farm?

-Why might our oceans be great sites for future wind farms?

  • Biomass

-What is a biofuel? Why are they better than fossil fuels?

-Provide some examples of naturally occurringproducts that could be used as biofuels.

  • Tidal

-What is the issue with hydropower?

-Provide some examples of how oceans could be used as sources of energy.

-What is the benefit of using waves as a future source of energy?

Cabon Footprint

  • What is a carbon footprint?
  • Explain the difference between a primary and secondary carbon footprint. (Provide examples of each)
  • What is embodied energy?
  • Why is Canada’s carbon footprint so high in comparison to most other countries in the world?

- Reducing the Carbon Footprint (graphic note/powerpoint)

  • What personal choices (home and transportation) could you make to help reduce your carbon footprint? List 7-8 ideas.

Green Design Principles (notes/video sheet/trip to city hall)

  • What are the four components of a green building matrix?
  • What is xeriscaping?
  • Provide examples of sustainable design components for each of the components of the green building matrix.
  • What does LEED stand for? What are the four levels of certification of a LEED building?
  • Explain the idea of rammed earth technology and straw bale homes? What are the benefits of using these traditional methods of house design?
  • What does retrofitting mean?
  • What is a green roof?
  • Outline the differences between an extensive and intensive green roof.
  • List 5-6 main benefits of green roofs?

Test Format


-Terminology Match up

-Fill in the blank/listing

-Short Answer